Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "model simplification in repeated anova"
2005 May 20
Problem with proj
Hi all,
Perhaps this in an inappropriate post, but I've found a bug in proj
I'd like to track down a bit further before making a formal bug report.
The example below shows the problem, if you change the rownames proj
fails. The problem seems to be that there is a mismatch in the rownames
in the qr objects constructed by aov and the rownames that proj is
expecting them to have.
2009 Feb 18
[package-car:Anova] extracting residuals from Anova for Type II/III Repeated Measures ?
Hello dear R members.
I have been learning the Anova syntax in order to perform an SS type III
Anova with repeated measures designs (thank you Prof. John Fox!)
And another question came up: where/what are the (between/within) residuals
for my model?
############ Play code:
phase <- factor(rep(c("pretest", "posttest", "followup"), c(5, 5, 5)),
2011 Jan 07
anova vs aov commands for anova with repeated measures
Dear all,
I need to understand a thing in the beheaviour of the two functions aov and
anova in the following case
involving an analysis of ANOVA with repeated measures:
If I use the folowing command I donĀ“t get any problem:
>aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
> summary(aov1)
Instead if I try to fit the same model for the
2005 Jan 31
Automatically Extracting F- and P- vals from ANOVA
Dear R community,
I'm currently using R to analyze functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
data. Each analysis involves running ~120,000 repeated-measures
I would like to know if there is any automatic way to access the F-
and P-value data that are associated with each of these 120,000
For example, if the summary output (for the 1st ANOVA of 120,000)
shows the following value
2002 Apr 02
Repeated aov residuals
Are there any access functions to the various residual variables that should
result from a repeated measures ANOVA ? MyAOVObject$residuals does not exist,
and simply printing MyAOVObject gives a very long print of all fields in the
result list, many of which I can't see what they are exactly :
$error.qr$qraux, for instance.
What I would like basically is to inspect those residuals
2003 Nov 29
Indexing ANOVA table
Hi all,
I'd like to extract a value from an ANOVA table, but experience the following
### This works:
> s.pseudo <- summary(aov(m ~ block + mix*graz,data=split1))
> s.pseudo
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
block 2 1114.66 557.33 4.4296 0.04192 *
mix 1 6.14 6.14 0.0488 0.82956
graz 2 1.45 0.72 0.0057 0.99427
2009 May 13
Multiple ANOVA tests
I'm trying to do multiple ANOVA tests with R (testing the affect off
different factors on the same response). As a result I get many ANOVA
tables, and I want to extract a list of the "Pr(>F)" from all the tables.
Maybe someone have an idea how to do this?
View this message in context:
2007 May 11
Doea anyone know how to compute components of variance analysis? For example, I have the score of pupils on a test. Each pupil belongs to a school and within each school I may have several classes? How can I estimate the variance of the pupils, schools, classes and the errror variance?
Any examples?
Any help will be appreciated.
Dr. Iasonas Lamprianou
Department of Education
2000 Jul 05
Tukey.aov with split-plot designs
I am using R 1.1 with Redhat 6.2 and RW 1.001 with Win98 (the upkey doesn't
work on my IBM either as has been previously reported by others).
The function aov doesn't return either the residuals or the residual
degrees of freedom for split-plot designs.
If you use the following code from Baron and Li's "Notes on the use of R
for psycology experiments and questionnaires"
2004 Aug 17
aov summary to matrix
Is there an easy way of converting an aov.summary into a matrix in which
the rows are the factor names and the columns are Df, Sum Sq, Mean Sq, F
value and Pr.
For example, convert
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
block 5 343.29 68.66 4.4467 0.015939 *
N 1 189.28 189.28 12.2587 0.004372 **
P 1 8.40 8.40 0.5441 0.474904
2010 Apr 21
How to obtain the coefficients from a summary of aov ?
Dear Madame, Dear Sir,
I am able to obtain the coefficients from a 'summary' of 'lm', but NOT from a 'summary' of 'aov'.
The following example shows my steps.
## Initialize
rm(list = ls()) # remove (almost) everything in the working environment
utils::data(npk, package="MASS") # get data
model <- yield ~ block + N*P*K
## Using lm
npk.lm <-
2008 Nov 26
S4 slot containing either aov or NULL
Dear listmembers,
I would like to define a class with a slot that takes either an object
of class aov or NULL. I have been reading "S4 Classes in 15 pages more
or less" and "Lecture: S4 classes and methods"
#First I tried with list and NULL
setIs("list", "listOrNULL")
setIs("NULL", "listOrNULL")
2008 Dec 17
repeated measures aov with weights
Dear R-help,
I'm facing a problem with defining a repeated measures anova with
weighted data.
Here's the code to reproduce the problem:
# generate some data
rtrep <- data.frame(rt=rnorm(100),ti=rep(1:5,20),subj=gl
# model with within factor for subjects/repeated measurements, no
aov(rt~ti + Error(subj/ti),data=rtrep)
#model with weights
2003 Jan 24
model.tables and NA?
This might be a minor bug, or it could be that I'm just mis-using the tools
If you modify the example for model.tables to introduce an NA,
N <- c(0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0)
P <- c(1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0)
K <- c(1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0)
yield <-
1999 Nov 30
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2002 Jan 25
interpretation of lm
Dear statistitians / R users,
I was told to analyse the effects of the four factors
using lm or update for aov. The following is the
result from lm. As you can see that in the last few
lines enclosed coefficients.
1)Does this mean I can write a formula, like
yield =0.26 + 0.03*H + 1.48*T + 0.04*L + 0.004*C
2) in the two levels design, is there any difference
between I use (-1, 1) to
2010 Jul 23
model.tables call fails with "Error in inherits(object, "formula")"
I noticed that model.tables fails when applied to an aov() fit if called
inside a function. The problem seems to occur when as.formula is used
inside a function on a string containing
"<formula> + Error( x / y )"
The reason I tried to use as.formula is to generate dynamic calls to aov().
Here is a minimal example illustrating the problem:
## Example
test <-
2003 Dec 18
prevent aov re-ordering of model terms
Is there a way to prevent the re-ordering of factors by aov? I do have a
three-way interaction that I do want to fit before a two-way interaction
(different factors, so they are not nested), but R moves the two-way
interaction to the front. I know it generally makes sense to fit the
two-way interactions first, but in this case I think I know what I'm doing.
+ hv
2003 Apr 17
make check failure with R-1.7.0
I'm baffled. When I run make check after installing from source, I
get a Error 2. From my understanding of how these things work, it
would appear to be coming from this (as at the end of base-Ex.Rout.fail:
> has.VR <- require(MASS, quietly = TRUE)
Attaching package 'MASS':
The following object(s) are masked from package:base :
confint confint.lm nclass.FD nclass.scott
2008 Feb 07
ANOVA and lmer
I am analyzing from a very simple experiment.
I have measured plants of two different colours (yellow and purple) in 9
different populations.
So, I have two different factors : a fixed effect (Colour with two
levels) and a random one (Population with 9 levels).
I first analyzed the data with the aov function
LargS is the variable
aov(formula = LargS ~ Col + Error(Col/Pop))