similar to: map data.frame() data after having linked them to a read.shape() object

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "map data.frame() data after having linked them to a read.shape() object"

2011 Apr 06
glm predict on new data
I am aware this has been asked before but I could not find a resolution. I am doing a logit lg <- glm(y[1:200] ~ x[1:200,1],family=binomial) Then I want to predict a new set pred <- predict(lg,x[201:250,1],type="response") But I get varying error messages or warnings about the different number of rows. I have tried data/newdata and also to wrap in data.frame() but cannot get
2011 Nov 02
nproc parameter in efpFunctional
Hello all, could anyone explain the exact meaning of parameter nproc? Why different values of nproc give so different critical values, i.e. meanL2BB$computeCritval(0.05,nproc=3) [1] 0.9984853 meanL2BB$computeCritval(0.05,nproc=1) [1] 0.4594827 The strucchange-package description gives "integer specifying for which number of processes Brownian motions should be simulated" - do I need
2003 May 22
extract half a matrix
Dear all, I'm new to matrix operations in R. I couln't find a solution to the following problem among earlier help mails or in An introd to R, I guess because the question is really basic. I want to extract all above the diagonal, i.e. from 1 2 3 4 1 0 26 49 49 2 26 0 44 40 3 49 44 0 21 4 49 40 21 0 I want 26 49 44 49 40 21 Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Tord
2007 Mar 19
order of values in vector
Dear all, I would like to get the order of the values in a vector. I have tried rank(), order() and searched the archive, though without success. Here is an example of a try x= c(20,30,50,40,60,10) cbind(sort.list(x),x) x [1,] 6 20 [2,] 1 30 [3,] 2 50 [4,] 4 40 [5,] 3 60 [6,] 5 10 but I was hoping to get this: x [1,] 2 20 [2,] 3 30 [3,] 5 50 [4,] 4 40 [5,] 6 60 [6,] 1 10 I'm
2011 Nov 10
efpFunctional construction (strucchange package)
Hello, to understand better how efpFunctional works, I'm trying to construct my own functionals. But concerning already existing functionals I have some questions. With maxBB it is clear: functional = list(comp = function(x) max(abs(x)), time = max), with rangeBB: functional = list(time = function(x) max(x)-min(x), comp = max), with meanL2BB, if I understood correctly: functional =
2003 Dec 07
par(las = 1) not possible in polymap(), library(splancs)?
Dear all, I want my PhD thesis which I hand in tomorrow to look even nicer: Does polymap in the splancs library not allow horizontal plotting of y-labels? I have tried polymap(studyarea, xlab = "x (m)", ylab = "y (m)", las = 1) but it doesn't change the labels? Mayby some function in library(spatstat) support las? Thanks! Sincerely, Tord
2003 Jan 22
Error when using polr() in MASS
Dear all, I get an error message when I use polr() in MASS. These are my data: skugg grupp frekv 4 1 gr3 0 5 2 gr3 3 6 3 gr3 6 10 1 gr5 1 11 2 gr5 12 12 3 gr5 1 > > summary(polr(skugg ~ grupp, weights=frekv, data= skugg.cpy1.dat)) Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) :
2003 Feb 05
simplify a data frame
Dear all, For the past three hours I have tried simplify a data frame. I would be really happy if someone could help solving this, I'm sure simple, problem. I want to "aggregate" the data frame: ObjektID BalteNummer Baltessegment S.13 S.13.1 S.13.1.2 S.13 S.13.1 S.13.1.3 S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.1 S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.2 S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.3 S.13 S.13.3 S.13.3.6 S.13 S.13.3 S.13.3.7
2003 Nov 23
remove 0 rows from a data frame
Dear all, As part of a larger function, I am randomly removing rows from a data frame. The number of removed rows is determmined by a Poisson distribution with a low mean. Sometimes, the random number is 0, and that's when the problem starts: My data frame: > temp occ x y dbh age 801 0 2977.196 3090.225 6 36.0 802 0 2951.892 3083.769 8 40.6 803 0 2919.111
2003 Jul 21
bold AND italic as font in text()
