similar to: multcomp

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2009 Nov 05
Newbie question Multcomp
Hello, I'm a totally newbie to R and I'm taking a class using S+. In the class we use the multcomp command which takes a aov object and calculates confidence intervals for all pairwise differences by the Fisher least significant differences method. How can I do this in R. Thank you for taking the time with such a basic question. I've been looking on the net for a few days and I
2007 Feb 09
Help in using multcomp.
Hi All, I am trying use 'multcomp' for multiple comparisons after my ANOVA analysis. I have used the following code to do ANOVA: dat <- matrix(rnorm(45), nrow=5, ncol=9) f <- gl(3,3,9, label=c("C", "Tl", "T2")) aof <- function(x) { m <- data.frame(f, x); aov(x ~ f, m) } amod <- apply(dat,1,aof) Now, how can I use
2007 Mar 30
ANOVA and confidence intervals plot
Dear *, I would like to obtain for each factor of my anova model the "response variable vs factor" plot with means and 95% Tukey HSD intervals. I would appreciate any information on how to do that. Cheers -------------------------------------------------------------------- Max MANFRIN Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 3168 IRIDIA - CoDE, CP 194/6
2006 Jul 22
Here it is again, hope this is more clear I am using the following data (only a small subset is given): Habitat Fungus.yield Birch 20.83829053 Birch 22.9718181 Birch 22.28216829 Birch 24.23136797 Birch 22.32147961 Birch 20.30783598 Oak 27.24047258 Oak 29.7730014 Oak 30.12608508 Oak 25.76088669 Oak 30.14750974 Hornbeam 17.05307949 Hornbeam 15.32805111 Hornbeam 18.26920177 Hornbeam 21.30987049
2013 Oct 12
export glht to LaTeX
Hi, I want to export the result of glht in R into a LaTeX table, such as that result: Linear Hypotheses: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) Group1 - Group2 == 0 -0.14007 0.01589 -8.813 <0.001 "***" Group1 - Group3 == 0 -0.09396 0.01575 -5.965 <0.001 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05
2012 Jan 02
Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Hello, I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc comparisons on my lme model. I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my treatment levels. TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme. The only other code that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht specified with Tukey:
2006 Jul 28
mult comp significance
This has a stats question and a R question. I am sure there are many core statisticians here how would know the answer to this simple question. In determining the significant comparisons using the methods in multcomp, the ones that are designated as significant are the ones that do not intersect the zero line. What is the physical meaning of this and why are those considered significant? I can
2008 Dec 08
How to display y-axis labels in Multcomp plot
Dear R-users, I'm currently using the multcomp package to produce plots of means with 95% confidence intervals i.e. mult<-glht(lm(response~treatment, data=statdata), linfct=mcp(treatment="Means")) plot(confint(mult,calpha = sig)) Unfortunately the y-axis on the plot appears to be fixed and hence if the labels on the y-axis (treatment levels) are too long, then they are not
2007 Nov 21
multiple comparison (glht) problem
I am not sure whether there is a bug. When I tested the example given for "glht" in the help, I entered the following error: Running commands: amod <- aov(minutes ~ blanket, data = recovery) rht <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(blanket = "Dunnett"), alternative = "less") Errors are: Error in try(coef.(model)) : could not find function
2007 Nov 21
question about multiple comparison in ANOVA
I am not sure whether there is a bug. When I tested the example given for "glht" in the help, I entered the following error: Running commands: amod <- aov(minutes ~ blanket, data = recovery) rht <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(blanket = "Dunnett"), alternative = "less") Errors are: Error in try(coef.(model)) : could not find function
2008 Apr 10
Tukey in R, extracting values
hey, how can i extract the values from the CI's when i use following code for a tukey test? the output shows three CI's and i know it should work with 'names but i don't really know how... thanks library(multcomp) data1$soort<-as.factor(data1$soort) amod<-aov(waarde~soort,data=data1) g<-glht(amod, linfct=mcp(soort = "Tukey")) confint(g) -- View this message in
2008 Nov 14
Change Confidence Limits on a plot
Hi, I am attempting to set the confidence limits on a ls means plot as follows: mult<-glht(lm(effectModel, data=statdata, na.action = na.omit), linfct=mcp(mainEffect="Means")) meanPlot <- sub(".html", "meanplot.jpg", htmlFile) jpeg(meanPlot) plot(mult, main=NA, xlab=unlist(strsplit(Args[4],"~"))[1]) This produces 95% CIs by default but I would
2006 Oct 24
Posthoc tests for 3-way ANOVA analysis
Hi All, I have performed a 3-way ANOVA analysis for my experimental data using aov function. My simple R funtion for this is: 3aof <- function(x){ m <- data.frame(R,S,T, x); anova(aov(x ~ R+S+T+R*S+R*T+S*T+R*S*T, m) ) } Now, I am getting P values for all the main and interactions effects. If I want to perform postdoc test on one of my main effects, say T, what method I should use (i have
2007 May 21
more simplified output from glht object
Hi, I use glht to make multcomp, using Tukey, from a glm model. It is possible to get a more simplified output of result? Somethink like ordering by letters. Thanks Ronaldo -- Human kind cannot bear very much reality. -- T. S. Eliot, "Four Quartets: Burnt Norton" -- > Prof. Ronaldo Reis J?nior | .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Ecologia | : :' :
2009 Jun 15
multcomp: contrasts for count data
Hi, I would like to derive p-values for pair-wise comparison (Tukey's) of effects when the response is a count. I am trying a test case where y ~ Po( lambda(x) ). x has three levels : A, B and C with lambda(x) = 10, 20 and 20 respectively. Hence, p-values for the contrast C - B should distribute uniformally. I have implemented this test case as below but do not get uniform
2008 May 28
Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA
Hi everyone, I am fairly new to R, and I am aware that others have had this problem before, but I have failed to solve the problem from previous replies I found in the archives. As this is such a standard procedure in psychological science, there must be an elegant solution to this...I think. I would much appreciate a solution that even I could understand... ;-) Now, I want to calculate a
2006 Sep 01
I am interested in plotting histograms for the following data Isoform Tumor_65_198 Tumor_50_192 Tumor_80_167 Tumor_80_204 Tumor_95_197 Tumor_70_189 Tumor_90_202 Tumor_40_177 Tumor_60_21 Tumor_70_174 Tumor_70_147 Tumor_50_5 ABCC4-2007 1 1 1 6 1 9 10 1 2 0 10 1 ABCC4-2008 5 8 7 5 3 10 5 5 7 3 10 3 ABCC4-2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ABCC4-2010
2011 Aug 06
multcomp::glht() doesn't work for an incomplete factorial using aov()?
Hi R users, I sent a message yesterday about NA in model estimates ( If I use aov() instead of lm() I get no NA in model estimates and I use gmodels::estimable() without problems. Ok! Now I'm performing a lot of contrasts and I need correcting for multiplicity. So, I can use multcomp::glht() for this.
2006 Jul 24
Saving R objects
I am trying to find the best way to save the follwoing object I am creating library(multcomp) data(recovery) Dcirec<-simint(minutes~blanket, data=recovery, conf.level=0.9, alternative="less") I am probably not doing it the most efficient way I think. Here is what I am doing a<-print(Dcirec) write(a,file="mult_test.dat", append=T) or save(Dcirec,
2012 Dec 05
Using multcomp::glht() with Anova object
Hello everyone, I've conducted a Type III repeated-measures ANOVA using Anova() from the car package, based on the suggestions at 3) and My ANOVA has two factors: Condition (3 levels) and Region (6 levels) and their interaction. Below is code to run the Anova