Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "modified test of phillips-perron"
2007 Dec 08
time series tests
Hi all,
Can anyone clear my doubts about what conclusions to take with the following what puts of some time series tests:
> adf.test(melbmax)
Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
data: melbmax
Dickey-Fuller = -5.4075, Lag order = 15, p-value = 0.01
alternative hypothesis: stationary
Warning message:
p-value smaller than printed p-value in: adf.test(melbmax)
2012 Feb 26
strucchange breakpoints (Bai and Perron, 1998, 2003)
If I try the breakpoints() function (strucchange package) with a minimum
segment size = the number of regressors, there appears the following error
"minimum segment size must be greater than the number of regressors"
According to the documentation:
"breakpoints implements the algorithm described in Bai & Perron (2003) for
simultaneous estimation of multiple
2006 Jul 06
KPSS test
Am I interpreting the results properly? Are my conclusions correct?
> KPSS.test(df)
---- ----
KPSS test
---- ----
Null hypotheses: Level stationarity and stationarity around a linear trend.
Alternative hypothesis: Unit root.
Statistic for the null hypothesis of
level stationarity: 1.089
Critical values:
0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01
0.347 0.463
2007 Oct 11
rearrange data columns
Dear R users,
I need to to the the following. Let a= 1 2 3
4 5 6
and b= -1 -2 -3 be (2x3) matrices.
-4 -5 -6
I need to combine the two matrices into a new (2x6) matrix like this:
ab = ( 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 )
4 -4 5 -5 6 -6
How can this be done in R?
?????? ???
2007 Oct 24
Different results in the unit root test. Why?
I had tired a 1000-data generated by random error(i.i.d.), then I sub it
into different unit root tests. I got different results among the tests. The
following are the test statistics I got:
adf.test @ tseries ~ -10.2214 (lag = 9)
ur.df @ urca ~ -21.8978
ur.sp @ urca ~ -27.68
pp.test @ tseries ~ -972.3343 (truncation lag =7)
ur.pp @ urca ~ -973.2409
ur.kpss @ urca ~ 0.1867
kpss.test @
2007 Mar 28
code-metrics for ruby (on rails)
I''m searching for code analysing tools for Ruby (on Rails). I know
some tools for Java and DotNet but I can''t seem to find much for Ruby.
Things I''m interested in are metrics like coupling (fan-in, fan-out),
complexity (McCabe), inheritance nesting levels etc.
The only tools I found so far are saikuro(only mccabe) and kwala
(seems like a frontend for saikuro)
If you
2001 Jan 24
CuSum & V-Mask
Good Afternoon,
I am currently writing a program to perform a cusum with v-mask and since I
am experiencing a few problems, was wondering if there is something similar
in existance?
Many thanks in advance,
Gavin McCabe
Gavin McCabe
University of Strathclyde
Department of Statistics & Modelling Science
Livingstone Tower (Rm. L7.47)
26 Richmond Street
G1 1XH
Tel.: +44
2004 Oct 13
incomplete function output
Dear R users,
I have a function (below) which encompasses several tests.
However, when I run it, only the output of the last test is
displayed. How can I ensure that the function root(var)
will run and display the output from all tests, and not
just the last one?
Thank you,
root <- function(var)
PP.test(var, lshort = TRUE)
PP.test(var, lshort = FALSE)
2007 Oct 13
a question on impulse responses
Dear R users,
I am using the vars package to calculate the impulse response functions and the forecast error variance decomposition of a VAR model. Unfortunately I do not know whether these functions assume unit or one standard deviation shocks. I tried to look into the code of these functions, but in vain: neither irf, nor vars::irf, nor vars:::irf output the code of the functions. Does someone
2007 Oct 12
calculate impulse responses
Dear R users,
I need perform structural analysis on a no intercept VAR model. Unfortunately the functions irf.VAR and dfev that come with the MSBVAR package only work with objects output by the reduced.form.var function, which seems to only evaluate VAR models with intercept. Is there a way to suppress the estimation of intercept term in reduced.form.var? Do I need to modify the code, and if I
2006 Jul 06
Access values in kpssstat-class
How can I access the Values stored in kpssstat-class given by KPSS.test function and store it in a variable.
