similar to: Difficulty with formatting scatter.smooth output

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "Difficulty with formatting scatter.smooth output"

2007 Apr 27
Scatter Plot in R - Help
Dear All, I am using the following commands to do the scatter plot of two vectors, say X and Y. plot(X,Y, col="blue") abline(a=1,b=1, col="red") abline(a=-1,b=1, col="green") I would like to split the scatter plot into 3 part with 3 different colors: (i) points lies between 2 lines, (ii) points above line 1, and (iii) points below line 2. I am struggling to do
2008 Aug 15
Opening a web browser from R?
Hi, I was wondering if there's a way in R to open a web browser (such as Internet Explorer, or Firefox or whatever). I'm doing some analyses that have associated urls, and it would be nice to have the ability to directly open the relevant page from within R. I was looking at the help for 'url' and I can see I can probably access the information I need and display it in my
2007 Apr 26
Tinn-R editor question: saving syntax colour options.
Hi, after reading about it in the forum, I tried the Tinn-R editor (in WinXP) running R 2.5.0... nice one! However, I am trying to change the syntax-colouring from the default to my own preferences... and I can do that, but my options don't appear to be saved and get lost when I close Tinn-R. I've searched help menus, and google... and I can't find how to make sure my
2008 Sep 23
read.table & readLines behaviour?
Hi, I have been using 'read.table' regularly to read tab-delimited text files with data. No problem, until now. Now I have a file that appeared to have read fine, and the data inside looks correct (structure etc), except I only had 15000+ rows out of the expected 24000. Using 'readLines' instead, and breaking up the data by tabs, gives me the expected result. I do not
2009 Nov 03
how to display a string containing greek chrs and variables
I'm trying something that I thought would be pretty simple, but it's proving quite frustrating... I want to display, for instance, the correlation coefficient "rho" in a graph. I can do something like: text(x, y, paste("rho =", cor)) where cor would be my previously calculated correlation coefficient, and x and y the coordinates. Obviously that displays
2009 Sep 03
Calling R from a Perl script: much slower?
Hello list, I use R for microarray analysis. One procedure I use takes a large matrix, and loops through it looking for specific rows, does an operation with them, and outputs a result (single row) as a row of another matrix. The loop goes on about 25000 times. When I run the loop directly from the R console itself, it takes about 3 minutes in my computer. I'm ok with that. Now,
2007 May 25
3D plots with data.frame
Dear all, Thank you for any help. I have a data.frame and would like to plot it in 3D. I have tried wireframe() and cloud(), I got scatterplot3d(xs) Error: could not find function "scatterplot3d" > wireframe(xs) Error in wireframe(xs) : no applicable method for "wireframe" > persp(x=x, y=y, z=xs) Error in persp.default(x = x, y = y, z = xs) : (list)
2007 Apr 24
negative number to positive number
Hello all, I know this is a pretty easy question but I can't find it in S poetry or R help. How can I make a negative number positive. Such as -5 to be +5 I tried +(-5), but that didn't work. So no, I don't mean taking a -5^2 just to get a positive number. This is in a function so it's not just -5 it's x. :) Thanks, Paul -- Research Technician Mass Spectrometry o The
2007 Jul 18
hist() Frequancy values
I have seen that the hist() function plots an histogram of the frequency but I cannot find the value of the object hist that contains theese values... how is possible to get out them? thank you very mutch best regards Manuele -- Manuele Pesenti manuele a amicogodzilla a
2007 May 14
Left/right hand side characters
Hello all Is there a way reducing the number of characters in a list so that just the left n numbers of characters is given? For example, If I have a list, listnames, which consists of 4 strings of 6 characters; >listnames [1] "item12" "item34" "item56" "item78" Is there a way to reduce this so only the 5 characters on the lefthand side are
2011 Sep 30
ggplot2 - extracting values of smooth
Suppose that I'm working on Hadley's diamond dataset and I want to review the relationship between price, colour and carat. I might run the following: library(ggplot2) #plot scatter and add some hex binning q<-qplot(carat,price,data=diamonds, geom=c("hex"), main="Variability of Diamond Prices by Carat and Colour") #facet to get one scatter for
2007 Jun 02
Re : I need some help please!