Dear all, Is it possible to somshow plot text as italic AND bold. I tried font=c(2,3) in text(), but it doesn't work. It seems like the latter value is used. Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Tord ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tord Sn?ll Avd. f v?xtekologi, Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, Uppsala universitet Dept. of Plant Ecology, Evolutionary Biology
2002 Jan 04
line up a matrix
Dear all, I try to rearrange my ref. database (now in Excel!! :( ) for importing it into a reference manager program (RIS format). My file basically look like this [3,4]-matrix: rbind(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), c("e", "f", "g", "h"), c("i", "j", "k", "l")) [,1] [,2] [,3]
2006 Dec 27
counties in different colours using map()
Hi, I would like to plot a map of US counties using different colors. map() seems to be the function to use, e.g. library(maps); map('usa'); map('county', 'colorado', add=T,fill = T, col=c(1:5)) plots Colorado counties using colours 1 to 5. However, I want each color to represent a certain value - a value to be picked from a data frame. This code should show a
2003 Oct 08
binomial glm warnings revisited
Dear all, Last autumn there was some discussion on the list of the warning Warning message: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: (if (is.empty.model(mt)) else = X, y = Y, when fitting binomial GLMs with many 0 and few 1. Parts of replies: "You should be able to tell which coefficients are infinite -- the coefficients and their standard errors will
2003 Oct 20
warning from return() in 1.8 but not in 1.7.0 (PR#4687)
To whom it may concern, I get the following message when I run my function: Warning message: multi-argument returns are deprecated in: return(call.fn, repl, time, from, to, last.year, occup.m, ant.occ.m, > version platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 1 minor 8.0
2003 Jul 31
how as.numeric() !-> factor
Dear all, I have divided two vectors: Np.occup97.98<- = levels(sums$site), Np.occup97.98 = sums$Ant.Nptrad97.98/Ant.trad$Ant.trad97.98)) > Np.occup97.98 site Np.occup97.98 1 erken97 0.342592592592593 2 erken98 0.333333333333333 3 rormyran 0.48471615720524 4 valkror 0.286026200873362 However, at a later stage of the analysis I want >
2003 Jan 10
Thanks: Re: count levels per factor level
Dear Lockwood, As you can see, I'm a beginner... But thank you very much! Sincerely, Tord Quoting "J.R. Lockwood" <lockwood at>: > how about > > buskartant$buskartant <- sapply( group.list, function(x) > sum(! ) > > OR > > buskartant$buskartant <- sapply( group.list, function(x) > length(unique(x[!])) )
2005 Sep 19
factor as seq() in for loop
Dear all, I would like to use the values in vegaggr.BLMCMR02$colony str(vegaggr.BLMCMR02) `data.frame': 1678 obs. of 3 variables: $ vegtype : Factor w/ 27 levels "2010","2020",..: 3 4 5 19 4 5 19 5 $ colony : Factor w/ 406 levels "0","1","10","100",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 $ Totvegproparea: num 0.00055 0.03956 0.95705
2003 Jan 02
replace NA with factor class
Dear all, I have a tree data matrix. For some trees I lack info about tree species, but I want to set them to be spruce. For some reason the tree species names on the remaining (non-NA) rows are changed into numbers (that I do not recognise). I guess that ifelse is not the correct function to use, but I have not found any better one in my searches. Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Tord >
2003 Jan 02
aggregate: "sum" not meaningful for factors
Dear all, I try to summarise my data per category using aggregate, but for some reason I get the error message "sum" not meaningful for factors even though my vector is numeric. The data set is shown below. Could someone please give a hint. Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Tord > names(test) [1] "ObjektID" "tallstubbyta" > is.factor(test$ObjektID);
2001 May 27
library for mixed GLM?
Dear all, I am taking a course in GLM given by a devoted SAS user. He has given us a homework where a mixed GLM with a logistic link and binomially distributed observations should be fitted. I know of the library nlme for mixed effect models but as I understand it, one cannot choose between different links and distributions in the functions provided there. I have so far managed very well with