similar to: simple parallel computing on single multicore machine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "simple parallel computing on single multicore machine"

2007 Nov 27
max() and min() functions not found
Dear List, I just installed R 2.6.1 (on Win2K) and I get a strange error in functions min() and max(): > min(1:3) Errore in .Internal(min(..., na.rm = na.rm)) : nessuna funzione interna "min" which, as you may have guessed, means 'no internal function "min" '. The same happens for max(). Maybe this is a bug in the new release, or maybe I'm missing
2011 Jan 24
how to get loglik parameter from splm package?
splm package is a r implemention of spatial panel data models. and the loglik paremeter is most important infomation for splm methods. but i found the loglik always been null ,it's craze to get right estimation in splm with null loglik. Any one knows the splm package and can get the right loglik ? please help me. thanks -- View this message in context:
2009 Oct 30
Quarterly data in PLM package
Dear all, Does anyone know if the PLM package (to run Panel Data Analysis) accepts quarterly data? The package vignette and documentation only use annual data -and the only time index available seems to work for years. José Mr José Luis Iparraguirre Senior Research Economist Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland 2 -14 East Bridge Street Belfast BT1 3NQ Northern
2009 Aug 21
Panel Data Analysis (PLM) - Fixed Effects - "cannot allocate vector of length"
Hello to all on the list, I'm trying to estimate a fixed effects model from a large (unbalanced) panel data set. I have no problems when using only an individual effect or only a time effect, but I get an error message when I try for a "twoways" effect. Here is some of the code: paneldata27 is the entire panel data set: > dim(paneldata27) [1] 1178831 8 >
2007 Sep 08
statistical tests under serial dependence
Hello! I would like to know if there are already programmed statistical tests for data under serial dependence, for example, considering the variance inflation factor? Thank you very much Best regards Rosa
2007 May 12
Excel data into R
Hello to all, How can I make R read the data from an Excel sheet? thanks, ozlem [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 16
R on an ASUS eee PC, continued - installing packages
Dear all, I just went through the process of installing R on an eeePC 900 running Linux. As a Windows useR utterly ignorant about Linux, I'd never have done it without reading your posts and the R Wiki, so first of all: thank you! Next, taking up your thread from some weeks ago, I thought this could be useful for somebody else too, so here's what I did: 1) I followed wolfgang's
2013 Nov 06
resdiuals of random model estimated by plm function
Hi all, I have estimated a random panel model using plm function. I have a question about the vector of resduals obtained with the object $residuals. example: data("Produc", package = "plm") zz <- plm(log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp, model="random", data = Produc, index = c("state","year")) res<-zz$residuals #
2007 Apr 09
Modified Sims test
Does anyone know of a package that includes the Modified Sims test [Gewerke, 1983, Sims, 1972]? This test is used in econometrics and is a kind of alternative to the Granger test [Granger, 1969], which is in the package lmtest. Thanks in advance, chris Refernces: Gewerke, J., R. Meese, and W. Dent (1983), "Comparing Alternative Tests of Causality in Temporal Systems: Analytic Results and
2007 Nov 13
ESRI Shapefile for EU-25
Hi all, who knows how to get an ESRI Shapefile for the NUTS-2 Regions of the enlarged European Union? Particularly I want to draw maps of Germany, Poland, Czech Republik, Hungary and Austria. I've found Shapefiles for the US, Russia and other countries elsewhere in the web, but for Europe it seems really difficult. With many thanks for any hint Albrecht
2010 Feb 03
plm package index
Dear all, i just wonder if there´s a way to use a two column time index field in plm package. the manual says the following concerning data indexing: a character vector of length two containing the names of the individual and the time index, What would y´all do with a quarterly dataset that contains one column for the period and one for the year. Do I have to convert it to one single date
2010 Feb 03
Package plm & heterogenous slopes
Dear r-helpers, I am working with plm package. I am trying to fit a fixed effects (or a 'within') model of the form y_it = a_i + b_i*t + e_it, i.e. a model with an individual-specific intercept and an individual- specific slope. Does plm support this directly? Thanks in advance! Otto Kassi
2010 Jul 13
Three-way Panel Data Analysis
Dear R users, I have panel data on the amount of money spent by travellers from 8 origin countries in 4 destinations. I would like to carry out analysis for destinations, origins and time. However, it seems to me that the package "plm" can only esitmate two-way panel data (indexed by a two-dimensional array). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Best regards,
2010 Sep 16
Problems creating a Panel
Hello, I am trying to create a panel with the attached data frame. using the following code: > PanelRio = DataRiopaila[which(duplicated(DataRiopaila$SEC_STE)==T),] >,index=c("SEC_STE","FechaSiembra")) series Pluv3Meses,PluvMes4al10,Pluv2UltimosMeses,Rad3Meses,RadMes4al10,Rad2UltimosMeses are NA and have been removed It tells me it removes
2012 Mar 14
plm function
Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing about the panel data for my bachelor degree. I would really appreciate if You could help dealing with R functions. I am trying to estimate the panel data lm model with plm function. When i include 3dummy variables into the regression it dont appear in the sumarry of the model, but when i estimate a simple lm model it appears. Why is it so? What should i do to
2009 Dec 14
Connect to internet
Hi, I have a new workstation and am in the process of moving all my work onto it. I have also installed R 2.10.0 on the new machine. I remember changing my R settings of my old machine (R 2.9.1) to connect to the internet, but I can't remember exactly how. I have tried Sys.getenv(), but it does not give me the proxy settings I would need to finish the setup of my new machine. Does anyone
2013 Mar 08
question on package plm
 Hi R users:  I am using the plm package for linear panel data analysis but encountered the following message when I try plm function to estimate an random model with individual effect. <- plm(X.RETURN. ~ IOB + IOBS,data=E,model="random",effect = "individual")  Error in swar(object, data, effect) :  the estimated variance of the individual effect is negative
2011 Feb 10
Longitudinal Weights in PLM package
Hi all, I a semi-beginner with R and I am working with the plm package to examine a longitudinal dataset. Each individual in this dataset has a longitudinal weight for the probability that he or she remains in the sample. Unfortunately, I have not found an argument to use weights in the plm function? I tried ?weights=? like in standard lm or in nlme or lm4 but it does not work. I asked the
2013 Jan 04
plm random effect: the estimated variance of the individual effect is negative
Matteo, I fully agree with David: please read the posting guide. Anyway, the error message says it all: "the estimated variance of the individual effect is negative". See e.g. the "basic panel" chapter (10 or 11) in Wooldridge's "Econometric Analysis of XS and Panel Data" to understand why this may happen. Stata's behaviour is (as far as I remember) to
2010 May 11
Regressions with fixed-effect in R
Hi there, Maybe people who know both R and econometrics will be able to answer my questions. I want to run panel regressions in R with fixed-effect. I know two ways to do it. First, I can include factor(grouping_variable) in my regression equation. Second, I plan to subtract group mean from my variables and run OLS panel regression with function lm(). I plan to do it with the second way because