similar to: Different gridlines per panel in xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Different gridlines per panel in xyplot"

2007 Feb 20
How to avoid sort of x values in dotplot?
I am trying to avoid that dotplot sorts my x-values. They are in the correct order in the data.frame and the connections between the x-y values follows this order, but the placement of the x-values on the x-axis is re-ordered. In the following example, the order should be "d1", "d8" and "d15". However, this script places "d8" at the highest x position. Any
2006 Dec 14
xyplot: discrete points + continuous curve per panel
I have a number of x, y observations (Time, Conc) for a number of Subjects (with subject number Subj) and Doses. I can plot the individual points with xyplot fine: xyplot(Conc ~ Time | Subj, Groups=Dose, data=myData, panel = function(x,y) { panel.xyplot(x, y) panel.superpose(???) # Needs more here } ) I also like to plot on
2006 Dec 14
Reverse order of grouping factor in grouppedData
I created the following groupedData object (nlme library): gd <- groupedData(Conc ~ Time | Subj, order.groups=T, FUN = myf, data=mydata) The idea of the myf function is to reverse the order of the grouping factor Subj (or better, reorder from largest to smallest). In the mydata data set, Subj is an integer that gets converted into a factor in the groupedData object. Does anyone
2006 Nov 14
Plot title with numeric variables
I am trying to create a plot title in R with substitution by a numeric variable (Figure number N) within the text which is bold and has a subcripted part as well. Here is what I have: title <- expression(bold(paste("Figure ", N, ": Plot ", C[max], " versus CrCL"))) plot(1, main="") # Simple plot for testing N <- 5 mtext(title, line=3, font=2,
2006 Dec 15
xyplot: logarithmic y-axis
This should be simple but I am struggling. I like to easily switch in xyplot between a linear or logarithmic y-axis by setting a logical flag logY to False or True. This switch changes the scales argument of xyplot. I found out that the original two-dimentional data (Conc vs Time in my case) are converted to log10(Conc) if log=TRUE in scales, but it appears that functions like panel.curve need to
2009 Jul 21
animated grid graphics
I need to make a fairly complex animated graphic and decided to use grid for it. A very simple example of what I need: ##============================================================================== library(grid) grid.newpage() pushViewport(plotViewport()) pushViewport(viewport(xscale = extendrange(c(0, 100)), yscale = extendrange(c(0, 100)))) grid.xaxis() grid.yaxis()
2007 Feb 15
Problem in summaryBy
The R script below gives values of 1 for all minimum values when I use a custom function in summaryBy. I get the correct values when I use FUN=min directly. Any help is much appreciated. The continuous information provided in this forum is fabulous as are the different R packages available. Rene # Simulated simplified data Subj <- rep(1:4, each=6) Analyte <-
2011 May 14
Using dates on axis with Grid plots
Hi, I'm trying to use Grid plots and would like to have an X axis that represents dates. I have several years of data so I would like to be able to have labeled tick marks only intermittently (not one per date). I can transform the initial data from a date time string into POSIXlt or POSIXct, or Date objects. The issue is that when I try to layout the plot using: pushViewport(
2007 Feb 04
Reference to dataframe and contents
This is probably easy for experienced users but I could not find a solution. I have several R scripts that process several columns of a dataframe (several dataframes and columns actually, but simplified for my question). References such as: myDF$myCol are all over. I like to automate this for other dataframes and columns by defining a reference only once in the beginning of the script. One
2012 Mar 28
xyplot lattice fine control of axes limits and thick marks (with log scale)
After a long and winding road (sorry but I'm a novice) I get to a final result which is quite close to what I need; nevertheless I would like to tweak a little further the xyplot so that I can get ***for each single panel defined by variable z*** a finer control over: -the x and y the limits: I would like to be the same for both axes; -the number of thick marks: again I would like to be same
2012 Feb 16
Defining a viewport scale in {Grid}
Am just feeling my way into the grid library, and cannot figure out how to define the plot limits. 3/5 of the example polygons below plot in the default 0-1 range viewport. But when I try to redefine the viewport the polygons plot in the same places. I also get the same result without employing push/pop. (As you can see from the scale I'm trying to introduce, I want to plot map polygons.)
2013 Jun 10
Using Lattice, LatticeExtra - Hide right and top axes in multipanel plots
Dear Rxperts, How do I hide the top and right axes in multiple panel plots? A couple of examples are provided below.. Would highly appreciate appreciate your assistance.. #Example 1 library(latticeExtra) xyplot((1:200)/20 ~ (1:200)/20, type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(x = list(log = 2,alternating=0), y = list(log = 10,alternating=0)), xscale.components =
2010 Oct 20
need for speed on grid.rect
When I use grid.rect to print a multi-coloured grid, it is incredibly slow compared to a single colour grid, or even a two colour grid. I've set out some simplified examples below. This is something I run literally thousands of times a day, so I would greatly appreciate any hints on how I might improve the speed??? library(grid) pushViewport(viewport( width = unit(100,
2004 Aug 27
Plotting irregular grid as image or persp
Hi, I have an array of 2d node locations and an array triangles, and would like to plot something like a image or persp. An example of doing it with rgl is: library(ncdf) library(rgl) # wget teapot<-open.ncdf("") z<-get.var.ncdf(teapot,"tris") l<-get.var.ncdf(teapot,"locations")
2006 May 19
Tick marks in lines.survfit
I posted several months about the problem with adding tick marks to curves using lines.survfit. This occurs when lines.survfit is used to add a curve to survival curves plotted with plot.survfit. The help for this function implies that mark.time=TRUE thus: plot(pfsfit,,xscale=365.25,yscale=100,xlab="Years",ylab="% surviving",lty=2,mark=3)
2013 Feb 27
lattice xyplot point labelling
This is my reproducible example<-structure(list(inq = structure(4:17, .Label = c("D4", "D5", "D6a", "D6b", "D6c", "D7", "D8", "F4", "F5a", "F5b", "F6a", "F6b", "F6c", "F6d", "F7a", "F7b", "F8"), class =
2012 Sep 27
Problem with grid.rect
I have a stupid problem that is currently driving me crazy... Let us suppose that I want to draw a big red square in the middle of my current device (say X11) I tried the following code : pushViewport(viewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0,1)), just=c("center", "center")) vp1 <- viewport(x=unit(0.5, "native"), y=unit(0.5, "native"), width=unit(0.4,
2003 Jul 21
Lattice: how to draw some text outside the panel?
Dear r-help I draw plots with xyplot() function. Each plot contains also a line of regression. I want to write the trend value and its significance (obtained with lm()) below each panel. I use ltext() for this. But the text is cut, when it comes outside a panel. Moreover (obviously), it doesn't appear at all when its coordinates are outside a panel. Could you,
2003 Apr 27
bug and proposed fix in print.trellis 1.7.0 (PR#2859)
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---1678264062-154654637-1051422990=:2626055 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII ---1678264062-154654637-1051422990=:2626055 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII;
2009 Jun 23
curvedarrow (some graphics problem)
Hi there, I just wonder how to draw this kind of picture... and this is what i have done %%%%% library(shape) library(diagram) curve(sin(x),bty="n",-8,8,yaxt="n",ylab="",xaxt="n",type="n",xlab="") axis(1,labels=F,at=seq(-8,8,1))