similar to: formula format for parameter estimation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "formula format for parameter estimation"

2006 Dec 08
Re : formula format for parameter estimation
see nlm or optim Justin BEM Elève Ingénieur Statisticien Economiste BP 294 Yaoundé. Tél (00237)9597295. ----- Message d'origine ---- De : Wayne Delport <> À : Envoyé le : Vendredi, 8 Décembre 2006, 8h27mn 44s Objet : [R] formula format for parameter estimation Hello, I am trying to input the following formula into R for parameter
2010 Feb 11
Fwd: Recall function: "evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?"
hello all i searched the archives and couldn't get a solution to the following question. i have the following function: F=function(z,v) { if (v==-.5) return(1) else return(2*v/z + 1/Recall(z,v-1)) } and while testing whether it works (ie F(z,v) is approx = besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V). the recursion formula allows one to calculate besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V) for large values of z )
2007 Sep 20
referencing packages?
Hi I know how to referenc R in a scientific paper - but is there a standardised way to reference packages? Thanks Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE DISCONTINUED END OF MARCH Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation Biology (UCT) Plant Conservation Unit Department of Botany University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701
2008 Jan 22
R: determinants and inverses
hello all sorry for the following "none" R related question. does anyone know of a reference to calculate the following identity: |I + ABC| where I is an identity matrix and A, B,C may not have to be square matrices? you help will be greatly appreciated. H. V. Henderson; S. R. Searle SIAM Review, Vol. 23, No. 1. (Jan., 1981), pp. 53-60. provides a result to
2008 Mar 14
Selecting elements in vector
Hi Consider the following code > x <- rep(1:13, 13) > y <- 1:3 I want to select all elements in x which are equal to 1, 2 or 3. I know that I could use > sel <- x==y[1] | x==y[2] | x==y[3] > x[sel] to obtain the values, but in my analysis, the y-vector is thousands of elements long. Is there any way, that I can do that easily? Thanks Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug, Dipl.
2007 May 28
Where to find "nprq"?
Hi I am trying to install the package "pheno", but it needs the package "nprq" by Roger Koenker et al. which I can I find this package? It does not seem to be on CRAN and googling also doesn't give me an URL - is it still somewhere available? Thanks, Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE DISCONTINUED END OF
2008 Mar 07
How to navigate in layout() created graph?
Hi I created a complex layout with using layout() and it looks exactly as I need it. But I don't want to print in the order in which the subfigure are numbered, but in a different order. How can I navigate in the layout so that I can specify the subfigure in which to plot? At the moment I am using a function which is converting the number to mfg parameter for par, but it does not seem to
2008 Jul 09
version problems of rkward in ubuntu hardy repository
Hi I tried to install rkward under ubuntu hardy heron, but it tried to use the one from the cran repository which was newer, but it did not install. To be able to install rkward, I had to disable the cran repository, install rkward, lock it's version and enable the repository again. I have the feeling, that the dependencies are not correct (it is looking for libqt4GUI, but I have a
2008 Sep 08
Vorticity and Divergence
Hi all, I have some wind data (U and V components) and I would like to compute Vorticity and Divergence of these fields. Is there any R function that can easily do that? Thanks in advance for any help Igor Oliveira CSAG, Dept. Environmental & Geographical Science, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701. Tel.: +27 (0)21 650 5774 South Africa Fax: +27 (0)21
2007 Oct 01
Concatenating one character vector into one string
Hi I am sure this is simple - but how can I convert one charecter vector into one string? example: x <- c("This ", "is ", "one ", "sentence.") should become "This is one entence" Thanks Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE DISCONTINUED END OF MARCH Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys.
2008 Feb 27
Plan to build Package to use GRASS from R
Hi Sorry for crossposting, but I think this can be of interest for GRASS and R users. I am planning to write a package to make the use of GRASS from R easier. The idea is to wrap the system call to execute the GRASS command into an R command of the same name. e.g: <- function(..., intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=FALSE) { comm <- paste( " ", ...,
2009 Feb 23
r: intergrate behaviour
hello R users strange behavior of the integrate function! i assume this occurs because of the way in which the quadriture is set up! (any comments.) f=function(x){exp(-exp(-x)-5*x)/gamma(5)} xx=seq(from=-20, to=20, length.out=1000) plot(xx,f(xx),type="l") integrate(f, lower=-Inf, upper= 1) integrate(f, lower=-Inf, upper= 10) integrate(f, lower=-10, upper= 11) integrate(f,
2001 Dec 05
Histograms per coding variable
Dear all I have a dataset that looks like: fr.wt site 1 4400 glen 2 235 glen 3 225 glen ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 82 550 glen 83 550 kom 84 550 kom ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 191 820 kom 192 2000 soet ' ' ' ' ' ' I need to do a series of histograms for each of the codes, levels or factors in
2010 Feb 11
Recall function: "evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?"
hello all i searched the archives and couldn't get a solution to the following question. i have the following function: F=function(z,v) { if (v==-.5) return(1) else return(2*v/z + 1/Recall(z,v-1)) } and while testing whether it works (ie F(z,v) is approx = besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V). the recursion formula allows one to calculate besselK(z,1+v)/besselK(z,V) for large values of z )
2007 Nov 19
Using density() and turnpoint to Identify maxima in data
Hi I have a large dataset which follows a multimodal distribution. And I would like to identify the maxima. As the data is obtained from a stochastic simulation, not all maxima in the data are "real maxima of the dirstribution" but rather small random fluctuations. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to run more simulations to smooth the obtained distribution. What I am doing
2008 May 08
RMySQL and R 2.7.0 - "Error in field.types$row.names : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors"
Hi when executin the following code, I get an "$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors". I understand the meaning of the error (and have seen the warnings in earlier R versions). My question is, is there an updated version of RMySQL which deals with it, or is my on;ly option to switch to RODBC (which I would not like to do as I am using Linux)? If I have to use RODBC, how can I easily
2007 May 23
Question concerning "pastecs" package
Hi I just installed the pastecs package and I am wondering: is there an english (or german) translation of the file pastecs.pdf? If not, is there an explanation somewhere of the object of type 'turnpoints' as a result of turnpoints(), especially the "info" field? Thanks, Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE
2008 Jan 27
Putting frame around single panels in ggplot 2 and facet_grid()
Hi I want to highlight two panels in a grid created with facet_grid() by putting a box around it or usiong another background colour. Is this possible, and if yes, how? Thanks Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation Biology (UCT) Plant Conservation Unit Department of Botany University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701 South Africa Tel: +27 - (0)21 650 5776 (w) Fax:
2010 Jan 18
linking r and C
hello i have a few quick questions. i am using a windows platform. how does one include functions from a particular r package in the C code. e.g. rgamma can be included if we include #include <R.h> #include <Rmath.h> , and #include <math.h> in the C code. what should be included if i want to use functions that are inside the MASS package (for example)? When performing mcmc
2008 Feb 14
Analysis with spatstat and Kcross() requires to much memory
Hi I am running analysis with Kcross from the package spatstat and I am getting a message that R can not allocate enough memory for a vector of 900MB. R seems to be running towards the 2GB limit per process. The dataset is not to big (ca 3000 points) but the mask for the points is extremely irregular (a buffer around roads which have been sampled) and I can do trhe analysis if I use a