Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "knncat question"
2012 Feb 02
knncat broken on R 2.14?
Until recently I was using the knncat classifier function of
knncat on an old computer (2.12, Mac OS X 10.4), and
everything worked great.
However, now that I have updated to R 2.14.1 (on Mac OS X
10.7), knncat seems broken. Problems:
1. It seems to output verbose output by default, and
regardless of whether I put 0 or 1 into the verbose option.
2. It seems to just predict
2004 Nov 15
installing knncat package
Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone has problem installing 'knncat' package. I tried to
install using 'Rcmd INSTALL knncat_1.1.1.tar.gz', error message appeared. I
attached the message in the end. I allso tried to install from RGui, but it
was not listed.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, jenny
---------- Making package knncat ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
2009 Oct 19
Convert data frame entries to numbers
I figure this is quite a simple problem really, but since I'm quite
new to R I need to ask:
If I have a data frame:
str(test) :
$ classcol: Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3"
How do I convert the entries in this column to numbers. I.e., I want
to be abl to do simple calculations like test[1,the_column] - test
[2,the_column] without errors.
2001 Jun 06
methods on missing data
Hello everybody!
I have 2 >issues< concerning methods applied to missing data.
I think they're bugs, but who knows.
1. var(NA) returns
Error in var(NA) : missing observations in cov/cor
instead of NA. I expanded the summary-function to my.summary
including SDev, in order to use it with tapply, which crashes
in case of groups with no valid data.
2. is a similar problem. I use
2009 Mar 11
Couple of Questions about Classification trees
So I have 2 sets of data - a training data set and a test data set. I've been
doing the analysis on the training data set and then using predict and
feeding the test data through that. There are 114 rows in the training data
and 117 in the test data and 1024 columns in both. It's actually the same
set of data split into two. The rows are made of 5 different numbers. They
do represent
2008 Sep 14
Problem with misclass function on tree classification
I am working through Tom Minka's lectures on Data Mining and am now on Day 32. The following
is the link: http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~tpminka/courses/36-350.2001/lectures/day32/
In order to use the functions cited I followed the instructions as follows:
Installed tree package from CRAN mirror (Ca-1)
Downloaded and sourced the file "tree.r"
Downloaded the function
2004 Jul 08
k nearest neighbor prediction
Hi there fellow R-users,
Does anyone know if there is a package for k nearest neighbours prediction
as opposed to classification? I have found the package knncat but can't see
a way to adjust it to predict a continuous variable.
Any help would be great,
Wayne Jones
Seventh Floor St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS England
2008 Feb 24
what missed ----- CART
Hi all,
Can anyone who is familar with CART tell me what I missed in my tree code?
library (MASS)
myfit <- tree (y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 )
# tree.screens () # useless
plot(myfit); text (myfit, all= TRUE, cex=0.5, pretty=0)
# tile.tree (myfit, fgl$type) # useless
# close.screen (all= TRUE) # useless
My current tree plot resulted from above code shows as:
2009 Apr 01
Request: Optimum value of cost complexity parameter "k" in "tree" package
Dear R community
I have a question regarding the value of cost complexity parameter "k" used in "tree" package for pruning purpose. Any help in finding the optimum value of "k" is requested. Please give some suggestion in this regard. In the example below i used k=0 but i don't know why? But if i use k=NULL, then it will not plot the resultant tree.
2006 Oct 24
for help
I have a question in R.
In directory H:/Delta_angle
I have 19 files like this:
I want to read these files to 19 data sets in R.
All these data sets have "P","AA",index","delta"
2007 Jan 19
split data set
I have a data(ABC) like this:
x y
A 3 4
A 1 3
B 2 6
B 4 8
C 5 4
C 6 7
I want to split this data into
x y
A 3 4
A 1 3
B 2 6
B 4 8
C 5 4
C 6 7
anyone knows how to do that?
Aimin Yan
2006 Dec 13
I try to type this in my R-winEdt.
but I got these. Do you know?
Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, :
no package
at the
2006 Nov 23
Sweave question
I try Sweave
and get Sweave-test-1.tex
but hot to run LaTeX on 'Sweave-test-1.tex'?
I am using WinEdt.
> Sweave(testfile)
Writing to file Sweave-test-1.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : print term verbatim
2 : term hide
3 : echo print term verbatim
4 : term verbatim
5 : echo term verbatim
6 : echo term verbatim eps pdf
7 : echo term verbatim eps pdf
2006 Dec 25
Problem to generate training data set and test data set
I have a full data set like this:
aa bas aas bms ams bcu acu omega y
1 ALA 0 127.71 0 69.99 0 -0.2498560 79.91470 outward
2 PRO 0 68.55 0 55.44 0 -0.0949008 76.60380 outward
3 ALA 0 52.72 0 47.82 0 -0.0396550 52.19970 outward
4 PHE 0 22.62 0 31.21 0 0.1270330 169.52500 inward
5 SER 0 71.32 0 52.84 0 -0.1312380 7.47528 outward
2006 Nov 23
random effect question and glm
consider p as random effect with 5 levels, what is difference between these
two models?
> p5.random.p <- lmer(Y
> p5.random.p1 <- lmer(Y
in addtion, I try these two models, it seems they are same.
what is the difference between these two model. Is
1998 Dec 23
hist(1) results in a segmentation fault (at least on my machine) (PR#86)
I've fixed hist.default();
the case for hist(0) and hist(-1) also needed consideration.
Here is the patch I've committed:
cvs diff -bw -r1.2.2.1 src/library/base/R/hist.R
diff -b -w -r1.2.2.1 -r1.2.2.4
< use.br <- !missing(breaks) && length(breaks) > 1
< breaks <-
< if(use.br) sort(breaks)
> use.br <- !missing(breaks)
2005 May 12
modifications to text.tree function
I have to make some minor modifications to the text.tree function - I
don't like the way it prints the split labels (they are too long in my
case and overlap). I tried to make s simple modification to the
text.tree function so that it will limit the number of significant
digits in tree labels, but could not - the original function uses some
undocumented "treeco" function, which
2006 Nov 20
for help about logistic regression model
I have a dataset like this:
p aa
index x y z sdx sdy sdz delta as
ms cur sc
1 821p MET 1 -5.09688 32.8830 -5.857620 1.478200 1.73998 0.825778
13.7883 126.91 92.37 -0.1320180 111.0990
2 821p THR 2 -4.07357 28.6881 -4.838430 0.597674 1.37860 1.165780
13.7207 64.09 50.72 -0.0977129 98.5319
3 821p GLU 3 -5.86733 30.4759
2004 Mar 02
how to delete a matrix column
I am new to R, How to delete a matrix column.
2019 Mar 26
[PATCH nbdkit v4 06/15] delay: Allow block status (extents) requests to be separately delayed.
filters/delay/nbdkit-delay-filter.pod | 8 ++++++++
filters/delay/delay.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 34 insertions(+)
diff --git a/filters/delay/nbdkit-delay-filter.pod b/filters/delay/nbdkit-delay-filter.pod
index c2eb172..2e2ac74 100644
--- a/filters/delay/nbdkit-delay-filter.pod
+++ b/filters/delay/nbdkit-delay-filter.pod
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@