For example:
>x <- rnorm(1000)
>test <- KPSS.test(ts(x))
---- ----
KPSS test
---- ----
Null hypotheses: Level stationarity and stationarity around a linear trend.
Alternative hypothesis: Unit root.
Statistic for the null
2004 Mar 26
Package update: 'urca' version 0.3-3
Dear R-list member,
an update of package 'urca' has been uploaded to CRAN (Mirror: Austria).
In the updated release unit root and cointegration tests encountered in
applied econometric analysis are implemented. The package is written in
'pure' R and utilises S4 classes.
In particular, the Johansen procedure with likelihood ratio tests for the
inclusion of a linear trend,
2006 Aug 16
Master privileges unavailable on UPS, no access :(
After I type "upsmon", in syslog the following message appears:
Aug 16 14:11:09 marto upsmon[7731]: Master privileges unavailable on UPS [Inform@localhost]
Aug 16 14:11:09 marto upsmon[7731]: Reason: Access denied
Can you tell me where my error is, my configuration files are:
driver = powercom
port = /dev/ttyS0
desc = "inform guard"
linevoltage = 220
2019 May 27
opus-1.3.1 patch for ARM Cortex-M4F (single precision)
The patch prevents KEIL MDK compile warnings, like:
warning: #1035-d: single-precision operand implicitly converted to
Actually ARM Cortex-M4F has only a *single precision* (float) FPU.
It's suit for all platforms.
See the comment at the begin of patch file.
Forrest Zhang
-------------- next part --------------
Specify the floating point constant with single
2011 Jun 29
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Dear nut users,
I am running nut-2.6.0 on Slackware-Linux-13.37.0 with kernel
I am trying to get the software work for a repotec UPS with model name: RPT-1003AU. The UPS communicates with the computer via USB. I know that the model is not officially supported but I want to try out whether it will work with some of the repotec drivers. Here is the result with the genericups upstype=13
2009 May 24
A question on type="h" plot lines
Dear R users,
I need a produce a plot with a single panel and a few lines on it. Each line represents a different data set. The line types must be "h", i.e. ?histogram? like (or ?high-density?) vertical lines. The problem is that the vertical lines comprising a plot line of type="h" are drawn from the y=0 line to the (x, y) locations. What I need is vertical lines drawn from
2006 Aug 17
powercom UPS shoutdown discussion
Thank you for your response.
The point is that I have configured my system to shut down at the event "upsc Inform@localhost ups.status"!="OL", not at "LB". So there will be no /etc/killpower file created. At an ups.status != "OL" event, the following script named "notifyme" is run:
echo `date` >> /root/upsLog
echo " No power, shutting
2008 May 06
Almost working Phillips Prontoedit NG
I've been trying to get Phillips ProntoEdit NG working with wine. This is the last windows app that I need to get working in order to not have to boot into windows. This app is free to download:
2012 Jul 12
trellis margin sizes in absolute units
Dear R users,
I have a lot of experience with traditional R graphics, but I decided to turn to trellis as
it was recommended for spatial graphs by the sp package. In traditional R graphics
I always first set the size of the device region absolute units (e.g. mm) and then I
firmly fix the inner margins with mai and the outer margins with oma also in absolute units.
What is left from the device
2005 Mar 09
about kpss.test()
Hi All,
First of all, could you tell me what the "KPSS Level"
in the output of the test means?
I have a series, x, of periodic data and tried
kpss.test() on it to verify its stationarity. The
gave me the p-value above 0.1. Since the null
hypothesis N0 is that the series _is_ stationary, this
means that I cannot reject N0. But the series does
So does all this