Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Labelling a second y-axis"
2013 Mar 26
How do I show real values on a log10 histogram
I have a histogram with values logged to the base 10
How do I show the log values on the x-axis and a second x-axis showing the
real values?
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How to plot 2 continous variables on double y-axis with 2 factors: ggplot2, gplot, lattice, sciplot?
2013 Feb 25
How to plot 2 continous variables on double y-axis with 2 factors: ggplot2, gplot, lattice, sciplot?
I have a data set with two continous variables that I want to plot MEANS (I
am not intrerested in median values) on a double-y graph. I also have 2
factors. I want the factor combinations plotted in different panes.
Dummy dataset:
mydata <- data.frame(factor1 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 40)),
factor2 = factor(rep(c(1:4), each = 10)),
y1 =
2009 Jan 28
help with plot layout
It takes a lot of sweat to generate a composite plot with R ... sigh.
I though I was almost done when I met the umpteenth hurdle. I cannot place a nice title on the 2nd plot (raw signal)
on the layout. I do not have control on where either the "main" option of "plot" function, or "title", place the text
string which keeps dysplaying chopped from above. I also tried
2007 Oct 18
Secondary Y axis title
I have the following R code to create a plot with two y axes. I am
essentially trying to
plot a price series with a volume series on the same graph. (i.e. to
compare price with volume). I can label the first
y axis successfully, but the problem is in labeling the 2nd y-axis.
Essentially, the
label never appears. It seems as though there is not enough margin
on the right hand
side of
2008 Apr 10
two graphs in one figure?
Dear all,
how can I plot a line graph and a bar graph in one single figure? I tried
to combine "barplot" and "plot". Even though they both have the same
x-values (1 to 55), it just doesnt look as if they match in their scale
(the barplot is much wider than the "plot"....even though I tried to put
limits on the x-axis).
Here is an example of what I did:
Control statements with condition with greater than one should give error (not just warning) [PATCH]
2017 Mar 03
Control statements with condition with greater than one should give error (not just warning) [PATCH]
I'd like to propose that the whenever the length of condition passed
to an if or a while statement differs from one, an error is produced
rather than just a warning as today:
> x <- 1:2
> if (x == 1) message("x == 1")
x == 1
Warning message:
In if (x == 1) message("x == 1") :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
There are
2012 Sep 09
qplot with many files (each one curve)
i would like to plot a few hundred .csv files.
Each file contains one curve with x,y values to plot.
I have been searching for "gnu r read many files qplot"
and similar words. I found for loops that use assign to generate
one variable containing a dataframe.
When i uesed the classic "plot' command i could add
the curves with something like
for... {
2003 Jul 31
Mac OS 10 (not X11) failure to rotate symbols (PR#3602)
In the following code the arrow symbols do not rotate with the text on
the Mac OS window, however the do rotate on X11 port on Mac OS.
(R version 1.71)
x <- c(0,10.)
y <- c(0,10.)
offset <- 3
centre <- 5
plot(x,y, xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y),type="n", xlab="",ylab="",
for (i in (seq(0, 340,
2012 Aug 22
Barplot with Secondary axis
Hi all,
I am trying to plot a bar chart and trying to plot a line as a secondary
axis as my scale is different for two y axis.
I am plotting a clustered bar chart by using besides = True option in
barplot function and my y coordinates are not plotted exactly at the center
on each two bars. Please help me.
I am pasting the code as follows.
x =
2009 Jun 17
problem with axis alignment when plotting 2 time series on same graph
I am trying to plot 2 time series on the same graph.
For example, X1 is the vector of dates and times, its class is POSIXt. Y1
is an environmental parameter, e.g. salinity. X2 is a second vector of
dates and times, also of class POSIXt. X2 has a different length than
X1, but they have the exact same range. Y2 is another environmental
parameter, e.g. stream flow rate.
My approach is
2012 Sep 05
cex.lab ignored in plot.zoo for multiple plots
Hello everyone,
a problem with the plot.zoo function. In the parameters of the function,
cex.lab is ignored. I tried to reduce the size of the yaxis labels by at
least 50%.
sample <- as.zoo(EuStockMarkets)
plot.zoo(sample, plot.type="multiple", main="Time Series", xlab="Date",
yaxt="n", cex.lab=0.5,
2008 Aug 02
Bubble plots
Is there a way to create a 'bubble plot' in R?
For example, if we define the following data frame containing the level of y observed for 5 patients at three time points:
time<-c(rep('time 1',5),rep('time 2',5),rep('time 3',5))
2009 Apr 03
Error in par(split.screens[[n]]) : parameter "i" in "mfg" is out of range
I'm working on my 'oce' package, trying split.screen() instead of par(mfrow).
My code is too long to post, and I hope it's ok that I ask this question
without doing so.
My code seems to work fine when I source() it, but when I do "R CMD check"
on my package, I get the error that I've put as the subject line, when it
runs examples.
If I comment out the plot()
2007 Aug 02
y axix number into horizontal direction
Dear R users,
I used plot() and mtext() functions to draw a plot. The numbers: 0,20,35,
40,60,80,100 were in the vertical direction. I'd like to transfer them into
the horizontal direction.
plot(0,0,xaxt="n",type="n", ylim=c(0,100))
Any suggestion?
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2002 Nov 12
R: Error in plot.new() : axis style "d" not implemented
Hi there!
Both on windows and Solaris platforms I run into troubles when trying to
draw two plots on top of each other. Here a short code example:
> x1 <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
> y1 <- sin(x1)
> x2 <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
> y2 <- cos(x2)
> d1 <- cbind(x1,y1)
> d2 <- cbind(x2,y2)
> plot(d1)
> par(new=T, xaxs="d")
> plot(d2)
Error in plot.new()
2013 Jan 07
Changing mtext direction, or using text for the margin?
Hi all,
I have read through the archives, but can't find a solution to this problem.
I need the text direction on "dependent B", plotted in margin 4, to go
top to bottom (opposite what it is now). Here's some sample code:
#plot with mtext example
par(mgp = c(2,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2), las=1, mar=c(2,2,2,2), omi=
2011 Oct 19
Square ended segments
Good Afternoon R Community,
I am working on plotting behavior codes over short durations of time (a few seconds at a time over 1-2 hrs). I am utilizing as.POSIXct to store the time. I wanted to make a quasi time line using these time. I utilized the segments function to represent these times. However the segments rounds off at the ends and does not have the crisp look I need for my purposes.
2012 Jan 30
Help page of colors() : add a new example ?
Dear all,
May I suggest to add an example in the help page of the colors() function ?
The following code could be useful to easily choose any color from colors() :
## Millot G. (2011), p.71.
## Figure displaying all the 657 built-in color names of colors().
for(i in 14:1){tempo<-c(tempo, rep(i,50))}
windows(width=10) # replace by quartz(width=10) for MacOS and
2011 Feb 16
image() with a vector
I have a vectors x and z, for example,
x <- 0:20
z <- round(runif(20,1,7))
y <- 0.5
and I want to display z as an image. However if I then call image() with a vector
then I get the error
Error in image.default(x, y, t(z), zlim =
2006 May 24
Regression line limited by the rage of values
In R, using plot(x,y) followed by abline(lm(y~x)) produces a graph
with a regression line spanning the whole plot . This means that the
line extends beyond the swarm of data points to the defined of default
plot region. With par(xpd=T) it will span the entire figure region. But
how can I limit a regression line to the data range, i.e between
(xmin,ymin) and (xmax,ymax)?
Sorry for