Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "MANOVA with repeated measurements"
2006 Nov 09
Repeated Measures MANOVA in R
Can R do a repeated measures MANOVA and tell what dimensionality the statistical variance occupies?
I have been using MATLAB and SPSS to do my statistics. MATLAB can do ANOVAs and MANOVAs. When it performs a MANOVA, it returns a
parameter d that estimates the dimensionality in which the means lie. It also returns a vector of p-values, where each p_n tests
the null hypothesis that the mean
2010 Oct 29
Repeated Measures MANOVA
Hello all,
Is there an r function that exists that will perform repeated measures MANOVAs? For example, let's say I have 3 DVs, one between-subjects IV, and one within-subjects IV. Based on the documentation for the manova command, a function like that below is not appropriate because it cannot take Error arguments.
manova(cbind(DV1,DV2,DV3) ~ BetweenSubjectsIV * WithinSubjectsIV +
2005 Nov 15
Repeates Measures MANOVA for Time*Treatment Interactions
Dear R folk,
First off I want to thank those of you who responded with comments for
my R quick and dirty stats tutorial. They've been quite helpful, and
I'm in the process of revising them. When it comes to repeated
measures MANOVA, I'm in a bit of a bind, however. I'm beginning to see
that all of the documentation is written for psychologists, who have a
2004 Jan 13
Manova for repeated measures
Hi everyone,
I'm posting again, since I haven't got an answer (yet :( ).
According to R help, manova does not support the inclusion of the Error()
term in the formula call. I have repeated measures data for two dependent
so this means I can't account for subject variance in time?. Any lights?
Thanks in advance,
Rodrigo Abt,
Department of Economic Studies,
SII, Chile.
2006 Feb 16
MANOVA: how do I read off within and between Sum-of-Squares info from the manova result?
Hi all,
I am experimenting the function "manova" in R.
I tried it on a few data sets, but I did not understand the result:
I used "summary(manova_result)"
and "summary(manova_result, test='Wilks')"
and they gave a bunch of numbers...
But I need the Sum-of-Squares of BETWEEN and WITHIN matrices...
How do I read off from the R's manova results?
2007 May 13
Some questions on repeated measures (M)ANOVA & mixed models with lme4
Dear R Masters,
I'm an anesthesiology resident trying to make his way through basic
statistics. Recently I have been confronted with longitudinal data in
a treatment vs. control analysis. My dataframe is in the form of:
subj | group | baseline | time | outcome (long)
subj | group | baseline | time1 |...| time6 | (wide)
The measured variable is a continuous one. The null hypothesis in
2011 Mar 20
manova question
Dear friends,
Sorry for this somewhat generically titled posting but I had a question
with using contrasts in a manova context. So here is my question:
Suppose I am interested in doing inference on \beta in the case of the
model given by:
Y = X %*% \beta + e
where Y is a n x p matrix of observations, X is a n x m design matrix,
\beta is m x p matrix of parameters, and e is a
2011 Jun 21
Stepwise Manova
Hello all,
I have a question on manova in R:
I'm using the function "manova()" from the stats package.
Is there anything like a stepwise (backward or forward) manova in R (like there is for regression and anova).
When I enter:
step(Model1, data=Mydata)
R returns the message:
Error in drop1.mlm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = trace, k = k, :
no 'drop1'
2007 Oct 16
library(car): Anova and repeated measures without between subjects factors
sorry if this is explained somewhere but I didn't find anything.
How can I use "Anova" from the car package to test a modell without
between subject's factors? Suppose I have the following data
mat.1 mat.2 mat.3 di ex
1 85 85 88 1 1
2 90 92 93 1 1
3 97 97 94 1 1
4 80 82 83 1 1
5 91 92 91 1 1
6 83 83
2006 Mar 30
Unbalanced Manova
Dear all,
I need to do a Manova but I have an unbalanced design. I have
morphological measurements similar to the iris dataset, but I don't have
the same number of measurements for all species. Does anyone know a
procedure to do Manova with this kind of input in R?
