Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "What is a expression good for?"
2008 Apr 29
XML write?
Is there any function to write a XML structure, after it was
read using xmlTreeParse?
x <- xmlTreeParse("Irpf2008/aplicacao/dados/12345678901/12345678901.xml")
# write it...
Alberto Monteiro
PS: please, brazilians, don't be offended by my foul language!
2007 Jul 05
Me again, about the horrible documentation of tcltk
How on Earth can I know what are the arguments of any of the functions of
the tcl/tk package? I tried hard to find, using all search engines
available, looking deep into keywords of R, python's tkinter and tcl/tk, but
nowhere I found anything remotely similar to a help.
For example, what are the possible arguments to tkgetOpenFile?
I know that this works:
filename <-
2006 Oct 07
ifelse(logical, function1, function2) does not work
Why this kind of assignment does not work?
n <- 1
f <- ifelse(n == 1, sin, cos)
this must be rewritten as:
n <- 1
f <- cos
if (n == 1) f <- sin
[oops. 1.224606e-16 instead of zero. Damn floating point errors :-/]
Alberto Monteiro
2007 Sep 17
Histogram with colors
Is there a simple way to plot a histogram with colors?
For example, suppose I generate random points in the
N(2,1) distribution:
x <- rnorm(100000, mean = 2, sd = 1)
Now I would like to plot the histogram:
but I would like to show the bars with x < 0 in red, and the
bars with x >= 0 in lightgreen. Is there any simple way to
do it?
I think I can do it in two steps:
2008 Apr 18
Function redefinition - not urgent, but I am curious
This is just my curiousity working.
Suppose I write:
f1 <- function(x) x + 1
f2 <- function(x) 2 * f1(x)
# 22
f1 <- function(x) x - 1
# 18
This is quite obvious. But is there any way to define f2
in such a way that we "freeze" the definition of f1?
f1 <- function(x) x + 1
f2 <- function(x)
# put something here
2 * f1(x)
# probably put something else here
2008 Aug 18
A doubt about "lm" and the meaning of its summary
I have a conceptual problem (sort of). Maybe there's a simple solution,
maybe not.
First, let me explain the test case that goes ok.
Let x be a (fixed) n-dimensional vector. I simulate a lot of linear models,
y = m x + c + error, then I do a lot of regressions. As expected, the
estimated values of m (let's call them m.bar) are distributed according to a
Student's t distribution.
2007 Mar 23
Get "home" directory and simple I/O
Is there any generic function that gets the "home" directory? This
should return /home/<user> in Linux and
x:/Documents and Settings/<user> (or whatever) in Windows XP.
Another (unrelated) question: what is the _simplest_ way to
read and write R variables to/from files such that they are
stored in a human-readable but R-like form? For example, if
(say), x is a vector
2008 Jun 06
Plot matrix as many lines
Suppose that I have a matrix like:
m <- rbind(c(1,2,3,4), c(2,3,2,1))
Is there any way to efficiently plot the _lines_ as if
I was doing:
plot(m[1,], type="l")
points(m[2,], type="l", col="red")
(of course, in the "real world" there much more than
just 2 lines and 4 columns...)
Alberto Monteiro
2007 Jun 04
Abstract plot
I want to make a plot, but instead of showing _numerical_ values,
I would like to show _symbolic_ values.
For example, I want to plot a function y = a x + b, where
x varies between Xmin and Xmax. I would like the plot
to show, in the x-axis, the strings Xmin and Xmax, instead
of their numeric values. Is it possible?
Alberto Monteiro
2006 Oct 05
[Fwd: Re: Block comments in R?]
Ooops! Sorry, I send it only to Uwe Ligges the first time.
Philippe Grosjean
This is perhaps another solution, more elegant in the way the block
comment is written... but it requires to redefine `!` and slows it a
little bit because it tests first its arguments before calling
It takes advantage of `!` being not defined for character arguments:
> !2
2006 Sep 30
Simple graphics
Is there any way that I can do something like this:
png("file.png", width=200, height=200)
polygon(c(50, 50, 150, 150), c(50, 150, 150, 50))
and then have a png file with a 100 x 100 pixels rectangle in the middle
of it? It seems that when I call "plot", it redefines the image coordinates
to some "optimized" value and then I lose any information to
2007 Mar 29
As a big fan of Wikipedia, it's frustrating to see how little there is about
R in the correlated project, the Wikibooks:
Alberto Monteiro
2008 Mar 06
write in rimage package
Is there any way to write an imagematrix generated by the rimage package?
Reproducible example:
x <- read.jpeg(system.file("data", "cat.jpg", package="rimage"))
The newcat.png image is different from the original file, because
there are ugly white borders around it.
Alberto Monteiro
2008 Mar 08
Change the index argument of a series
This is probably very trivial - so I can't find an answer in the help files.
When I have a series x (x[1], x[2], ... x[n]) and I want to construct a
new series y (y[1], y[2], ... y[m]) such that y's are either interpolations
of the x's (when m > n) or a weighted mean (when m < n), is there
any direct function to do it?
For example, passing from 3 to 4 would be the same as
2007 Feb 27
ts; decompose; plot and title
Is there any way to give a "decent" title after I plot something
generated by decompose?
For example:
# generate something with period 12
x <- rnorm(600) + sin(2 * pi * (1:600) / 12)
# transform to a monthy time series
y <- ts(x, frequency=12, start=c(1950,1))
# decompose
z <- decompose(y)
# plot
Now, the title is the ugly "Decomposition of additive time
2007 Apr 18
importing excel-file
Dear R-experts,
It is a quite stupid question but please help me. I am very confuced. I
am able to import normal txt ant mat-files to R but unable to import
I do not understand the online help. Can please anyone send me the
corresponding command lines? The .xls-file is attached. In my file we
use commas for the decimal format (example: 0,712), changes might be
Thanks, Corinna
2007 Mar 20
Over-writing functions from other packages? What is a good strategy??
I am writing a package which uses the Rgraphviz package which in turn uses the graph package, but my question does not (I believe) pertain specifically to the these packages so therefore I dare to post the question here:
I my package I have a function "edges" which works on some graphs I have defined. However, there is also a function "edges" (or rather a generic method) in
2009 Oct 22
arima crashes too
Another pathological test.
arima does not crash for that series that crashes arma:
arima(c(2.01, 2.22, 2.09, 2.17, 2.42), order=c(1,0,0))
However, arima crashes for this:
arima(c(1.71, 1.78, 1.95, 1.59, 2.13), order=c(1,0,0))
arima seems pretty consistent in its crashing behaviour, since crashing for
one series means crashing for all affine series:
lets.crash.arima <- c(71, 78, 95, 59,
2008 Jan 04
I need arguments pro-S-PLUS and against SAS...
I need arguments pro-S-PLUS and against SAS for a meeting I will
have next week. S-Plus is (90 - 99)% compatible with R, so using
S-Plus will make things much easier for everyone. But I can't use
this argument. What other arguments could I use?
Alberto Monteiro
2007 Mar 16
corAR1 in a random effects panel
Hi everyone,
I am interested in estimating this type of random effects panel:
y_it = x'_it * beta + u_it + e_it
u_it = rho * u_it-1 + d_it rho belongs to (-1, 1)
u and e are independent and normally zero-mean distributed.
d is also independently normally zero-mean distributed.
So, I want random effects for group i to be correlated in t, following an
AR(1) process.
I am