Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "&500 and above ignored"
2005 Jul 11
R on kubuntu
Hello all,
I am planning to redeploy my workstation under KUBUNTU.
Does any body has any r experience installing/using r on this platform?
Best regards.
Constant Depi??reux
Managing Director
Applied QUality Technologies Europe sprl
Rue des D??port??s 123, B-4800 Verviers
(Tel) +32 87 292175 - (Fax) +32 87 292171 - (Mobile) +32 475 555 818
(Web) http://www.aqte.be - (Courriel)
2005 Jul 11
R on kubuntu
Hello all,
I am planning to redeploy my workstation under KUBUNTU.
Does any body has any r experience installing/using r on this platform?
Best regards.
Constant Depi??reux
Managing Director
Applied QUality Technologies Europe sprl
Rue des D??port??s 123, B-4800 Verviers
(Tel) +32 87 292175 - (Fax) +32 87 292171 - (Mobile) +32 475 555 818
(Web) http://www.aqte.be - (Courriel)
2005 Mar 12
Dear All,
As some of you in the archive, i am experiencing problems in using
RODBC with IODBC on Mac OS X Panther.
I am currrently facing two problems.
The first one is apparently linked with IODBC (according to returned R
error message) although testing the database access from IODBC manager
seems to work fine.
The second is by far more radical, R purely and simply reports an error
2005 Mar 12
New user of R on Mac OS X - Please help
Brand new Mac OS X user, I am transfering my R stuffs from my windows
When porting some of my functions, I got messages such as :
2005-03-12 15:37:52.456 R[673] *** NSTimer discarding exception
'NSRangeException' (reason '*** NSRunStorage, _NSBlockNumberForIndex():
index (3607) beyond array bounds (2000)') that raised during firing of
timer with target 3ba850 and
2004 Nov 22
Brand new user of R that I want to interface with Windew
(http://www.pcsoft.fr), I am looking for a detailed documentation of
Does anybody know where I can find it, or do you have any form of experience
of the use of R with Windev?
Thanks for your help.
PS : As I am new to the group, people interested in some details about the
requestor could find his resume at address
2005 Mar 17
RODBC and portability issue
New user of R I did experience some trouble using R and ODBC on Windows
XP, MS Access and PostgreSQL.
While querying a database is relatively simple, the use of sqlSave is a
bit more tricky.
After a large series of trial, I finally succeeded to get it work
provided :
1. I leave the application create the table by itself. Once created,
reusing it is simple and reliable, although you
2005 Mar 15
Fwd: RODBC, sqlSave and sqlAppend
Début du message réexpédié :
> De: Depiereux Constant <constant.depiereux@aqte.be>
> Date: 16 mars 2005 00:11:11 GMT+01:00
> À: spjgmwn@iop.kcl.ac.uk
> Objet: Rép : [R] RODBC, sqlSave and sqlAppend
> Le 15-mars-05, à 16:19, Matthew W Nash a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I am currently trying to read, write and append data between R and MS
2005 Mar 13
Objet: New user of R on Mac OS X - Please help
> De: Depiereux Constant <constant.depiereux at aqte.be>
> Date: 12 mars 2005 09:44:08 GMT-05:00
> ?: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Objet: [R] New user of R on Mac OS X - Please help
> Brand new Mac OS X user, I am transfering my R stuffs from my windows
> machine.
> When porting some of my functions, I got messages such as :
> 2005-03-12
2005 May 26
Help needed - Use of RSrvr in macro mode
Dear All,
I am experiencing a problem for which I need some help.
I have created a small file containing a simple function
File name = smalltest.r
Content :
itworks=paste('Ca marche',date())
write.table(itworks,file="resultat.csv", append=FALSE)
This function works when operated from R environment
To get
2003 Jun 19
J'ai t?l?charg? SciViews Insider que je trouve tr?s convivial.
Par contre, je n'arrive pas ? comprendre comment enregistrer un script R en type de fichier R justement.
