Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Fast lookup in ragged array"
2011 Nov 06
Request for Help: y-axis label overlapped by x-axis in subplots in big plot
Dear All,
I would like to seek for help on this issue:
1. I set par(mfrow=c(2,2)), hoping to plot 4 subgraphs in a whole graph
2. Each subgraph has its own x,y axes and each has x-axis label and y-axis label
3. moreover, subgraphs in the left column of the whole graph are all 3D, and have z axes and labels for z axes
4. subgraphs in the right column of the whole graph are all 2D
5. In each
2012 Jul 11
igraph function "graph.bfs" unavailable
I've installed the igraph package and have been otherwise using it successfully, but when I try to use graph.bfs I get the error:
could not find function "graph.bfs"
Moreover, I don't seem to have the documentation installed either. (per ?graph.bfs and ??graph.bfs).
I'm using RStudio v0.95.262 on windows 7. Below is the info for my R build:
R version 2.14.0
2009 Dec 04
R igraph clusters component
Hi R-users,
I'm using igraph for an undirected graph.
i used clusters() igraph function to know the component size(subgraphs) as shown bellow:
c <-clusters(g)
# component sizes
size <- sort(c$csize, decreasing=TRUE)
cat("Top 20 cluster of the graph","\n")
for (i in 1:20)
cat(i," size:",size[i] ,"\n")
Can anyone help how to extract the
2008 Apr 08
Change the position of panel strips in a lattice plot.
Hi all,
In lattice plots, is there any option to position the panel strips
with text below each subgraph, instead of above?
i.e. in:
Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes)
,is there any way to make "Depth" appear below the subgraphs, instead of above?
I've been looking through the lattice documentation and the list
2017 Aug 01
[RFC] Add IR level interprocedural outliner for code size.
> Also as a side note, I think in the original MachineOutliner RFC thread
> there was some confusion as to whether it was possible to solve the code
> folding outlining problem exactly as a graph problem on SSA using standard
> value numbering algorithms in polynomial time.
> I can elaborate further, but
> 1. it is easy to see that you can map an arbitrary
2009 Mar 19
Minimum cutsets
The minCut function in RBGL package returns only a value or the minimum cut. I would be
really greatful if any knows of any R function or package available for
finding all minimal cut sets ( i.e., components whose failure will
results in a network failure) between any given pair of vertices.
2016 Sep 06
igraph V a partir de E y subgrafos
Estimado Javier,
Me alegra que hayas avanzado con tu error.
Te respondo a esto último.
La función induced.subgraph() espera como segundo parámetro una lista de
los IDs de los vértices, mientras que tú le estás pasando una lista de
Prueba lo siguiente:
c <- induced.subgraph(datos.network, which(V(datos.network)$name == 'Casa'))
Si entendí bien todo, debería
2012 Mar 10
Help on subgraphs in xyplot of lattice library
Dear All,
I would like to ask a question on how to do overlay plots in each subgraph of xyplot.
1. I did simulations for m=1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, as the sample sizes.
2. for each sample size value m, 4 graphs are generated; each graph contains overlayed comparisons between 4 methods,
3. now I want put them into a 4-by-4 plot by xyplot, i.e., 4 sample size values, each of which has 4 plots.
2011 Dec 20
Convert ragged list to structured matrix efficiently
Hi All,
I'm wanting to convert a ragged list of values into a structured matrix for
further analysis later on, i have a solution to this problem (below) but
i'm dealing with datasets upto 1GB in size, (i have 24GB of memory so can
load it) but it takes a LONG time to run the code on a large dataset. I
was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks that may make this run
Below is
2009 Dec 14
[LLVMdev] project idea: llvm superoptimizer
Here's an idea for a research project that I thought I'd put out there
since probably nobody in my group will have time to follow up on it.
It would be interesting to take ideas from this superoptimizer for x86:
and adapt them to run on LLVM code.
It would
2004 Sep 13
Adding ranks to a repeatedly ragged array
How can I add an extra column containing the rank
to a ragged array indexed by more than one grouping
E.g. with the barley dataset:
How can I to add an additional column ``rank''
containing the rank of the ``yield'' of
the different varieties in relation to the indices
``year'' and ``site'' to the barley dataframe?
I achieved to calculate the ranks with:
2011 Oct 16
question: ragged array
I have a big problem which I’m just not able to solve.
I created the following mean value from the following dataset structure:
Id |value
1 | 2
1 | 3
1 | 4
2 | 2
2 | 1
3 | 5
4 | 3
with the command:
mean_rating <- tapply(ratok$value, ratok$project_id , mean,simplify = FALSE)
this gives me a ragged array:
> mean_rating [1]
2009 Sep 21
Fedora 11: Package RBGL won't install
I've been trying to install RBGL and several other packages in gR task
view on Fedora11 64 bit without success
My guess is that it is due to boost (fedora is at boost 1.37 which is
a few minor versions behind 1.40) and very recent g++
Has anyone managed to install the gR task view or RBGL in particular?
[root at SPH-PH-428-04P ~]# gcc --version
gcc (GCC)
2016 Sep 03
igraph V a partir de E y subgrafos
Tengo un problema. Con igraph creo una red a partir de un data.frame, las dos primeras columnas son V y las restantes E. Hay un trabajo anterior, yo me pregunté ¿Qué pasaría si las cosas hablaran entre ellas?, entonces hay un cruce de información de todos contra todos y elimino los nulos y duplicados. Al ver los listados E, V tienen la información. Hasta ahí estaría todo bien (me
2011 Jun 03
ragged data.frame? using plyr
I have a dataset that looks like:
I want to "normalise" it using the following function (unless you have
a better idea...):
2009 Apr 25
ANOVA/statistics question
(Have searched for this already)
How do you find the strength of correlation between two variables using an
ANOVA table? "Pr(>F)" gives the statistical significance of the
association, but not the strength of the correlation.
See data (from R) below
"Df" "Sum Sq" "Mean Sq" "F value"
2006 Jul 19
Aligning ragged text columns
Can anyone please suggest how I can print:
a <- matrix(c(
"Heading 1", "This is some info\nabout heading 1",
"Heading 2", "This is some info\nabout heading 2",
), byrow=T, nrow=2)
to look like:
Heading 1 This is some info
about heading 1
Heading 2 This is some info
about heading 2
(if you're not using a fixed width
2007 Nov 24
ragged array with append
I wonder what's the right way in R to do the following -- placing
objects of the same kind together in subarrays of varying length.
Here's what I mean:
> word <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j")
> kind <- c(1,1,1,2,3,4,5,5,7,7)
> d <-
2001 Oct 22
statistics for ragged arrays: loop to vector
Dear R users,
I am currently writing a MCMC algorithm for spatial Poisson model. One
problem which I need to solve is as follows:
I have a vector X[1:J] which describes characteristics of cells of a
rectangular grid. Further, for each cell I have a list of adjascent
cells adj[] and the vector listing numbed of adjascent cells num[].
Thus if I want to list cells adjascent to cell i I write
2017 Feb 27
[Proposal][RFC] Epilog loop vectorization
> On Feb 27, 2017, at 9:39 AM, Daniel Berlin <dberlin at dberlin.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Adam Nemet <anemet at apple.com <mailto:anemet at apple.com>> wrote:
>> On Feb 27, 2017, at 7:27 AM, Hal Finkel <hfinkel at anl.gov <mailto:hfinkel at anl.gov>> wrote:
>> On 02/27/2017 06:29 AM,