Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Kmeans cluster analysis"
2003 Aug 28
R-help: beginner question
I am a beginner user of R. I have a trivial question ? I am almost
ashamed I cannot figure it out does not matter how many times I
am reading the help.
I have a table in .txt format, tab delimited. I can read it with
?read.delim()? with no problems.
Afterwards I would like to use boxplot function to see if there
are any outliers in the column 5 of my data called TPAH16.ppm
In the
2003 Sep 21
Z aware interpolation
Hello again,
There is any package which does Z aware (real 3D) interpolations?
It can be any method (IDW, kriging or spline) but it should take into
consideration not only x and y coordinates for interpolation, but
also z coordinate. I looked into different packages but it seems i
didn't find the right one.
The ultimate goal is to import the output into a GIS (Geographical
2004 Aug 09
Memory failure!!!!
I am trying to increase the memory R can use. I am running R
under Windows on a machine with 2 GB of physical RAM and 4GB
of paged memory.
I wrote in the R property windows --sdi --max-mem-size=4094M,
but the R itself when it is doing a bayesian modelling (geoR) it
stops at 1,096K and i get memory errors because it cannot
allocate a new segment of about 500K of memory.
I don't have
2003 Aug 28
R-help: beginner question - Thank you! OUTLIERS
Thank you so much for all your rapid answers. I am impressed.
What i didn't know was that i have to assign my data to an object
to work further on. It was not clear from the help (at least for me)
that 'data()' itself is calling data already in R packages. All of you
make that clear.
Now, if you can suggest any good package to use for identifying
outliers it will be great
2004 Jun 23
Automatic routine - help
I would like to write a little automatic routine in R, but i am a too
much of a beginner for that. I will appreciate any help regarding this
particular problem.
Let?s suppose I have a data.frame with j columns (from 1 to n) and i
rows (from 1 to p). I would like to write a procedure which reads
every column j (j from 1 to n) and compare each value with the
interval [0,1]. If z(i,j) is
2003 Sep 03
plot only partial plots
Hi everybody,
I would like to plot only a part of a data frame, and identify the
IDs for all the points with values higher than a certain value. I
will try to be more explicit:
I did a qqnorm plot of my data. It is obvious from the plot that
all the sample quantiles which are in Theoretical Quantiles = or >
than 1 belong to another group. To be sure about that I plot the
2004 Mar 24
colors, lines, characters .... documentation
Very so often when i am plotting something, doing a histogram, or
whatever i am struggling to find out which are the numbers for
different colors, palette names, types of lines, symbols, etc. Is
there any documentation on line with all these numbers / names
and the associated symbol / color???
For example if i am using the command image it uses a palette
from red to yellow, with red the
2003 Nov 17
cumulative distribution functions
hi y'all,
I am wondering if there is any special command, function,
package, etc to help me doing a cumulative distribution function,
with y-scale - probability scale.
I tried the help in R and i got the following answers:
cumsum(base) Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
ecdf(stepfun) Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
cpgram(ts) Plot
2004 Mar 05
selecting certain rows from a data.frame
First of all - thank you for the answers regarding shared library. If i
am attempting to translate the library from Linux to Windows - i
think i will need some heavy baby-sitting ;-))) It is way out of my
league - for now.
Meanwhile i have this new question: suppose i have a data.frame
with x and y columns and 10 rows, 1 to 10. I also have a variable m
(or an array if you like) with 5
2004 Jun 23
Automatic routine - NEW
Hi Again,
First of all thank you for all the responses to my previous query.
Your answers were very helpful and I did the job ;-). Now I hope you
can answer as quick the following (sorry I am invading you with
trivial questions):
Let?s use again the following data.frame example:
DF <- data.frame(x=rnorm(5), y=rnorm(5))
I want to obtain a new data.frame (or matrix) that contains only n
2003 Sep 21
aov and data behind plots
Hi y'all,
First of all many thanks to Christian, Petr and Spencer for their
replies. Your answers helped me to learn few more triks since then
Now i have a question relating "aov". When i use aov i end up with
4 plots. How do i "see" the data behind those plots? I know about
summary - but this gives me only some statistical info. Also, if i
want to identify which
2007 Jul 04
Kmeans performance difference
Hi All,
A question from a newbie using R 2-5-0 on windows XP. Why is it that
kmeans clustering with apparently the exact same parameters behaves so
differently between the two following examples :
> cl1 <- kmeans(subset(pointsUXO15555, select = c(2:4)), 10)
Takes about 2 seconds to deliver a result
> cl1 <- clust(subset(pointsUXO15555, select = c(2:4)), k=10,
2006 Jul 09
distance in kmeans algorithm?
Is it possible to choose the distance in the kmeans algorithm?
I have m vectors of n components and I want to cluster them using kmeans
algorithm but I want to use the Mahalanobis distance or another distance.
How can I do it in R?
If I use kmeans, I have no option to choose the distance.
Thanks in advance,
2007 Feb 05
strange error in "robust" package
Hi everybody,
I am using quite frequently the "robust" package and until now i never had
any problems. Actually last time i used it was last Friday very
Anyway, today anytime i want to use the function "fit.models" i get the
following error even if i use the example form the help file:
woodmod.fm <- fit.models(list(Robust =
2011 Apr 06
Help in kmeans
Hi All,
I was using the following command for performing kmeans for Iris dataset.
This was giving proper results for me. But, in my application we generate
the R commands dynamically and there was a requirement that the column names
will be sent instead of column indices to the R commands.Hence, to
incorporate this, i tried using the R
2012 Feb 27
kmeans: how to retrieve clusters
I'd like to classify data with kmeans algorithm. In my case, I should get 2
clusters in output. Here is my data
colCandInd colCandMed
1 82 2950.5
2 83 1831.5
3 1192 2899.0
4 1193 2103.5
The first cluster is the two first lines
the 2nd cluster is the two last lines
Here is the code:
x = colCandList$colCandInd
y = colCandList$colCandMed
m = matrix(c(x, y),
2003 Jun 05
kmeans (again)
Regarding a previous question concerning the kmeans function I've tried the
same example and I also get a strange result (at least according to what is
said in the help of the function kmeans). Apparently, the function is
disregarding the initial cluster centers one gives it. According to the help
of the function:
centers: Either the number of clusters or a set of initial cluster
2006 Apr 07
cclust causes R to crash when using manhattan kmeans
Dear R users,
When I run the following code, R crashes:
x <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1.5,1,-1), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
cclust(x, centers=x[2:3,], dist="manhattan", method="kmeans")
While this works:
cclust(x, centers=x[2:3,], dist="euclidean", method="kmeans")
I'm posting this here because I am not sure if it is a bug.
I've been searching
2006 Aug 07
kmeans and incom,plete distance matrix concern
Hi there
I have been using R to perform kmeans on a dataset. The data is fed in using read.table and then a matrix (x) is created
mat <- matrix(0, nlevels(DF$V1), nlevels(DF$V2),
dimnames = list(levels(DF$V1), levels(DF$V2)))
mat[cbind(DF$V1, DF$V2)] <- DF$V3
This matrix is then taken and a distance matrix (y) created using dist() before performing the kmeans clustering.
My query
2003 Apr 14
kmeans clustering
I am using kmeans to cluster a dataset.
I test this example:
> data<-matrix(scan("data100.txt"),100,37,byrow=T)
(my dataset is 100 rows and 37 columns--clustering rows)
> c1<-kmeans(data,3,20)
> c1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3
[38] 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3