Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches similar to: "A question on REML in R"
2011 Mar 08
nlme: Computing REML likelihood value from ML likelihood value
Dear All,
I have a question concerning the computation of the value of the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) function evaluated at a given set of parameter estimates from the Maximum likelihood (ML) value. Following the book of Fitzmaurice, Laird and Ware (2004) "Applied Longitudinal Analysis" pp101, the REML likelihood can be computed by multiplying the ML likleihood by the square
2004 Sep 03
ML vs. REML with gls()
Hello listmembers,
I've been thinking of using gls in the nlme package to test for serial
correlation in my data set. I've simulated a sample data set and have
found a large discrepancy in the results I get when using the default
method REML vs. ML.
The data set involves a response that is measured twice a day (once for
each level of a treatment factor). In my simulated data set, I
2003 Mar 07
REML option in gstat
Hi, please help!!
I've been trying to fit variogram models using the REML method in the gstat
package. Every time the Windows GUI crashes. For example
x <- variogram(zinc ~ 1, ~x + y, meuse)
v <- vgm(140000, "Sph", 800, nug = 10000)
plot(x, model = fit.variogram(x, model = v, fit.method=5))
Other fit methods are non problematic (eg. fit.method=7
2003 Jul 25
glmmPQL using REML instead of ML
In glmmPQL in the MASS library, the function uses
repeated calls to the function lme(), using ML. Does
anyone know how you can change this to REML? I know
that in lme(), the default is actually set to REML and
you can also specify this as 'method=REML' or
'method'ML' but this isn't applicable to glmmPQL().
I'd appreciate any help or advice!
2004 May 02
parallel REML computation
Sorry for the off-topic (non-R) post. Has anyone seen/tried this (from this
week's NA-digest)?
From: Joel Malard <JM.Malard at pnl.gov>
Date: Sat, 01 May 2004 15:31:15 -0700
Subject: ACRE, Parallel Covariance Component Estimation Code
A couple of people have asked recently for a copy of the parallel
2004 Oct 29
glmmPQL and REML
I am trying to use glmmPQL package for Generalized linear mixed models.
This package works by repeated calls to lme. lme uses by default REML
method for estimation. Then, does glmmmPQL use REML too? In contrast,
how can I change it?
I have tried it, writing : method="REML", but the program says: invalid
method REML.
If somebody can answer me....thanks,
2009 Sep 22
Question about the negative binomial hurdle model with random effect using REML.
Dear All,
I am wondering about the fitting negative binomial(NB) hurdle model with
random effect using REML estimation method in R.
We can fit regular hurdle model without random effect using ML method as
But, I couldn't figure out how I can fit NB hurdle model with random effect
using REML in R.
Please give me a tip.
Thank you so much.
2009 Sep 22
Question about zero-inflated poisson with REML.
Dear All,
As you know, glmmADMB package use ML method for estimation.
Is it possible to use REML estimation method for zero-inflated Poisson
For ML method,
poi_ML <- glmm.admb(los ~ psihigh + trt.mod + trt.high + psihigh*trt.mod +
psihigh*trt.high + 1, random = ~1, group="site", family="poisson",
How can I control to use REML
2006 Aug 15
REML with random slopes and random intercepts giving strange results
Hi everyone,
I have been using REML to derive intercepts and coeficients for each
individual in a growth study. So the code is
m2 <- lmer(change.wt ~ newwt+(newwt|id), data = grow)
Calling coef(model.lmer) gives a matrix with this information which is
what I want. However, as a test I looked at each individual on its own and
used a simple linear regression to obtain the same information, then
2003 Jun 20
[OFF] stepwise using REML???
I know that is not possible make a stepwise procedure using REML in R, I can
use ML for this.
For nested design it may be very dangerous due the difference in variance
structure, mainly in a splitplot design. ML make significative variables that
REML dont make.
I read an article that is made a stepwise procedure using GENSTAT.
from article:
"Terms were dropped from a model in a
2012 Aug 08
mgcv and gamm4: REML, GCV, and AIC
I've been using gamm4 to build GAMMs for exploring environmental influences on genetic ancestry. Things have gone well and I have 2 very straightforward questions:
1. I've used method=REML. Am I correct that this is an alternative method for estimating the smooth functions in GAMMs rather than GCV that is often used for GAMs? I've read up on REML and it makes sense, but I'm
2012 Oct 01
[Fwd: REML - quasipoisson]
Hi Greg,
For quasi families I've used extended quasi-likelihood (see Mccullagh
and Nelder, Generalized Linear Models 2nd ed, section 9.6) in place of
the likelihood/quasi-likelihood in the expression for the (RE)ML score.
I hadn't realised that this was possible before the paper was published.
ps. sorry for slow reply, the original message slipped through my filter
2006 Sep 05
help: advice on the structuring of ReML models for analysing growth curves
Hi R experts,
I am interested on the effects of two dietry compunds on the growth of
chicks. Rather than extracting linear growth functions for each chick and
using these in an analysis I thought using ReML might provide a neater and
better way of doing this. (I have read the pdf vignette("MlmSoftRev") and
"Fitting linear mixed models in R" by Douglas Bates but I am not
2012 Oct 28
Why are coefficient estimates using ML and REML are different in lme?
Hi, All,
My data collection is from 4 regions (a, b, c, d). Within each region, it has 2 or 3 units. Within each unit, it has measurement from about 25 sample site. I was trying to use lme function to discribe relationship between y and a few covariates. Both y and covariates were measured at the sample site level. My question is when I use exactlly the same model but choose different estimation
2004 Sep 05
Question to NLME, ML vs. REML
Dear all,
I am planning to use nlme library for analysis of experiments in semiconductor
industry. Currently I am using "lm" but plan to move to "lme" to handle
within wafer / wafer-to-wafer and lot-to-lot variation correctly.
So far everything is working well, but I have a fundamentel question:
NLME offers "maximum likelihood" and "restricted maximum
2006 Aug 16
[SPAM] - RE: REML with random slopes and random intercepts giving strange results - Bayesian Filter detected spam
Can you provide the summary(m2) results?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Pickett [mailto:S.Pickett at exeter.ac.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:14 AM
> To: Doran, Harold
> Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [R] REML with random slopes and random
> intercepts giving strange results - Bayesian Filter detected spam
> Hi again,
2012 Sep 25
REML - quasipoisson
I'm puzzled as to the relation between the REML score computed by gam and
the formula (4) on p.4 here:
I'm ok with this for poisson, or for quasipoisson when phi=1.
However, when phi differs from 1, I'm stuck.
#simulate some data
2017 Mar 07
Potential clue for Bug 16975 - lme fixed sigma - inconsistent REML estimation
Dear list,
I was trying to create a VarClass for nlme to work with Fay-Herriot
(FH) models. The idea was to create a modification of VarComb that
instead of multiplying the variance functions made their sum (I called
it varSum). After some fails etc... I found that the I was not getting
the expected results because I needed to make sigma fixed. Trying to
find how to make sigma fixed I run into
2005 Feb 01
polynomials REML and ML in nlme
Hello everyone,
I hope this is a fair enough question, but I don’t have access to a copy
of Bates and Pinheiro. It is probably quite obvious but the answer might
be of general interest.
If I fit a fixed effect with an added quadratic term and then do it as
an orthogonal polynomial using maximum likelihood I get the expected
result- they have the same logLik.