similar to: ks.test not working?

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2012 Oct 12
ks.test not working?
Hi, I am performing GEV analysis on temperature/precipitation data and want to use the ks.boot function but I am unsure of how to implement it using the pgev distribution. For example: ks.test(data,pgev,shape,location,scale) ks.boot(data,(distribution parameters?),alternative="pgev",nboots=1000) Any advice? Apologies in advance if I have used the wrong email address. Regards, Louise
2011 Oct 21
How to use (package ismev) under box constraints?
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2011 Feb 20
Extreme Values - Help with GPD function
Hi, I'm a second year Master's student in Applied Statistics. I am doing a project using average weekly U.S. regular gasoline prices (in cents, per gallon) from an Excel file (from the years 1990- May 2010). I want to find the probability that the average weekly U.S. regular gasoline prices (in the long term) goes over 400 cents a gallon (or $4.00 a gallon). I am using the
2012 Feb 01
Crash in R using embedded.
Hi, I'm new to R, and am trying to embed R into another application. I'm calling from the ismev package, and it is crashing somewhere inside it. gdb is not catching it, and valgrind is not showing any memory corruption issues. I suspect it's memory corruption, because it doesn't crash in exactly the same spot each time. I'm running R 2.12.2 on a 64 bit linux (Ubuntu
2009 May 04
GEV para datos no estacionarios
Hola a todos, Soy nuevo en R y estoy intentando modelizar una serie de datos no estacionarios usand la distribucion Generalizada de Valores Extremos GEV. ¿Podriais indicarme como se modeliza una tendencia polinómica (cuadrática, por ejemplo) en alguno de los 3 parámetros (situación, escala o forma)? He encontrado documentación a cerca de modelización linear o exponencial, pero no acabo de
2012 Jun 20
lmomco in gev estimation
Hi guys, I'm trying to use lmomco package. first I did the manual calculation on what is the estimates scale and location parameter given L-CV=0.2, L1=1000 L-moments and k (shape parameter) =- 0.1. so what i get is: location: 821.0445 scale: 260.7590 shape: -0.1000 #I assign this as GEV vectors using vec2par GEVpara2<-vec2par(c( 821.0445 , 260.7590 ,-0.1),'gev') #then I
2006 Dec 14
Fit Frechet Distribution
Hi everyone, is there a function to fit a frechet distribution? The only thing I found is from ismev which fits a generalized extreme value distribution (if shape>1 => Frechet) . Is there a function to only fit a frechet? Thank you Benjamin
2005 Dec 03
Fit Frechet Distribution
hello everybody i want to use the maximum likelihood method to estimate FRECHET parameters of my sample data. Should it work with fitdistr in the package MASS? I only find how to do it for GEV, Gumbel, and almost all other distributions, but FRECHET? I would be very happy if somebody can tell me how to do fit the FRECHET distribution! Thanks Nadja Riedwyl
2011 Dec 13
tcplot documentation in evd package
Hello, and please advise regarding any errors/omissions on my part. However, the documentation for R's tcplot function in the evd package appears to contain an error. I am using evd version 2.2-4 in R 2.14.0 with Windows XP. > data(portpirie) > mrlplot(portpirie) ## No Error > tlim <- c(3.6, 4.2) > tcplot(portpirie, tlim) ## Line from documentation Error in fpot(data, u[1],
2005 Jul 27
fitting extreme value distribution
hi, rgev function gives me random deviates and I have a data set which I am fitting to an EVD,IS there a way I can plot both observed and ideal evd on the same plot thankyou Rangesh
2011 Jun 30
Saving fExtremes estimates and k-block return level with confidence intervals.
I am estimating a large model by groups. How do you save the results and?returns the associated quantiles? For this example I need a data frame n?? ?xi??????? mu????????beta 1?? 0.1033614? 2.5389580 0.9092611 2? ?0.3401922? 0.5192882 1.5290615 3?? 0.5130798? 0.5668308 1.2105666 I also want to apply gevrlevelPlot() for each "n" or group. ? #Example n <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,
2012 Oct 12
(no subject)
Hi All, I am performing GEV analysis on temperature/precipitation data using L moments: dim(data) [1] 145 192 156 Lmoments <- apply(data, 1:2, function(x) samlmu(x,nmom=4, params_GEV <- apply(Lmoments,2:3,pelgev) location <- params_GEV[1,,] (xi) scale <- params_GEV[2,,] (alpha) shape <- params_GEV[3,,] (k) I want to use the ks.boot function but I am
2007 Apr 28
The confidence level of p-value of ks.boot
Hello! I need to compare 2 datasets whether they come from the same distribution. I use function ks.boot{Matching}. And what is the confidence level of the p-value, returned by ks.boot function? The code is: set=read.table("", header=T,sep=',') set1=set[!$set1),'set1']
2012 Jan 04
KS and AD test for Generalized PAreto and Generalized Extreme value
Dear R helpers, I need to use KS and AD test for Generalized Pareto and Generalized extreme value. E.g. if I need to use KS for Weibull, I have teh syntax ks.test(x.wei,"pweibull", shape=2,scale=1) Similarly, for AD I use ad.test(x,, ...) My problem is fir given data, I have estimated the parameters of GPD and GEV using lmom. But I am not able to find out the distribution
2009 Jul 22
Extreme Value Bivariate Point Process Model
Dear All- I am looking at the bivariate point process model for extreme values as described in Section 8.3.2 of Coles book. I am stuck at a very low level in being unable to reproduce the initial step of transforming the data to unit Frechet margins. In particular, I am unable to reproduce the wave-surge pairs distribution after transformation to Frechet scale (Figure 8.6 of Coles
2008 Dec 18
Random Number Generation using (Generalized) Extreme Value distribution and Pareto distribution
Hi R helpers, Is there any function in R, which generates random numbers in case of (1) Generalized Extreme Value distribution and (2) Generalized PAreto distribution for the respective given set of parameters? Regards Maithili
2008 Dec 16
Parameter Estimation - Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
Dear R helpers, How do you estimate the (Location, Scale, Shape) parameters of Generalized Extreme Value distribution using R? I have tried VGAM but just not able to write the R script. Please advise. With regards Maithili
2007 Feb 02
multinomial logistic regression with equality constraints?
I'm interested in doing multinomial logistic regression with equality constraints on some of the parameter values. For example, with categorical outcomes Y_1 (baseline), Y_2, and Y_3, and covariates X_1 and X_2, I might want to impose the equality constraint that \beta_{2,1} = \beta_{3,2} that is, that the effect of X_1 on the logit of Y_2 is the same as the effect of X_2 on the
2007 Jan 08
Export dataframe to txt
Hi all, Is there a function to export a dataframe to a text file? I want to store a large set of data which I have saved in a dataframe in my workspace and copy and past doesn't cut it. Thank you, Benjamin
2006 Oct 26
Header of dataframe
Hi I am fairly new to R and I would appreciate some help to hopefully a trivial problem. I created a function: summary.aggregate <- function(y, ...) { temp.mean <- aggregate(y, FUN=mean, ...) <- aggregate(y, FUN=sd, ...) temp.length <- aggregate(y, FUN=length, ...) temp <- data.frame(cbind(mean=temp.mean$x,$x,n=temp.length$x)) } this outputs e.g.: