similar to: italics letter in roman string

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "italics letter in roman string"

2005 Jan 06
"labels" attached to variable names
Hi, Can we attach a more descriptive "label" (I may use the wrong terminology, which would explain why I found nothing on the FAQ) to variable names, and later have an easy way to switch to these labels in plots? I fear this is not possible and one must enter this by hand as ylab and xlab when making plots. Thanks in advance, Denis Chabot
2006 Oct 26
distance between legend title and legend box
Hi, I've looked at the parameters available for the legend function and cannot find a way to change the distance between the top of the box surrounding a legend and the legend's title. I have a math expression that raises the height of my title. If you don't mind the non-sensical title I give to the legend for this plot (Figure 3.20 in R Graphics): with(iris,
2005 Sep 26
p-level in packages mgcv and gam
Hi, I am fairly new to GAM and started using package mgcv. I like the fact that optimal smoothing is automatically used (i.e. df are not determined a priori but calculated by the gam procedure). But the mgcv manual warns that p-level for the smooth can be underestimated when df are estimated by the model. Most of the time my p-levels are so small that even doubling them would not result
2007 May 22
Reducing the size of pdf graphics files produced with R
Hi, Without trying to print 1000000 points (see <http://>), I often print maps for which I do not want to loose too much of coastline detail, and/or plots with 1000-5000 points (yes, some are on top of each other, but using transparency (i.e. rgb colors with alpha information) this actually comes through as useful information.
2005 Feb 04
2 small problems: integer division and the nature of NA
Hi, I'm wondering why 48 %/% 2 gives 24 but 4.8 %/% 0.2 gives 23... I'm not trying to round up here, but to find out how many times something fits into something else, and the answer should have been the same for both examples, no? On a different topic, I like the behavior of NAs better in R than in SAS (at least they are not considered the smallest value for a variable), but at the
2009 Mar 10
puzzled by math on date-time objects
Hi, I don't understand the following. When I create a small artificial set of date information in class POSIXct, I can calculate the mean and the median: a = as.POSIXct(Sys.time()) a = a + 60*0:10; a [1] "2009-03-10 11:30:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:31:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:32:16 EDT" [4] "2009-03-10 11:33:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:34:16
2006 Feb 08
plotting lines that break if data break
Hi, Sometimes data series (not necessarily time series) suffer breaks where data were expected, but not collected. Often the regular "lines" command to add such data to a plot is what I want, but other times I'd like the line to break where the data series is interrupted, instead of the line jumping to the next point in the series uninterrupted. Usually my data file
2005 Jan 19
recoding large number of categories (select in SAS)
Hi, I have data on stomach contents. Possible prey species are in the hundreds, so a list of prey codes has been in used in many labs doing this kind of work. When comes time to do analyses on these data one often wants to regroup prey in broader categories, especially for rare prey. In SAS you can nest a large number of "if-else", or do this more cleanly with "select"
2006 Nov 08
combining dataframes with different numbers of columns
Dear list members, I have to combine dataframes together. However they contain different numbers of variables. It is possible that all the variables in the dataframe with fewer variables are contained in the dataframe with more variables, though it is not always the case. There are key variables identifying observations. These could be used in a merge statement, although this won't
2006 Feb 05
how to extract predicted values from a quantreg fit?
Hi, I have used package quantreg to estimate a non-linear fit to the lowest part of my data points. It works great, by the way. But I'd like to extract the predicted values. The help for predict.qss1 indicates this: predict.qss1(object, newdata, ...) and states that newdata is a data frame describing the observations at which prediction is to be made. I used the same technique I used
2006 Sep 20
functionality of "update" in SAS
Dear list, I've tried to search the archives but found nothing, although I may use the wrong wording in my searches. I've also double-checked the upData function in Hmisc, but it does something else. I'm wondering if one can update a dataframe by "forcing into" it a shorter dataframe containing the corrections, like the "update" provided in SAS data steps.
2006 Sep 13
reshaping a dataset
Hi, I'm trying to move to R the last few data handling routines I was performing in SAS. I'm working on stomach content data. In the simplified example I provide below, there are variables describing the origin of each prey item (nbpc is a ship number, each ship may have been used on different trips, each trip has stations, and individual fish (tagno) can be caught at each
2008 Jan 31
dates in French format
Hello R users, I have to import a file with one column containing dates written in French short format, such as: 7-d?c-07 11-d?c-07 14-d?c-07 18-d?c-07 21-d?c-07 24-d?c-07 26-d?c-07 28-d?c-07 31-d?c-07 2-janv-08 4-janv-08 7-janv-08 9-janv-08 11-janv-08 14-janv-08 16-janv-08 18-janv-08 There are other columns for other (numeric) variables in the
2010 Feb 07
x-axis plot problem
Hi all, I tried to have plot of many vector in one plot and i have got a nice plot but i have problem with x-axis. I want to have month and year only(Jul.07 means July 2007) in x-axis without appearing other number behaind it. I would appercit any help. The R code: F<-c(7.49,6.91,6.78,6.99,7.44,7.42) M<-c(4.81,4.51,5.21,4.65,4.75,3.86) P<-c(7.49,15.03,15.19,15.32,15.42,15.45)
2010 Sep 13
lattice: Set x-axis in italics only
Dear list, I making some box-and-whisker plots in R with vertebrate data. The x axis are species names that must be in italics. I tried with the "axis" function but no luck, and it seems that affects both axes. Any tip? Thanks a lot in Advance. Alej
2010 Jan 23
Failure to produce italics in jpeg
Colleagues, Using R 2.10.1 in OS X (Snow Leopard), I created JPEG documents that were intended to include italicized text. In the JPEG versions, the italics appear in bold-face. The identical code (except for the call to the device) yields italics in PDF. A minimal example is: PDF version: > pdf("plot.pdf") > plot(1,1) > mtext(bquote(italic(P) < .(0.005))) >
2009 Jan 21
Italics in svg output display as bold (PR#13463)
Full_Name: Yan Wong Version: 2.8.1 OS: Mac OS X 10.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( When printing a plot to and svg file, text intended to be in italics is rendered in bold (svg file viewed using both Safari 3.2.1 and Firefox For example, try viewing the test.svg file generated by svg("test.svg", width=4,4,8);
2012 Jun 08
changing font to italic for one entry in legend()
Hello, I need to change the font for one of the items (C. elegans) in my legend to italic. Can someone suggest how to accomplish this? legend('bottomright', bty='n', c('C. elegans range', 'Study area'), cex=0.8, fill=c('light gray', 'white'), border=c('black','black')) I tried using lab.font=c(1,3) but R ignored and did not write
2001 Aug 01
italics and not in main=
R 1.3.0, windows I've checked archives, and examples in text, mtext, and title. I am trying to include italicized text in the main title of a figure: ...., main = "[italics here] species name [italics stop] more plain text" TIA, Henry ***************************** Martin Henry H. Stevens HStevens at tel: (513) 529 - 4206 FAX: (513) 529 - 4243 338 Pearson Hall Botany
2008 Jun 02
Italics in plot main title
Hi, I am drawing several plots and want to have italics in a main title; this is easy with expression(). However, I want also to add a value to it, say n_i, that depends on an ith plot. For this I am using paste(). An example: n_i = 10, 20, 30; I want to draw a plot for each i with the title: "Relative efficiency for sample size n = n_i", where n should be in italics, and of course n_i