Mes programmes fonctionnent tr?s bien, mais SciViews me propose uniquement de les enregistrer au format txt sous un type de fichier "bloc notes".
Comment les enregistrer avec l'extension .R comme le
2012 Feb 21
Dataframes in PLS package
I have been working with the pls procedure and have problems getting the
procedure to work with matrix or frame data. I suspect the problem lies in
my understanding of frames, but can't find anything in the documentation
that will help.
Here is what I have done:
I read in an 10000 x 8 table of data, and assign the first four columns to
matrix A and the second four to matrix B
pls <-
2007 Jun 21
Hi list
I?m in the process of switching from a RedHat EL 4 to CentOS 5, and run into
some problems
I?m trying to open a X session to my Centos box, and got an error message
stating that /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm is not found.
Surprisingly, /usr/X11R6/bin is almost empty, as compared to my RedHat box.,
and I am 100% sure I have selected X during the installation
Linking /bin/xterm to
2011 Apr 01
MySql Versus R
Dear R Users,
I use for my data crunching a combination of MySQL and GNU R. I have
to handle huge/ middle seized data which is stored in a MySql
database, R executes a SQL command to fetch the data and does the
plotting with the build in R plotting functions.
The (low level) calculations like summing, dividing, grouping, sorting
etc. can be done either with the sql command on the MySQL side or
2003 Sep 24
R compiled under windows 64 bit???
Any plans to realse in Cran binaries for R base & packages, for Windows
using 64bit, now that the AMD 64 is coming out?
It seems a perfect match for cost effective high performane number
Many thanks,
Alex Gracian
2009 Oct 09
Bare Metal vs virtualization
Hello to all:
I know this list is generally Linux-only, but I figured I'd try to
gain wisdom from those with hard-core Windows needs, too.
I was recently pricing out a high-end desktop system for a user who
will doing a lot of CAD, Matlab, SolidWorks, and other apps that will
utilize a lot of number crunching and video.
The quote for the desktop (64-bit Vista is likely), which included 12
2006 Mar 21
IE flakiness?
I set up a simple BlindUp and BlindDown div that works seamlessy in Firefox
but doesn''t work as smoothly in IE. When blinding down, the whole div
flashes and then Blinds down. The same thing when blinding up. Is this
something that is fixable?
Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2001 Dec 20
embedded vorbis players
Anyone know of any vorbis players more or less the size of an MP3 player -
something that will fit in a pocket? Or some projects to make one?
I'd be willing to work on putting one together and port vorbis to some
embedded processor. Any rough idea of what processor capabilities should
be needed for the number crunching (is an FPU necessary, 16/32 bit,
speed)? I realize the dev list might be a
2007 Aug 06
Data space crunching-how small can I get?
I am using speex 1.2beta2 on a C5416, 16 bit, narrowband.
The project I am implementing speex into is very limited in Data space.
In the speex decode_init and encode_init there are allocs that,
combined, take up 0x0F94 of data memory. I do not know why the various
allocs are sized the way they are but that number is too big to fit into
our project. I was wondering if those numbers (for
2007 Apr 02
parallel I/O on shared-memory multi-CPU machines
Dear ext3-users,
I write scientific number-crunching codes which deal with large input and output files (Gb, tens of Gb, as much as hundreds of Gygabytes on occasions). Now there are these multi-core setups like Intel Core 2 Duo becoming available at a low cost. Disk I/O is one of the biggest bottlenecks. I would very much like to put to use the multiple processors to read or write in parallel
2005 Apr 16
"chronological" ordering of factor in lm() and plot()
I am trying to do some basic regression and ANOVA on cycle times (numeric
vectors) across weekdays (character vector), where I have simply labelled my
days as:
days<- c("mon","tue","wed"...etc).
(NOTE: There are actually multiple instances of each day, and the data is
read-in from a .dat file.)
I have no trouble at all with the actual number crunching, It is the