Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Making TIFF images with rtiff"
2011 Jun 05
Can't compile rtiff for OSX
I have libtiff installed from macports, and it is sitting there in /opt/local/lib:
$ ls -l /opt/local/lib/*tiff*
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root admin 796684 Jun 4 22:13 /opt/local/lib/libtiff.3.dylib
-rw-r--r-- 2 root admin 990296 Jun 4 22:13 /opt/local/lib/libtiff.a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 15 Jun 4 22:14 /opt/local/lib/libtiff.dylib -> libtiff.3.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root admin 960 Jun
2010 May 03
ISO Eric Kort (rtiff)
I wanted to ask Eric a question or two about the rtiff package, but his
listed email address bounces w/ 550 error. Does anyone know how to
reach him, or whether he's actively maintaining rtiff?
If anyone's interested, my primary desire is for rtiff (or other tool)
to provide me with the raw range of pixel values in a tiff file. rtiff
dumps straight into a pixmap object, so the
2011 Apr 22
Reading a TIFF file
Dear all, I have been trying to speed up a process we have been done in ArcGIS. We have to read a single layer TIFF (monochrome image) in . For this, I have used the "rtiff" package. After reading the TIFF file, I compared the raw values for each pixel that I have in ArcGIS to the ones obtained in R. In ArcGIS I have discrete values in the range 0..255, while in R I have continuous
2012 Oct 23
12-bit functionality in tiff package
We have recently been using the tiff package for reading tiff images into the Bioconductor Package EBImage. This has been extremely helpful in conjunction with other steps to eliminate dependencies on ImageMagick.
However, it seems that 12-bit images are not supported. We were wondering if there are plans to extend the functionality of the readTIFF() function in the tiff package to
2009 Apr 05
problem with lattice tiff or bitmap: character size and color
Hi all,
I am trying to make tiff files of lattice plots at a resolution greater
than 300 dpi required by a journal (PLoS ONE). I have tried both the tiff
and bitmap functions. tiff keeps panel colors but reduces axes and tick
labels so they are nearly invisible. bitmap maintains correct label size
but only produces greyscale. Regular plots work fine with tiff; the
problem is only with lattice
2007 Apr 25
Upload PDF / Save as tiff
I''m trying to automate the conversion of a PDF document received via a
browser upload to a tiff image via ghostscript. I have the PDF data in
a string, and I need the tiff data returned into a string.
The general command I want to emulate is:
type test.pdf | "c:\program files\gs\gs8.56\bin\gswin32c.exe" -q
-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=- > test5.tiff
2010 Oct 01
Issues loading rtiff 1.4.1 with R 2.6.2 on Windows
Dear R-users,
I successfully installed rtiff on by R installation, but when I tried to
load it, I got:
>local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))
+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)})
Error in dyn.load(file, ...) :
unable to load shared library
LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul
2008 Feb 01
Converting a character string into an object variable
Assume that I want to create a series of sequentially named R objects. For
example, I might want to call these objects V1, V2, V3 ... V50. To do this,
I thought of some sort of looping function like:
input.value <- seq(1:50) * 3
for(i in 1:50){
paste("V", i, sep="") <- input.value[i]
Of course this loop will not work since the paste function
2009 Jun 15
display SVG, PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PPM in new plot frame
Dear R-help
I want to display an image file in a new plot frame.
SVG is my preferred format, but I can also consider
PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, and PPM (from ImageMagick).
By way of background (although not material to this
posting), the image file is generated by a call to
'dot' (part of the 'Graphviz' suite) after the required
.dot file has been produced using hand-crafted R code.
2007 Apr 20
Opinion on R plots: connecting X and Y
Attention R users, especially those that are experienced enough to be
opinionated, I need your input.
Consider the following simple plot:
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
plot(x, y, bty='n')
A colleague (and dreaded SAS user) commented that she thought that my
plots could be "cleaned up" by connecting the X and Y axes. I know that
I can do that with bty='l' but I
2006 Oct 31
Missing data analysis in R
I am looking for a book that discusses the theory of multiple imputation
(and other methods of dealing with missing data) and, just as
importantly, how to implement these methods in R or S-Plus. Ideally,
the book would have a structure similar to Faraway (Regression),
Pinheiro&Bates (Mixed Effects) and Wood (GAMs) and would be very modern
(i.e. published within the last couple of years).
2011 Feb 28
Measuring correlations in repeated measures data
I would like to measure the correlation coefficient between the repeated measures of a single variable that is measured over time and is unbalanced. As an example, consider the Orthodont dataset from package nlme, where the model is:
fit <- lmer(distance ~ age + (1 | Subject), data=Orthodont)
I would like to measure the correlation b/t the variable "distance" at
2005 Dec 04
tiff graphics
I frequently insert PDF graphics created with R into Word (Office
2004 for Mac) documents. The documents are created on either a
Linux machine (RedHat 9) or a Mac (Tiger). I am using R 2.2.0.
These pdf graphics often lose a great deal of resolution after
insertion into Word compared to their high quality when printed as
PDF documents. I recently learned that converting the
2011 Jan 14
How to point R toward Ghostscript on a Windows XP system
A colleague designed a script for a bar plot, which I'd like to export to my directory via the barplot command:
bitmap(file="barplot.tif", type="tifflzw", height=4, width=6.5, res=1250)
Unfortunately, this command produces the following error message:
Error in system(paste(gsexe, "-help"), intern = TRUE, invisible = TRUE) :
'gswin32c.exe' not found
2006 Nov 03
Import problem with S-Plus 7.0 dataset
I am running R 2.3.1 on a Windows XP machine. I am trying to import
some data into R that is stored as an S-Plus 7.0 .sdd file.
When I run the following command, I get this error:
> library(foreign)
> d <- read.S(file='H:\\Research\\data.sdd')
Error in read.S(file = "H:\\Research\\data.sdd") :
not an S object
The dataset is fairly large, roughly 13000 rows
2006 Nov 03
Import problem with S-Plus 7.0 dataset
I am running R 2.3.1 on a Windows XP machine. I am trying to import
some data into R that is stored as an S-Plus 7.0 .sdd file.
When I run the following command, I get this error:
> library(foreign)
> d <- read.S(file='H:\\Research\\data.sdd')
Error in read.S(file = "H:\\Research\\data.sdd") :
not an S object
The dataset is fairly large, roughly 13000 rows
2007 Apr 12
Putting 2 breaks on Y axis
R plotting experts:
I have a bivariate dataset composed of 300 (x,y) continuous datapoints.
297 of these points are located within the y range of [0,10], while 2
are located at 20 and one at 55. No coding errors, real outliers.
When plotting these data with a scatterplot, I obviously have a problem.
If I plot the full dataset with ylim = c(0,55), then I cannot see the
structure in the data in
2008 Jan 21
'matrix' returns integer instead of decimal
I am experiencing some odd behavior with the 'matrix' function that I have
not experienced before and was wondering if there is something that I was
missing in my code.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
2007 Jan 06
Using VGAM's vglm function for ordinal logistic regression
I am using the vglm function of the VGAM library to perform proportional
odds ordinal logistic regression. The issue that I would like help with
concerns the format in which the response variable must be provided for
this function to work correctly. Consider the following example:
pneumo # Inspect the format of the original dataset
2012 Oct 17
Unable to install rtiff package
Hello all,
i am using Ubuntu 12.04 and I have R 2.14.1
When i try to install the rtiff package I got this error:
> install.packages("rtiff")
Installing package(s) into
(as ?lib? is unspecified)
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