Thank you very much,
Naiara S. Pinto
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
2009 Aug 11
nested repeated measures MANOVA using adonis
I am trying to apply a permuation-based MANOVA (Anderson 2001) to a set of
morphological data from three ecomorphs of fish reared under two different
conditions and measured at two points during ontogeny. I will supply a
distance matrix based on Procrustes distances calculated outside of vegan.
I have not found an example of a design such as this for adonis. However, I
have designed my factors
2012 Mar 19
car/MANOVA question
Dear colleagues,
I had a question wrt the car package. How do I evaluate whether a
simpler multivariate regression model is adequate?
For instance, I do the following:
ami <- read.table(file =
col.names=c("TCAD", "drug", "gender", "antidepressant","PR",
2012 Aug 03
MANOVA with repeated measures in R
Dear list member,
I deperately need an help in performing a MANOVA in R, but I encountered some
problems both in the design and in the synthax with R.
I conducted a listening experiment in which 16 participants had to rate the audio
stimuli along 5 scales representing an emotion (sad, tender, neutral, happy and aggressive).
Each audio stimulus was synthesized in order to represent a
2008 Jul 15
extracting elements from print object of Manova()
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to extract elements from the table returned by Manova()?
Using the univariate equivalent, Anova(), it's easy:
This will return a vector of the F-values in order of the terms of the model.
However, a similar application using Manova():
Returns NULL. So does any attempt at calling the
2012 Feb 08
dropterm in MANOVA for MLM objects
Dear R fans,
I have got a difficult sounding problem.
For fitting a linear model using continuous response and then for re-fitting the model after excluding every single variable, the following functions can be used.
model = lm(perf ~ syct + mmin + mmax + cach + chmin + chmax, data = cpus)
dropterm(model, test = "F")
But I am not sure whether any similar functions is
2010 Apr 08
general linear hypothesis testing for manova model
I have a MANOVA model and I want to test the following hypothesis: LBM =
0 where B is the parameter estimates.
Is there any function to do this in R?
Philippe Hup?
Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144, INSERM U900
26 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris - France
Email : Philippe.Hupe at curie.fr
T?l : +33 (0)1 56 24 69 91
Fax: +33 (0)1 56 24 69 11
website :
2011 Feb 11
extracting p-values from the Manova function (car library)
i am not able to extract the p-values from the
Manova function in the car library. I need
to use this function in a high-throughput setting
and somehow need the p-values produced.
Any ideas?
Best regards
Bettina Kulle Andreassen
Bettina Kulle Andreassen
University of Oslo
Department of Biostatistics
Institute for Epi-Gen (Faculty Division Ahus)
+47 22851193
+47 67963923
2012 Mar 13
MANOVA and Extra Sums-of-Squares Tests
I would like to conduct an extra sum-of -squares test that compares a full
MANOVA model (with all 1st order interactions) to a reduced model (no
interactions) to determine if I can drop all interactions at the same time.
This is analagous to an extra sum-of-squares F-test in ANOVA, but instead
using MANOVA. Is there a command in R that does this? If not, is there a
command that calculates
2005 Feb 25
Repeated measures MANOVA
sorry to bother you again, but I can't figure it out myself and I also
can't find any in-depth documentation about it...
Consider the following SAS code (A1II2... contain the measurements for
40 subjects):
proc glm;
= /nouni;
repeated CONTEXT 2, TARGET_SATZ 2;
title "A1 500-900 ms";
This produces not only the univariate ANOVAs, but also a
2012 Jul 21
car::Anova - Can it be used for ANCOVA with repeated-measures factors.
Dear list,
I would like to run an ANCOVA using car::Anova with repeated measures factors, but I can't figure out how to do it. My (between-subjects) covariate always interacts with my within-subject factors.
As far as I understand ANCOVA, covariates usually do not interact with the effects of interest but are simply additive (or am I wrong here?).
More specifically, I can add a covariate as