Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Plot window - save as Postscript question"
2005 May 04
Plotting means and confidence intervals by group factor using lattice graphics?
Dear R graphics gurus,
Another question about lattice graphics. This time I would like to plot
means and confidence intervals by group factor in a lattice graph. I can
not find any working lattice examples. Maybe a custom panel function is
the answer, but that is a bit beyond me for now.
The individual plots within the lattice graph could look like this:
# Example with confidence intervals
2007 Aug 30
Barplot2 using for loop, how to adjust margins?
Hi R-users,
I inted to make multiple plots using for loop. The question is how can
I adjust the left hand side margin of the plot according to the
names.arg argument in barplot2. In every plot I have different
annotations in the y axis and they vary in length. Now when I have
fixed margins
opar <- par(mar=c(3,15,0,2)...
I get the same margins in all of the plots. That leaves lots of white
2004 Nov 24
reshaping of data for barplot2
Dear All,
I have the following data coming out from
s <- with(final,
summarize(norm, llist(gtt,fdiab),
function(norm) {
n <- sum(!is.na(norm))
s <- sum(norm, na.rm=T)
binconf(s, n)
}, type='matrix')
gtt fdiab norm.norm norm.norm2 norm.norm3
2003 Apr 16
I get a nice looking barplot using the barplot2 function in the gregmisc
body2 <- barplot2(hh3, beside = TRUE,
col = c("mistyrose", "lightcyan"),
cex.names = 1.0, plot.ci = TRUE, ci.l = cil, ci.u = ciu,
plot.grid = TRUE)
However, obviously I lose the collors when converting from ps to a pdf
(outside of R)
2011 Jun 21
par code help
I am making a barplot using barplot2 from gplots where each bar
represents a specific tree species. I have formatted the species names
on the x-axis so that the genus name is above the species name and
have then rotated the labels 45 degrees to save room. This is my code:
>columncolor<-c("grey20", "grey20", "grey20", "grey70",
2008 Jun 30
Plotting question: Problem with strwidth in 2.7.1
R users,
I have a problem with function strwidth in 2.7.1. I'm trying to set
the plot margins in a way that horizontal
column labels will fit to the graph. tmp.t is a list of data.frame
objects. This code works well in 2.6.0.
for (i in names(tmp.t)) {
bmp(filename=paste(i, "_", Sys.Date(), ".bmp", sep=""),
2012 May 09
Dotchart showing mean and median by group
Given this example
mean.values<-apply(VADeaths, 2, mean)
median.values<-apply(VADeaths, 2, median)
dotchart(VADeaths, gdata=mean.values)
dotchart(VADeaths, gdata=median.values)
is it possible to ?combine? a single dotchart showing both the mean and the
median for each single group (with different plotting symbols)?
?is it that possible with the use of
2001 Jan 18
dotplot: character size of labels
Dear R users,
using dotplot (R1.2.0, WinNT4.0), I am trying to change the character size
of the labels of the points:
> # example
> data(VADeaths)
> dotplot(VADeaths, main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940")
> # I'd like to have smaller character size of the labels (for age and
population groups)
> ?dotplot
> # for argument "cex", this says:
2008 Apr 18
Vertical bars with barchart
What is the right way to get vertical bars in
a barchart?
For instance
gives what I need,
only I would like the bars to be vertical.
does not give what I need,
and I do not understand how to change the
2009 Sep 15
Viewing Function Code
Hi All,
I'd like to see the function code behind the barplots2() function in the
gplots package, however i come across a bit of a stumbling block of a hidden
function, can anyone help?
> library(gplots)
> methods(barplot2)
[1] barplot2.default*
Non-visible functions are asterisked
> barplot2
function (height, ...)
2005 Nov 14
bug/feature with barplot?
I have found a bug/feature with barplot that at least to me shows
undesireable behaviour. When using barplot and plotting fewer
groups/levels/factors(I am unsure what they are called) than the number
of colors stated in a col statement, the colors wrap around such that
the colors are not fixed to one group. This is mostly problematic when
I make R figures using scripts, since I sometimes have
2009 Nov 21
Fw: Re: title problem
It seems that there is a problem in
displaying subtitle in general, independently from
multi-plot display. when I do
plot (c(1,2,3), c(9,8,7), type = "l")
title(main = "Main title", sub ="Sub title",cex.main=2,
cex.sub = 2)
subtitle doesn't get displayed
> --- On Sat, 11/21/09, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net>
> wrote:
2004 Nov 26
barplot(2?) with CI from a zero reference line
Dear R Users, (and dear Marc)
First of all many thanks for the answers to my previous questions.
I would like to barplot the mean percent change of a variate with it's
CI. Bars should start from the zero reference line to height (in
Is there a way to tweak barplot2, for example, to do that ?
I have tried to see what the function was but unlike other functions was
not able to
2006 Jan 18
some EPS rotated in journal preview
I am trying to send a manuscript to a journal.
One of the figures build by R is in the right orientation and 4 are rotated clockwise 90 deg in the preview.
I used the right click save to PS option and I used the command line
postscript("c:/temp/fig04.eps",bg="transparent",onefile = TRUE ,pointsize=20,paper = "letter",height=8,width=8,horizontal=FALSE,family =
2006 Oct 16
plots: layout + subtitles
I want to create a figure that consists of a collection of 16 graphs on
4 rows. I am using
nf <- layout(matrix(seq(1,16), 4,4, byrow=TRUE), respect=TRUE)
to create the layout of my 16 graphs. It works really well. However, I'd
like to add sub-titles that would apply to each row of 4 graphs. More
specifically, I'd like to have something like:
subtitle 1
2007 Oct 31
ylim in barplot2 function?
Hi list,
I'm using barplot2 form the gplots package to plot a few numbers (I want to add SD bars later).
However, I would like the y-axis not to start from 0 but 500. When I add the parameters YLIM, something goes wrong. The graph is not 'cut off' at 500. Instead the bars seems to sink trough the bottom of the graph.
Because its a little hard to explain, here is a self-containing
2006 Mar 01
Width of bars in barplot2
I'm using barplot2 to plot some data. Is there any way to determine
the width of the bars in the generated plot? I know that barplot2
returns a list of the coordinates of the center of each bar, but since
there is some white space between each bar, I don't know how to get
the width of each bar.
2001 Feb 05
Bar widths in barplots don't change
Is the width= parameter in barplot() supposed to work? I couldn't get it to
work in my plot, and even in the example,
data(VADeaths, package = "base")
barplot(VADeaths, width=rep(0.1, 4))
the plot looks identical regardless of what I put in for the width. I looked at
the source for barplot() and it looks like it SHOULD work (but what do I know).
Am I doing something wrong?
2005 Jul 13
unexpected par('pin') behaviour
hi everybody,
I noticed the following: in one of my scripts 'layout' is used to
generate a (approx. square) grid of variable dimensions (depending on
no. of input files). if the no. of subplots (grid cells) becomes
moderately large (say > 9) I use a construct like
###layout grid computation and set up occurs here###
opar <- par(no.readonly = T);
2004 May 07
x-axis tick mark labels running vertically
I'm plotting obesity rates (y-axis) vs Public Health Unit (x-axis) for the
province of Ontario and would like to have the Public Health Unit names appear
vertically rather than the default, horizontally.
I'm actually using the 'barplot2' function in the {gregmisc} library ... I
haven't been able to find a solution in either the barplot2 options or the
general plotting