similar to: dynamic linear models in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "dynamic linear models in R"

2009 Sep 11
State Space models in R
Hello everybody, I am writing a review paper about State Space models in R, and I would like to cover as many packages as I reasonably can. So far I am familiar with the following tools to deal with SS models: * StructTS, Kalman* (in stats) * packages dse[1-2] * package sspir * package dlm I would like to have some input from users who work with SS models: are there any other packages for SS
2010 May 25
Kalman Filter
Hello My name is greigiano am student of Applied Economics, Department of Rural Economy. I am working on an article forecasting, which use the dynamic linear model, a model state space. I am wondering all the commands in R, to represent the linear dynamic model and Kalman filter. I am available for any questions. -- DEUS Seja Louvado Que ELE Ilumine sua vida Assim como ELE tem Iluminado a Minha
2006 Nov 01
did my searching but still couldn't find anything for bayesian dlm
I familarized myelf with kalmanlike and structts which are approaches for building and estimating ( and forecasting ) state space models ( or the equivalent arima models ). back in 2003, gavin simpson wrote an email describing the west and harrison apprach to estimate state space models and asked if anything was out there for using that approach. the goals of this approach are the same as kalman
1999 Apr 15
regression with uncertainty in both variables
Hi, all. I'm trying to use some linear regression models in which both the dependent and independent variables are measured with some error. To make things worse, while the errors in the dependent variable are uniform, the errors in the independent (or explanatory, or "x") variables can be heteroskedastic. I've been looking at the book _Measurement Error Models_ by Fuller
2005 Dec 01
Kalman Smoothing - time-variant parameters (sspir)
Dear R-brains, I'm rather new to state-space models and would benefit from the extra confidence in using the excellent package sspir. In a one-factor model, If I am trying to do a simple regression where I assume the intercept is constant and the 'Beta' is changing, how do I do that? How do i Initialize the filter (i.e. what is appropriate to set m0, and C0 for the example below)?
2007 Aug 14
State Space Modelling
Hey all, I am trying to work under a State Space form, but I didn't get the help exactly. Have anyone eles used this functions? I was used to work with S-PLUS, but I have some codes I need to adpt. Thanks alot, Bernardo [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Dec 14
Kalman Filter Forecast using 'SSPIR'
Dear R Users, I am new to state-space modeling. I am using SSPIR package for Kalman Filter. I have a data set containing one dependent variable and 7 independent variables with 250 data points. I want to use Kalman Filter for forecast the future values of the dependent variable using a multiple regression framework. I have used ssm function to produce the state space (SS)
2006 Apr 29
SSPIR problem
I am having a problem with the package SSPIR. The code below illustrates it. I keep getting the message: "Error in y - f : non-conformable arrays." I tried to tweak the code below in many different ways, for example, substituting rbind for cbind, and sometimes I get a different error message, but I could not find a variation of this code that would work. Any help will be greatly
2009 Nov 09
zoo: bug with unique for yearmon
I'm using R 2.10.0, with zoo 1.5-8. The release notes for zoo 1.5-8 claim a bug with unique for yearmon objects has been fixed, but I'm still having problems. Browse[1]> tmp2 [1] "Dec 1996" "Dec 1996" Browse[1]> unique(tmp2) [1] "Dec 1996" "Dec 1996" Browse[1]> unique(unique(tmp2)) [1] "Dec 1996" Browse[1]> as.numeric(tmp2) -
2006 May 01
Problem with optim()
I am having a problem with optim() using the "L-BFGS-B" method. When I set the lower limit for the third parameter equal to zero I get an error message: > low.lim.3 <- 0 > phi_opt <- optim(phi_, model_lik, NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower=c(0.2, -100, low.lim.3, 0), upper= c(10, 100, 10, 10), control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = c(0.2, u1, 0.002, 0.002), trace =
2010 Aug 06
memory use without running gc()
Is there any way to get the current memory used by R without running gc()? I'd like to include the memory usage in logging output, but calling gc() to get that information takes long enough to be noticeable (~ 6 s with ~ 20 GB of ram in use), which goes against the point of logging. Thanks, Johann
2006 Oct 18
Multiple histograms in one plot
Hi all, I'm trying to plot multiple histograms in one plot (cross-validation values of model parameters), but I cannot seem to reduce the margins enough to fit as many of them in as I would like. I'm using split.screen to divide the window into a 5x4 grid, then plotting with hist. I've tried explicitly reducing the margins with par(mar=c(1,1,1,1)), but it doesn't seem to have
2006 Jun 15
SSPIR problem
Dear R-Users, I'm using SSPIR package for a spatio-temporal application. Is it possible to modify the structure of the involved matrixes (Fmat, Gmat, Vmat,Wmat)? I want to create a model like this #y(t)=k*theta(t)+epsilon(t) #theta(t)=h*theta(t-1)+eta(t) #epsilon(t) N(0,V) V=sigma2*I #eta(t) N(0,W) W=sigma2_eta where the state variable theta has dimension 1(p=1) and at
2010 Jun 08
Extract/format/show for S4 objects
Hi all, I'm trying to make an integer-backed quarter (as in fraction of year) class, but I can't quite it to work. I want integer-backed so I don't have to worry about floating-point effects when doing math, and so that I can use it as in data.table. First of all, is there a good reference for this anywhere? All of the S4 tutorials that I've found have been too high-level, and
2008 Dec 20
Problems installing lme4 on Ubuntu
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 While I'm not an R expert, I have used R on Windows XP. Now I've moved to Ubuntu (Intrepid), and I'm trying to configure R to work with the Gelman and Hill _Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models_. So far, it's not working. I start by following the instructions for installing arm and BRugs at
2007 Nov 15
kalman filter estimation
Hi, Following convention below: y(t) = Ax(t)+Bu(t)+eps(t) # observation eq x(t) = Cx(t-1)+Du(t)+eta(t) # state eq I modified the following routine (which I copied from: to accommodate u(t), an exogenous input to the system. for (i in 2:N){ xp[[i]]=C%*%xf[[i-1]] Pp[[i]]=C%*%Pf[[i-1]]%*%t(C)+Q siginv=A[[i]]%*%Pp[[i]]%*%t(A[[i]])+R
2010 Nov 14
kalman filter
Hello, I would like use Kalman filter for estimating parameters of a stochastic model. I have developed the state space model but I don’t know the correct way use Kalman filter for parameter estimation. Has anybody experience in work with Kalman filter in R. I don’t know the correct function. Maybe it is - KalmanLike; but what is the correct Input? - tsmooth? -
2008 Feb 26
Kalman Filter
Hi My name is Vladimir Samaj. I am a student of Univerzity of Zilina. I am trying to implement Kalman Filter into my school work. I have some problems with understanding of R version of Kalman Filter in package stats( functions KalmanLike, KalmanRun, KalmanSmooth,KalmanForecast). 1) Can you tell me how are you seting the initial values of state vector in Kalman Filter? Are you using some method?
2005 Jul 16
topical guide to R packages
I would like to see R packages arranged by topic. CRAN Task Views are at , but I'd like something more detailed. For example, the IMSL Fortran library, version 4 is easy to navigate and has procedures arranged according to following topics: Basic Statistics Regression Correlation Analysis of Variance Categorical and Discrete
2012 Mar 23
Fwd: The StructTS method
To whomever it may concern, I'm a young Industrial Engineer working on Senior Design at Georgia Tech and have found the StructTS method to be excellent for the training set for my forecasting project. There's only one problem: I don't actually understand what a Structural Time Series IS. I've looked up resources on it, and get that essentially you're dividing the Time