similar to: nested design in lme, need help with specifying model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "nested design in lme, need help with specifying model"

2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but... "The return."
*Thanks* all those who took the time to help me (even if the "question" was not related to - the use of - R). Now I think I can soundly make my point w/ the referee (can I use your replies? If so I intend to properly cite its use?!?). Regards, Eduardo Esteves ps - Sorry for not explaining the "biological details" of my posting: RNA/DNA is the ratio of RNA content to
2011 Mar 10
Not sure how to handle hazard in my survival model
Hi R experts :) I'm trying to carry out a survival model on my data, but I am unsure of whether it's appropriate or if I should do something specific in regards to hazard. My data is time to death by predator where I have 8 prey and one predator in the setting. This means that two prey can't possibly die at the same time and I can't quite get my head around how to include this in
2010 Dec 11
Predator Prey Models
Dear R-users, I am currently modifying a previously developed predator prey model and was curious if there was a way to add in a disturbance to the model (let's say at time t=100). The disturbance can be the introduction of 40 prey (N=40) and 10 predators (Pred = 10). I would like to see my model go from a state of equilibrium (up to t = 99), show this disturbance (at t = 100) and then
2005 Jan 19
recoding large number of categories (select in SAS)
Hi, I have data on stomach contents. Possible prey species are in the hundreds, so a list of prey codes has been in used in many labs doing this kind of work. When comes time to do analyses on these data one often wants to regroup prey in broader categories, especially for rare prey. In SAS you can nest a large number of "if-else", or do this more cleanly with "select"
2006 Sep 13
reshaping a dataset
Hi, I'm trying to move to R the last few data handling routines I was performing in SAS. I'm working on stomach content data. In the simplified example I provide below, there are variables describing the origin of each prey item (nbpc is a ship number, each ship may have been used on different trips, each trip has stations, and individual fish (tagno) can be caught at each
2010 Feb 15
GAM for non-integer proportions
Dear list, I´m using the mgcv package to model the proportion by weight of certain prey on the stomach content of a predator. This proportion is the ratio of two weights (prey weight over stomach weight), and ranges between 0 and 1. The variance is low when proportion is close to 0 and 1, and higher at intermediate values. It seems that the best way to go is to model this using the
2011 Feb 03
boostrap an nls regression
Hello there I have the following model based on the hollings disc equation for the type II functional response for 2 data sets: nls(eaten~(a*suppl)/(1+a*h*suppl) where eaten is the number of prey eaten by a predator and suppl is the number of prey initially supplied to the same predator. I have parameter estimates of 'a' and 'h' for the two populations studied and would like
2007 Dec 10
Multiple Reponse CART Analysis
Dear R friends- I'm attempting to generate a regression tree with one gradient predictor and multiple responses, trying to test if change in size ($Clength) acts as a single predictor of ten multiple diet taxa abundances ( Neither rpart or mvpart seem to allow me to do multiple responses. (Or if they can, I'm not using the functions properly.) > library(rpart)
2008 May 26
Prey and OpenGL
I have installed Prey onto my pc running PCLinuxOS following the instructions in or and tried running it. I then found I needed the nocd patch, which I downloaded and applied. I then tried cd to the app folder, then wine prey.exe with the following result: Prey 1.0.103 win-x86 Jun 10
2006 May 01
xyplot: trouble changing graphics settings
Hi I am struggling with the correct code syntax to generate xyplots that are different from the default graphics option. This is simplified version of my data: site size dnaconc prey A 44 22.6 1 A 47 18.2 1 B 38 25.6 0 B 47 20.5 1 C 45 30.5 0 C 32 18.5 0 D 45 15.0 1 D 22 20.1 0 So I am using xyplot(dnaconc~size|site,data=bug,groups=prey) to generate 4 panels (one for each site). My
2016 Apr 26
vectors of equations in ode / desolve
Hello, I have a syntactic problem with ode. How do I specify vectors of equations in ordinary differential equation systems. (i.e. in my case I want to simulate an a priory undefined number of species that have different parameters but the same behaviour) I demonstrate this using the Lotka Volterra example. The code below does not work and I have not a good idea how to specify this right. ##
2010 Apr 28
NLS "Singular Gradient" Error
Hello, I am trying to model a type II functional response of number of prey eaten (Ne) against number supplied (No) with a non-linear least squares regression (nls). I am using a modification of Holling's (1959) disc equation to account for non-replacement of prey; Ne=No{1-exp[a(bNe-T)]} where a is the attack rate, b is the handling time, and T is the experimental period. My script is as
2009 Jun 12
coupled ODE population model
I'm fairly new to R, and I'm trying to write out a population model that satisfies the following; the system consists of s species, i= 1, 2,...,s network of interactions between species is specified by a (s x s) real matrix, C[i,j] x[i] being the relative population of the "ith" species (0 =< x[i] =< 1, sum(x[i]=1) the evolution rule being considered is as follows;
2008 Dec 10
subset point data set by distance ranges
Greetings I'm using R 2.8 with recent (last month) versions of the packages I need to use at present. I'm interested in examining hierarchical spatio-temporal patterns in a data set. The data consist of 94 points (X, Y, UTM coordinates) at which catch rates for a fish were recorded and there are also estimates of prey available for these fish at the same locations.
2008 Apr 25
Non-linear system of equations
Hello R users, I am trying to estimate the parameters of a bimodal normal distribution using moments matching, so I have to solve a non-linear system of equations. How can I solve the following simple example? x^2 - y^2 = 6 x ? y = 3 I heard about nlsystemfit, but I don?t know how to run it exactly. I have tried the following code, but it doesn?t really work: f1 <-y~ x[1]^2-x[2]^2-6 f2
2008 Mar 24
[LLVMdev] Potential breakage in llvm-gcc's ./configure
Am Montag, den 24.03.2008, 12:06 -0700 schrieb Tanya M. Lattner: > > This is close to a showstopper for integrating an llvm-gcc bootstrap > > into the nightly tester. The llvm-gcc ./configure needs to be called > > very differently from the llvm ./configure, and keeping two sets of > > options is Not Worth The Trouble, at least IMHO. > > So you didn't like the
2003 Oct 23
OOP like handling of lists?
Hello, I am writing a package with a collection of several models. In order to allow users to play interactively with the models (in contrast to hacking lengthy scripts), I want to put all what is needed to run a particular model into a single list object for each model. Then there will be a collection of functions to run the model or to modify parameters, time steps, integration method ...,
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but...
Dear All, I'me having (much) trouble understanding why it happened and answering a referee's comment to part of a submitted manuscript. I've tried to google for help but... I'm really confident that although this is a R-Help list someone can help me! I used R to do an ANCOVA w/ RNA/DNA as the dep var, sl as the indep var and gut (a factor w/ levels: prey and empty) as the
2007 Jul 03
[LLVMdev] "bytecode" --> "bitcode"
I did this short experiment: ggreif at my [!297] cd /home/ggreif/llvm ggreif at my [!298] find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep bytecode | wc -l 143 I guess these are a quick prey for perl's in-place replace. But wait! There are more: ggreif at my [!299] find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs grep -i bytecode | wc -l 291 probably all of the rest is "Bytecode"
2002 Jul 30
Security Concern
I've got a problem regarding Win2K security on a Samba 2.2.3a domain. We've got an issue where anyone in the same domain can browse another users' C$. That's bad...bad bad bad. Any PC with the default share (C$) is easy prey. Is there a way to prevent this other than removing the share manually from each and every PC? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Al Moote