similar to: Anyone got Globalize working???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Anyone got Globalize working???"

2006 Feb 17
Migration Errors?
Hi there, I just bought the Rails Recipes and PDF preview of the book. So far it''s excellent. I decided to try Chapter 8 of the book regarding tagging. I''ve done migrations before, and I feel comfortable with them, however this error stumps me. -------------------------------------------------- antrover:~/RubyProjects/rlog dhoefler$ ruby script/generate migration
2006 Jan 09
File_column Dynamic directory
I asked this question earlier and did recieve an answer but I am not sure Ifully understood the answer as I am getting all sorts of errors when trying to implement. Basically I want to add a layer to the path for my files. I have the following set up in my model class: file_column :image, :store_dir => :dynamic_dir def dynamic_dir
2006 Jan 25
Testing a model method - private method?
Hi everyone, I''m trying to test a method in my model: def html_email return "<a href=''mailto:" + + "''>" + + "</a>" end The method works ok. But when I try to test it: assert_equal ("<a href=''mailto:" + people(:staff1_person).email + "''>" +
2006 Feb 09
breakpointer error
Hi, I can''t get breakpointer to work on locomotive. Pretty sure it used to work... Any ideas?? Jeroen jeroen$ ruby script/breakpointer /Applications/Locomotive/Bundles/rails-1.0.0-max.bundle/Contents/Resources/ports/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:828:in `getaddrinfo'': getaddrinfo: No address associated with nodename (SocketError) from
2005 Dec 31
What does this error mean when using scaffold?
Last login: Fri Dec 30 15:34:43 on ttyp1 source /private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/Locomotive. 1135999534.992790-16807 Welcome to Darwin! frank-roccos-powerbook58:~ farocco$ source /private/var/tmp/folders. 501/TemporaryItems/Locomotive.1135999534.992790-16807 frank-roccos-powerbook58:~/Documents/receipts farocco$ script/ generate scaffold receipt receipt
2006 Apr 03
[newbi] Problem Routes
Hello, i try to follow this video After change my routes routes.db ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # Add your own custom routes here. # The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority. # Here''s a sample route: # map.connect ''products/:id'', :controller =>
2006 Aug 17
Ferret locks up when adding items to an index
I''m running Ferret 0.9.5 on a MacBook Pro (OS X 10.4.7) under Locomotive 2.0.7. I have a problem where Ferret is hanging when I try to add items to the index. It doesn''t happen with every object that''s being indexed, and I''m not sure what the objects in question have in common (they are not all instances of the same ActiveRecord object). The process
2005 Dec 15
Problem with ActionMailer -- which looks really cool!
Whatever I do to try to connect including trying different ISPs, I get the same errors, here they are: Errno::ECONNREFUSED in Events#send_my_email Connection refused - connect(2) Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace /Applications/Locomotive/Bundles/rails-0.14.1-min.bundle/Contents/ Resources/ports/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:83:in `initialize''
2006 Jan 10
Oracle 10g Express - generate scaffold gives error
Hello, I have Oracle XE installed. I have a table USERS. When I try to generate a scaffold it gives me this error. I tried also with Mysql and it worked. E:\radrails\projects\MPS>ruby script\generate scaffold user exists app/controllers/ exists app/helpers/ create app/views/user exists test/functional/ dependency model exists app/models/ exists
2006 Jan 20
Cannot rake migrate on OS X After New Install, Tons of Debugging
I''m getting ready to go to the Rails Studio in Pasadena next week. As part of the prep for that event, I was instructed by the Pragmatic guys to download and install a new Rails 1.0/Ruby 1.8.4 configuration to my OS X 10.4.4 box. I did that three or four days ago. Ever since then, I cannot run a rake migrate command successfully anywhere in my Rails world. (Mind you,
2005 Dec 30
Locomotive 1.0.0 for Mac OS 10.3+
Hi All, I''m very happy to announce the release of Locomotive 1.0.0. Locomotive is a one-click development solution for Rails on Mac OS X. See more details at Get it at: What''s New? =========== * Server bundle updated to lighttpd 1.4.8 * Server bundle updated to
2005 Dec 21
Rails without a db - how to run tests
I''m writing a simple app that doesn''t need to use a database. I added :active_record to the config.frameworks -= line in environment.rb file. This lets me run ./script/generate fine without complaining about no connection. However if I try to run a functional test, it complains about no connection being established. Well...I don''t want a connection to be established.
2006 Feb 24
sqlite3 error: uninitialized constant API
I''m just starting my first rails app and I can''t figure out this error. It''s got something to do with connecting to sqlite3...Here''s the application trace: <code> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:200:in `const_missing''
2005 Dec 23
SQLite in-memory
I left ":memory:" in database.yml for testing and the most simple tests in the Agile book do not work (see trace below for test_truth). Since that''s what comes with the distributed database.yml I suppose it''s me doing something wrong. Did someone get SQLite ":memory:" working? How does it grab the schema? -- fxn % rake test_units (in
2006 Mar 27
:through and STI
Hi, I''m trying to use :through and STI using the trunk version of Rails, but I get the following error see bottom of this msg[1] here are my classes. class Player < ActiveRecord::Base end class Ladder < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :subscriptions has_many :players, :through => :subscriptions end class SingleLadder < Ladder end class Subscription <
2007 Feb 20
rails 1.2.1, locomotive and backgroundrb
Hi I just tried to move my project to rails 1.2.1 on my locomotive development setup. It seems that backgroundrb is not willing to start up anymore. If I switch locomotive back to 1.1.6, everthing is fine. This is the error I get while attempting to start backgroundrb: /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/standardRailsJan2007.locobundle/
2006 Jan 22
Problems with File_column
Hi, Rails - newbie here.. I''m setting up an app and am trying to use file_column to upload a picture with an item and I''m running into several problems. (Background: I''m running Locomotive Rails under OS X 10.4.4, and using Safari) I followed the directions to add the necessary items, then found out that I had to add the item to make the form tag be a multipart
2006 Mar 31
[newbi] Create a Model
Hello All, Yesterday i put RoR with Locomotive. I am very happy :p. So I follow this tuto ( I used Sqlite. my database.yml # MySQL (default setup). Versions 4.1 and 5.0 are recommended. # # Get the fast C bindings: # gem install mysql # (on OS X: gem install mysql -- --include=/usr/local/lib) # And be sure to use new-style password
2006 Jan 28
Rails scaffolding - cannot get access to MySQL
Hi, A newbie in the RoR world, I''m already more or less stuck when generating the scaffold for my first tutorial project ... When I try to generate scaffold code for my version of the ''depot'' application from the ''Agile rails ...'' book, I receive the following error: #28000Access denied for user ''bo''@''localhost''
2006 Jan 02
rake test_units not loading any fixtures
Hello All, If I run my unit tests individually using Ruby, they all work correctly. However, if I try to run them using "rake test_units", I get a bunch of error messages. The error messages appear to be caused by rake not loading any of the fixtures into the test database. I am using PostgreSQL on Windows. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks, Bruce. -- Posted via