similar to: Correlated random effects in lme

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Correlated random effects in lme"

2007 Mar 16
corAR1 in a random effects panel
Hi everyone, I am interested in estimating this type of random effects panel: y_it = x'_it * beta + u_it + e_it u_it = rho * u_it-1 + d_it rho belongs to (-1, 1) where: u and e are independent and normally zero-mean distributed. d is also independently normally zero-mean distributed. So, I want random effects for group i to be correlated in t, following an AR(1) process. I am
2006 Aug 14
ARMA(1,1) for panel data
Dear List, I am new to TS-Modeling in R. I would like to fit an ARMA(1,1) model for a balanced panel, running Y on a full set of unit and year dummies using an arma(1,1) for the disturbance: y_it=unit.dummies+yeardummies+e_it where: e_it=d*e_it-1+u_it+q*u_it-1 How can I fit this model in R? arma() does not seem to take covariates (or I don't understand how to specify the function so that
2012 Jul 03
Help with lmer formula
Hey all - I am a newbie on mixed-effects models. I want to estimate the following model: Y_it = alpha_0t + alpha_1t*X_it + e_it alpha_0t = gamma_00 + u_0t alpha_1t = gamma_10 + gamma_11*W_it + u_1j Where Y is my outcome, X is my level-1 predictor, and W is my level 2 predictor. I am not sure if I am doing it right. Is this the correct specification of the formula? model = lmer(Y ~ X + X:Y + (
2010 Feb 03
Package plm & heterogenous slopes
Dear r-helpers, I am working with plm package. I am trying to fit a fixed effects (or a 'within') model of the form y_it = a_i + b_i*t + e_it, i.e. a model with an individual-specific intercept and an individual- specific slope. Does plm support this directly? Thanks in advance! Otto Kassi
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
Hello, I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual effect for the coefficient on the independent variable. That is, I would like to estimate the model: Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it Where i denotes individuals, t denotes time, X is my independent variable, and B (beta) is the
2013 Jan 11
Manual two-way demeaning of unbalanced panel data (Wansbeek/Kapteyn transformation)
Dear R users, I wish to manually demean a panel over time and entities. I tried to code the Wansbeek and Kapteyn (1989) transformation (from Baltagi's book Ch. 9). As a benchmark I use both the pmodel.response() and model.matrix() functions in package plm and the results from using dummy variables. As far as I understood the transformation (Ch.3), Q%*%y (with y being the dependent variable)
2006 Jan 12
Problem with NLSYSTEMFIT()
Hello, I want to solve a nonlinear 3SLS problem with "nlsystemfit()". The equations are of the form y_it = f_i(x,t,theta) The functions f_i(.) have to be formulated as R-functions. When invoking "nlsystemfit()" I get the error Error in deriv.formula(eqns[[i]], names(parmnames)) : Function 'f1' is not in the derivatives table
2012 Apr 08
[LLVMdev] Catching C++ exceptions, cleaning up, rethrowing
On Apr 8, 2012, at 4:20 AM, Bill Wendling wrote: > On Apr 4, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Paul J. Lucas wrote: > >> This all seems to work just fine. I can throw a C++ exception either in a C++ object's constructor or in an ordinary member function and the stack unwinds correctly (the object's destructors are called) and the exception is propagated back up the C++ code that called the
2012 Apr 08
[LLVMdev] Catching C++ exceptions, cleaning up, rethrowing
On Apr 4, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Paul J. Lucas wrote: > On Mar 23, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Bill Wendling wrote: [...] > This all seems to work just fine. I can throw a C++ exception either in a C++ object's constructor or in an ordinary member function and the stack unwinds correctly (the object's destructors are called) and the exception is propagated back up the C++ code that called the
2008 Dec 11
how to get the CDF of a density() estimation?
Hi, I've estimated a simple kernel density of a univariate variable with density(), but after I would like to find out the CDF at specific values. How can I do it? thanks for your help, with it I am very close to finish my first little bit more serious work in R, Viktor
2003 Apr 24
Fast R implementation of Gini mean difference
I have written the following function to calculate the weighted mean difference for univariate data (see for a related formula). Unsurprisingly, the function is slow (compared to sd or mad) for long vectors. I wonder if there's a way to make the function faster, short of creating an external C function. Thanks very much for your advice. gmd
2008 Aug 05
¡Ven y únete a Los mejores estudiantes de Villa Mella !
Los mejores estudiantes de Villa Mella : Vendo Laptop y PC a buenos precios llamar al cel 809-991-0776 EL Profe has invited you to join Los mejores estudiantes de Villa Mella -------------------- Le invito que se registren e nuestra pagina de los mejores estudiante de villa mella con una radio nueva que se esta creando aunque esta sonando una actualhasta que se termine la nuestra radio. Check
2012 Apr 09
[LLVMdev] Catching C++ exceptions, cleaning up, rethrowing
On Apr 8, 2012, at 8:47 AM, Paul J. Lucas wrote: > On Apr 8, 2012, at 4:20 AM, Bill Wendling wrote: > >> On Apr 4, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Paul J. Lucas wrote: >> >>> This all seems to work just fine. I can throw a C++ exception either in a C++ object's constructor or in an ordinary member function and the stack unwinds correctly (the object's destructors are
2005 Sep 01
Multivariate Skew Normal distribution
> -----Original Message----- > From: r-help-bounces at > [mailto:r-help-bounces at]On Behalf Of Caio Lucidius > Naberezny Azevedo > Sent: 01 September 2005 12:09 > To: Help mailing list - R > Subject: [R] Multivariate Skew Normal distribution > > > Hi all, > > Could anyone tell me if there is any package (or function)
2008 Nov 22
¡Ven y únete a Los mejores estudiantes de Villa Mella !
Los mejores estudiantes de Villa Mella : Vendo Laptop,PC y Celulares DUAl SIM a buenos precios llamar al cel 809-991-0776 -------------------- Hola entra y veras que bueno que es ser buen estudiante de villa mella Click the link below to Join: If your email program doesn't recognize the web address above as an active link, please copy and paste
2003 May 13
RMySQL crashes R
I have justed upgraded R v1.7.0 on Windows NT 4 and have installed the latest RMySQL (version 0.5-1)and DBI (version 0.1-5) packages. When I issue the following commands (tactfully adjusted) R just crashes and disappears, any ideas? require(RMySQL) m <- dbDriver("MySQL") con <- dbConnect(m, dbname="xxx", user="xxx", password="xxx",
2006 Feb 21
color quantization / binning a variable into levels
Hi all, I'd like to quantize a variable to map it into a limited set of integers for use with a colormap. "image" and filled.contour" do this mapping inside somewhere, but I'd like to choose the colors for plotting a set of polygons. Is there a pre-existing function that does something like this well? i.e., is capable of using 'breaks'?
2005 Nov 08
Output glm
Hello, How can I obtain the likelihood ratio of a Poisson regression model? Regards. _____________________________________________ dr. Marziliano Ciro Facolta' di Economia Universita' degli Studi di L'Aquila p.zza del Santuario, 19 67040 Roio Poggio, L'Aquila tel.: 0862 434836 fax: 0862 434803
2003 Jun 10
fitting data to exponential distribution with glm
I am learning glm function, but how do you fit data using exponential distribution with glm? In the help file, under "Family Objects for Models", no ready made option seems available for the distribution as well as for other distributions satisfying GLM requirements not listed there.
2006 Feb 15
distribution fitting
Dear list, Does anyone know how to fit the power law distribution? I have the empirical distribution and would like to check whether it fits the power law (with the power estimated from the data). Any hints are appreciated. Tanks a lot! Galina [[alternative HTML version deleted]]