Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "write.csv feature/bug with pipe"
2009 Oct 27
Why I get this error? Error in close.connection(f) : invalid connection
I don't understand why I can not close 'f'. This may be very simple,
but I don't see why. Could somebody let me know?
$ cat gzfile.csv
$ Rscript gzfile.R
> f =
2009 Feb 22
how to recover a list structure
I am experiencing some problems at working with lists at high level.
In the following "coef" contains the original DWT coefficients organized in a list.
Thorugh applying the following two commands:
coef.abs <- lapply(unlist(coef,recursive=FALSE,use.names =TRUE),abs)
coef.abs.sorted <- sort(unlist(coef.abs),decreasing=TRUE)
I get vector "coef.abs.sorted" containing
2012 Mar 30
list assignment syntax?
Dear R wizards: is there a clean way to assign to elements in a list?
what I would like to do, in pseudo R+perl notation is
f <- function(a,b) list(a+b,a-b)
(c,d) <- f(1,2)
and have c be assigned 1+2 and d be assigned 1-2. right now, I use the clunky
x <- f(1,2)
c <- x[[1]]
d <- x[[2]]
which seems awful. is there a nicer syntax?
regards, /iaw
Ivo Welch
2012 Aug 03
embedding data frame in R code?
I would like to insert a few modest size data frames directly into my
R code. a short illustration example of what I want is
d <- read.csv( _END_, row.names=1 )
, "col1", "col2"
right now, the data sits in external files. I could put each column
into its own vector and then combine into a data frame, but this seems
2008 Jun 03
How to solve a non-linear system of equations using R
Dear R-list members,
I've had a hard time trying to solve a non-linear system (nls) of equations
which structure for the equation i, i=1,...,4, is as follows:
f_i(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)-k_i(l,m,s) = 0 (1)
In the expression above, both f_i and k_i are known functions and l, m and s
are known constants. I would like to estimate the vector d=(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)
which is solution
2009 Feb 12
beginner's question: group of regressors by name vector?
dear r-experts: there is probably a very easy way to do it, but it eludes
me right now. I have a large data frame with, say, 26 columns named "a"
through "z". I would like to define "sets of regressors" from this data
frame. something like
myregressors=c("b", "j", "x")
lm( l ~ myregressors, data=... )
is the best way to create new
2010 Jan 08
fast lm se?
dear R experts---I am using the coef() function to pick off the coefficients
from an lm() object. alas, I also need the standard errors and I need them
fast. I know I can do a "summary()" on the object and pick them off this
way, but this computes other stuff I do not need. Or, I can compute (X'
X)^(-1) s^2 myself. Has someone written a fast se() function?
incidentally, I think
2010 Jun 11
lm without error
this is not an important question, but I wonder why lm returns an
error, and whether this can be shut off. it would seem to me that
returning NA's would make more sense in some cases---after all, the
problem is clearly that coefficients cannot be computed.
I know that I can trap the lm.fit() error---although I have always
found this to be quite inconvenient---and this is easy if I have only
2012 May 09
big quasi-fixed effects OLS model
dear R experts---now I have a case where I want to estimate very large
regression models with many fixed effects---not just the mean type, but
cross-fixed effects---years, months, locations, firms. Many millions of
observations, a few thousand variables (most of these variables are
interaction fixed effects). could someone please point me to packages, if
any, that would help me estimate such
2011 Apr 21
Help with matching rows
Dear Sir,
Please excuse my akwardness as I a new to R and computers, but would kindly
appreciate help.
a <- sample (1:10,100,replace=T )
b <-sample(10:20,100,replace=T)
c <- sample(20:30,100,replace=T)
d <- sample(30:40,100,replace=T)
e <- sample(40:50,100,replace=T)
d1 <- a
d2 <- b
d3 <-c
d4 <- d
d5 <- e
dd <-
2012 Nov 22
Data Extraction - benchmark()
Hi Berend,
I see you are one of the contributors to the rbecnhmark package.
I am sorry that I am bothering you again. I have tried to run your code (slightly tweaked) involving the benchmark function, and I am getting the following error message. What am I doing wrong?
Error in benchmark(d1 <- s1(df), d2 <- s2(df), d3 <- s3(df), d4 <- s4(df), :
could not find function
2011 Jan 15
Rounding variables in a data frame
Hi All
I am trying to use the round function on some columns of a dataframe while
leaving others unchanged. I wish to specify those columns to leave
My attempt is below - here, I would like the column d3 to be left but
columns d1, d2 and d4 to be rounded to 0 decimal places. I would welcome any
suggestions for a nicer way of doing this.
d1= rnorm(10,10)
d2= rnorm(10,6)
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
The obvious way would be to preallocate the resulting data.frame, to
expand an empty one on each iteration being a time expensive operation.
n <- nrow(expand.grid(1:nrow(D1), 1:nrow(D2)))
D4 <- data.frame(distance=integer(n),difference=integer(n))
k <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(D1)){
for (j in 1:nrow(D2)) {
k <- k + 1
D4[k, ] <-
Which is the easiest (most elegant) way to force "aov" to treat numerical variables as categorical ?
2010 Jun 14
Which is the easiest (most elegant) way to force "aov" to treat numerical variables as categorical ?
Hi R help,
Hi R help,
Which is the easiest (most elegant) way to force "aov" to treat numerical variables as categorical ?
Sincerely, Andrea Bernasconi DG
I consider the latin squares example described at page 157 of the book:
Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery by George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter.
This example use
2009 Feb 09
How to plot multiple graphs each with multiple y variables
I am new to R and have a problem that I haven't been able to find the answer to in the guides or online.
I have multiple datasets, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 and D8, and I would like to produce two plots side by side using mfrow. The first plot should contain data from D1-D4, the second should contain D5-D8.
I can plot these separately using the code,
2009 Mar 20
how to make aggregation in R ?
I am trying to aggregate the sum of my test data.frame as follow:
testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b",
"b", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d",
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
Another way would be
n <- nrow(expand.grid(1:nrow(D1), 1:nrow(D2)))
D5 <- data.frame(distance=integer(n),difference=integer(n))
D5[] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(nrow(D1)), function(i)
t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(D2)), function(j){
identical(D3, D5)
In my first answer I forgot to say that
2017 Jun 23
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: Applying a function to each possible pair of rows from two different data-frames
For certain reason, the content was not visible in the last mail, so posting it again.
Dear Members,
I have two different dataframes with a different number of rows. I need to apply a set of functions to each possible combination of rows with one row coming from 1st dataframe and other from 2nd dataframe. Though I am able to perform this task using for loops, I feel that there must be a more
2011 May 17
Minimum value by ID
I have a longitudinal dataset where each individual has a different number
of entries. Thus, it is of the following structure:
x <- runif(12)
id.var <- factor(c(rep("D1",4),rep("D2",2),rep("D3",3),rep("D4",3)))
dat <- as.data.frame(x)
dat$id.var <- id.var
> dat
x id.var
1 0.9611269 D1
2 0.6738606 D1
2013 Feb 06
First R Package --- Advice?
Dear R experts---
after many years, I am planning to give in and write my first R
package. I want to combine my collection of collected useful utility
as my guide, I am planning to use Friedrich Leisch's "Creating R
Packages: A Tutorial" from Sep 2009. Is there a newer or better
tutorial? this one is 4 years old.
I also plan on one change---given that the