Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "graphs superimposed on pictures?"
2010 Nov 30
xyplot : superimposed 2 groups in different panels
I would like to plot the following xyplot : for each date of fff (1 date per
panel), bbb=f(aaa) for the two groups (ddd=1 and ddd=2) superimposed.
I can do it by group (see below) but not together.
I looked at http://lmdvr.r-forge.r-project.org/figures/figures.html but I
haven't found what I was looking for (to be honest, I haven't understood all
the examples).
Any help will be
2011 Apr 16
superimpose graphs
Hi there,
I have a data frame DF of over 600 people's short term trade data in time
order. Below is the simplified structure of the data.
id invest payout
[1] 1 10 -1
[2] 1 33 33
[3] 1 20 -5
[4] 2 200 33
[5] 2 33 -20
[6] 3 5 -5
[7] 3 5
2007 May 06
Traffic Shaping
Dear List,
I am wanting to perform some traffic shaping as the subject of this email
What I am wanting to do is this; I would like to have traffic shaping
performed on the following protocols: HTTP, RDP, GRE, PPTP, SIP and IAX.
Obviously I would like to have highest priority set for voice packets so
much so that the general http traffic does not impede on the voice packets.
2010 Aug 13
Lattice: Superimposing histograms with different colors and transparency effects
Dear users,
I would like to plot several histograms superimposed on the same panel
with different colors, with superimposed polygons appearing with
transparency effects. I also want estimated densities to appear on the
same plot. For several reasons, including that I like it, I want to use
the lattice package.
I have several questions regarding the use of the 'histogram' function
with a
2006 Dec 13
ipp2p Problem
can anybody interpret what the following means:
[root@funke ipp2p-0.8.0]# iptables -t mangle -A MarkList0x666-ipp2p -p
tcp -m ipp2p --edk -j MarkSet0x666
iptables: Unknown error 4294967295
I have installed ipp2p-0.8.0 via:
copied ipt_ipp2p.ko to my kernel lib dir
copied libipt_ipp2p.so to my iptables lib dir
insmod ipt_ipp2p gives the following in dmesg:
IPP2P v0.8.0
2008 Jul 10
Interpretation of EXACT Statistical Test in finding the probability as Std. Deviations (SumP)
Okay, so I'm fairly retarded, and asked a question about finding the T-Value
in the Fisher Exact method. I suppose what I'm truly after can best be
explained by the Biddle Consulting site that has a program setup to deal
with this kind of thing. Unfortunately, it is not currently functioning,
and has not been for some time. As a result, I'm trying to figure out how
to do this on my
2007 Aug 26
Dead Gateway Detection & BGP
Greetings to all,
To start I’ll firstly lay down the foundation to what I have done so far and
if those of you on the list can provide further insight, tips, links etc.
This scenario consists of 2 firewalls (both running Debian “etch”), 2 Cisco
routers (unsure of model numbers) connected together like so in the diagram
| Uplink Provider |
2011 Jul 04
superimposing different plot types in lattice panel.superpose
I would like to plot 3 best-fit models in a single panel of a lattice plot,
superimposed on 3 corresponding datasets in the same panel. My goal is to
show the models as lines of 3 different colors, and the data as points whose
colors correspond to the model colors. In essence, I have two levels of
grouping: 1) model vs. data, and 2) model number. Since there is only one
?groups? variable, I
2012 Oct 19
Using Hiera with Parameters set for the Puppet Node
Is it possible to have Hiera look at a key set for the node first, before
looking at other items in the hierarchy?
In particular - I''m using Puppet Dashboard and am setting keys & params for
there, so I would like for any value set there for a node to be used over
another item in the hiera hierachy. What value would I have to specify in
the hierarchy for this, if it is possible?
2009 Mar 08
R Style Guides?
I am looking for "style guides" for larger R programs,
and would like suggestions of web pages or documents to look at.
I am particularly interested in guidelines for how to structure programs,
and such issues as managing scope, passing data around, data hiding,
and so forth.
I do have some understanding of how scope works, and how
object-oriented programming does or might work.
2009 Jul 28
reading jpeg images?
Can someone advise me what the most sensible way is to read jpeg images?
For our work with image analysis and eye-tracking we have been using the
rimage package, on both Macs and Windows PCs. But while setting up a new
Windows machine yesterday, I see that rimage is regarded as orphaned, and no
Windows binary is available. I eventually found an old zip file for the
package, so I
2007 Jan 12
Making TIFF images with rtiff
Many medical journals and publishers require that images, whether
photographs or line art, be submitted as high resolution .TIFF images.
One option for R users is to produce an image in one format and to
convert it to a .TIFF file using a second software program. My
experience has been that this option often results in images of poorer
quality, often with blurry contours, and a loss of
2008 Nov 14
Superimposing y-variables in Lattice formulas
Given a data frame of a categorical variable and two continuous
variables, I would like to display one continuous variable against the
other for each value of the categorical variable, all superimposed on
the same plot. For example:
data(Indometh); str(Indometh)
Classes 'nfnGroupedData', 'nfGroupedData', 'groupedData' and
'data.frame': 66 obs. of 3
2011 Nov 01
Superimpose xversus y plot on a histogram of x
I need a plot with a histogram z and a plot of z versus y superimposed.
This is not working...
z = rnorm(1000)
y = rnorm(1000,1,2)
dx = plot(z, y, lwd = 1)
lines(dx, add=TRUE)
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 28
Polynomial Fitting
Hello All,
This might seem elementary to everyone, but please bear with me. I've
just spent some time fitting poly functions to time series data in R
using lm() and predict(). I want to analyze the functions once I've
fit them to the various data I'm studying. However, after pulling the
first function into Octave (just by plotting the polynomial function
using fplot() over
2006 Mar 28
trellis graph question
R2.2, WinXP:
I am using xyplot( ) to generate time plots of plasma concentration data.
The following is an edited version of my code:
xyplot(log.conc ~ time| group, data = foo,
groups = subject,
panel = function(x, y, panel.number, ...)
panel.superpose(x, y,
subscripts = TRUE,
groups = foo$group,
type = 'l', col
2012 Oct 18
#asset_url helper method
Just putting this out there before I make a pull request.
Is there any interest in an asset_url method as a view helper?
It would work by using the config.action_controller.asset_host if it exists
and prepending this to the results of asset_path.
I have found this necessary when writing html emails and needing a full url
path for assets. Since my CDN in the asset_host mirrors my assets in my
2008 Sep 15
How to draw a plot like this?
Hi there,
I hope to draw a plot like this:
is it possible to draw it using R?
thanks for any suggestions.
2005 Sep 28
Plot Data Points in boxplots
I would like to plot my data in a fashion similar to a boxplot, but
plot the true data points without a box, just overlay lines of the
summary generated by the boxplot. I have less than 10 observations
within each group, so I think showing the actual data would be more
effective than the box of the boxplot. I have been unable to find a way
to do this.
Here is example data:
2008 Apr 26
resolution (dpi) problem
I am using R 2.4.1 with Windows XP.
I use the plot command in a fairly simple script and I use the right mouse
click on the plot and save as a postscript file. I used the resultant file
in a paper which was submitted electronically. However, I get the following
response from the journal:
Your manuscript has been unsubmitted because you failed to meet the
submission guidelines as indicated