Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches similar to: "help for multinominal logistic regression code"
2000 Oct 24
multinominal probit & logit
Dear everybody!
Are there algorithms for multinominal logit/probit available for R? Is it my
fault that I cannot find these in CRAN? Has somebody programmed these?
with best wishes
Ott Toomet
Ott.Toomet at mail.ee
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info",
2006 Jan 11
Log-likelihood for Multinominal Probit Regression Model
I use mnp to run a multinominal probit regression model, but the summary
doesn't contain the model statistics, such as the log-likelihood and degree
of freedom, for the assessment of the goodness-of-fit of the fitted model.
Is there any way that I can generate these statistics for the fitted model
in R?
Many thanks in advance!
2003 Dec 01
Cluster analysis for multinominal data?
Dear all,
Are there some other clusters algorithms suitable for multinominal data (except DAISY)
available for R?
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2006 Dec 06
mFilter package
Dear useRs,
Please find the new package mFilter version 0.1-2 on CRAN.
The package implements several time series filters useful for smoothing
and extracting trend and cyclical components of a time series. The
routines are commonly used in economics and finance, however they should
also be interest to other areas. Currently, Christiano-Fitzgerald,
Baxter-King, Hodrick-Prescott, Butterworth, and
2002 Apr 22
I want to perform goodness of fit test for multinominal distribution. The
easiest way would be to use Chi2, but the measurment errors are not
normally distributed. I thought about using some bootstraping method to
perform the analysis. How can I do it in R?
r-help mailing list -- Read
2010 Feb 14
mlogit function cut off formular
I'm trying to fit a multinominal logistic model using package mlogit. I have
15 independent variables. The code looks like this:
m<-mlogit(score~0|f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14+f15, data,
And it gives the following error message:
Error in parse(text = x) :
unexpected ')' in "score ~ 0 + alt:(f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 + f7 + f8
+ f9
2018 Feb 19
gbm.step para clasificación no binaria
Gracias Carlos. Hasta donde yo entiendo si las hay:
El argumento family puede ser:
"gaussian" (for minimizing squared error); por lo que tiene que ser numérica
"bernoulli" (logistic regression for 0-1 out-comes); binaria por narices
"poisson" (count outcomes; requires the response to be a positive
integer); numérica también, pues.
La única podría ser
2010 Oct 03
A problem about nomogram--thank you for you help
dear professor:
I am a doctor of urinary,and I am developing a nomogram of bladder tumor.Now I have a problem about this.
I have got the result like this through analysing the dataset "exp11.sav" through multinominal logistic regression by SPSS 17.0.(the Sig. is high,that is good ,it is just aexperimental data )
Parameter Estimates
Std. Error
2018 Feb 19
gbm.step para clasificación no binaria
Hola erreros, ¿sabéis si gbm.step puede usarse para clasificación no binaria?
Dr Manuel Mendoza
Department of Biogeography and Global Change
National Museum of Natural History (MNCN)
Spanish Scientific Council (CSIC)
C/ Serrano 115bis, 28006 MADRID
2018 Feb 19
Gráficas 3D
Gracias Carlos, mi idea es construir un cono, un cilindro u otros cuerpos
geométrico y luego graficarlos. Alguna idea de como empezar?
Muchas gracias como siempre
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2010 Oct 04
I have aproblem about nomogram--thank you for your help
dear professor:
I have a problem about the nomogram.I have got the result through analysing the dataset "exp2.sav" through multinominal logistic regression by SPSS 17.0.
and I want to deveop the nomogram through R-Projject,just like this :
> n<-100
> set.seed(10)
> T.Grade<-factor(0:3,labels=c("G0", "G1", "G2","G3"))
2018 Feb 19
gbm.step para clasificación no binaria
Hola de nuevo. Se me olvidaba la principal razón para utilizar
gbm.step del paquete dismo. Como sabéis, los boosted si sobreajustan
(a diferencia de los random forest o cualquier otro bootstrap) pero
gbm.step hace validación cruzada para determinar el nº óptimo de
árboles y evitarlo. Es fundamental.
La opción que me queda, Carlos, es hacerlo con gbm, pero muchas veces,
y usar el
2003 Oct 16
IAX Rejected Connect Attempt
2003 Oct 15
IAX Clients not connecting
2002 Aug 29
How would you do a logistic analysis
On two lists of data (in a matrix perhaps?) And may i also know where I can
find the complete documentation of how to use all the functions in R? Thank
you for your help!
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
2005 Nov 22
ipfw check-state issue
i've been using freebsd's ipfw for quite a while and recently on a new
server i've got this issue with ipfw that i can't understand ... something
is wrong ...
01000 8042 1947866 allow ip from any to any via fxp0
01010 0 0 allow ip from any to any via lo0
01014 9886 4170269 divert 8668 ip from any to any in via vr0
01015 0 0 check-state
01130 14679 5695969 skipto 1800 ip from