To whom it may concern, I want to plot two or more graphics in the same window by the means of the "plot" command. To do that, I have tried the "add=TRUE" option, but this last one does not work! Do you have an hint for me please? Thank you very much for your attention. Bernard Colin Departement of Mathematics Faculty of Sciences Sherbrooke University Sherbrooke (Quebec)
2008 Feb 25
r44608 fails make check-all in scatter.smooth example
Dear List, Having had my appetite sufficiently whetted by Prof. Ripley's email about the new graphics capabilities in Unixes, I wanted to try them out. I updated to svn r44608, configured with the following options: R is now configured for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Source directory: .. Installation directory: /usr/local C compiler: gcc -O3 -g -std=gnu99
2003 Jul 01
Warning message in scatter.smooth (modreg)
Dear list, In using the scatter.smooth() function (modreg) on a small data set (100 obs) the following error was produced: > scatter.smooth(Na, S) Warning message: k-d tree limited by memory. ncmax= 200 I haven't used scatter.smooth much but when I have, I haven't seen this message before. gc() returns > gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) Ncells 417693 11.2 667722
2005 Feb 10
rewrite of scatter.smooth to handle NAs
I rewrote scatter.smooth to handle missing values, but I have a question about a move I had to make. Here's the code: Mscatter.smooth<-function (x, y, span = 2/3, degree = 1, family = c("symmetric", "gaussian"), xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ylim = range(y, prediction$y), evaluation = 50, ...) { if (inherits(x,
2007 May 22
Legend outside plotting area
Hi, I have been trying many of the suggested options to place a legend outside plotting area, including something like this: par(xpd=T, oma=par()$oma+c(4.5,0,1.5,0),mar=par()$mar+c(1,0,1,0) But the aspect of the four plots gets compromised when I change the margin settings. I cannot use mtext because I need to use colors for the text. I tried layout, but wouldn't let me include
2010 Aug 03
how to read/save .zip compressed files from R?
Dear list, is there a way to open a .zip folder so that one can extract and modify files inside and then save teh .zip folder again? thanks! Jose -- Dr. Jose I. de las Heras Email: J.delasHeras at The Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology Phone: +44 (0)131 6507095 Institute for Cell & Molecular Biology Fax: +44 (0)131 6507360 Swann Building,
2007 Jul 18
Subsetting Enigma: More rows after dataframe[-list,]?
Hello again, I'm trying to purge the indexes in i.delete from frame and end up with more rows!? Please be so kind and let me know where I screw this up ... Joh > i.delete [1] 40 45 165 212 253 270 280 287 301 352 421 433 463 467 487 [16] 517 537 542 573 594 596 612 614 621 635 650 696 699 707 732 [31] 738 776 826 891 892 936 937 935 940 976
2008 Dec 21
Trouble with 'smooth' using xyplot in lattice
Hello, I am fairly new to R am stumped on how to get the xyplot function in the lattice package to produce a scatter plot of count data versus time, such that the count data represent 8 different groups, and the plot produced has 8 unique "smoothed" lines for the different groups. This is the closest I can get to the desired plot: xyplot(masmean ~ mas, data = Pre96CR.masmeans, groups
2003 Sep 04
scatter.smooth error
Hello When I run scatter.smooth(jitter(weight), jitter(height2), span = .25, evaluation = 50, pch = '.') I get the type of graph I thought I would get, but also a warning..... k-d tree limited by memory. ncmax= 528 I always get concerned when there are warnings I don't understand. What's a k-d tree? Is this something to be concerned about? Thanks Peter Peter L. Flom,