similar to: vector problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "vector problem"

2007 Mar 03
apply ? function doesnt create object
hello, i have written a function to extract certain lines from a matrix. the result is a matrix with 6 cols, named dynamically according to the functions arguments. the problem is now, that i'm not able to return the resultmatrix for further use. the object is not being created. example from my console: getans(27,27) [...] [189,] 3969 161 27 1 0 1 [190,] 2142 87 27
2007 Mar 01
count the # of appearances...
Hi there, is there a possibility to count the number of appearances of an element in a vector ? i mean of any given element.. deliver all elements which are exactly xtimes in this vector ? thx in advance !!
2008 Jul 12
shapiro wilk normality test
Hi everybody, somehow i dont get the shapiro wilk test for normality. i just can?t find what the H0 is . i tried : shapiro.test(rnorm(5000)) Shapiro-Wilk normality test data: rnorm(5000) W = 0.9997, p-value = 0.6205 If normality is the H0, the test says it?s probably not normal, doesn ?t it ? 5000 is the biggest n allowed by the test... are there any other test ? ( i know qqnorm
2010 Apr 28
operator problem within function
Dear all, i have a problem with processing dataframes within a function using the "$". Here´s my code: recode_items = function(dataframe,number,medium=2){ # this works q<-paste("columna",number,sep="") # this does not work, particularly because "dataframe" is not processed # dataframe should be: givenframe$columnagivennumber
2007 Feb 27
Multiple conditional without if
Dear all, i am stuck with a syntax problem. i have a matrix which has about 500 rows and 6 columns. now i want to kick some data out. i want create a new matrix which is basically the old one except for all entries which have a 4 in the 5 column AND a 1 in the 6th column. i tried the following but couldn´t get a new matrix, just some wierd errors:
2008 Sep 23
odds ratio: how to create reference
HI there, i know this is a basic question, though i need some help because this is somewhat away from my current issue, but nevertheless interesting to me... Lets assume i have some estimated probabilities, say estimated by a logit model. i know i can also state them as an odds ratio. Now i?d like to state these odds ratios as a reference to a specific outcome of my investigated
2008 Jan 06
run setwd at the launch of R
Dear all, my R files (and the .csv files as well) are saved somewhere pretty deep down my hard disk. i have to chage to working directory therefore everytime i run R (i run it on powerPC mac), which is disgusting. using the setwd command at the beginning of an R script doesnt really help because i have to find this file first by hand. I am looking for possibility to run setwd during the
2010 Feb 03
plm package index
Dear all, i just wonder if there´s a way to use a two column time index field in plm package. the manual says the following concerning data indexing: a character vector of length two containing the names of the individual and the time index, What would y´all do with a quarterly dataset that contains one column for the period and one for the year. Do I have to convert it to one single date
2007 Mar 07
hwo can i get a vector that...
dear all, how can i get a vector that shows the number of the column of matrix that contains the maximum of the row ?? can?t believe in need a loop for this... i have a 100 x 3 matrix and want to get a 100 x 1 vector with values 1,2,3 . there must be a simple solution. i just cannot find it. i think am searching on the wrong end. thx for help in advance. m.
2010 Jun 01
lapply with functions with changing parameters
Dear all, I am trying to avoid a for loop here and wonder if the following is possible: I have a data.frame with 6 columns and i want to get a cross-correlogram (by using ccf) . Obivously ccf only accepts two columns at once and then returms a list. In fact, with a for loop i?d do the following for (i in 1:6) { x[[i]]=ccf(mydf[,i],mydf[,6]) } Is there any chance to the same with
2008 Sep 17
t-test between percentages
Hi all, though i know this is a simple question, i really hope someone could. I am just trying to compare percents respectively the difference in percents by a simple test. t.test usually compares means and is working like it is supposed to be. Now i wonder how i can use a test in R to test for significant difference between two percentages.
2006 Jul 20
function names in a vector used by for (){} character problem ?
Hi there, i´m have vector of kernels. just like: kernels = c('gauss','epan','rectangular') i know there are density.default$kernels, but thats not my question here. my own kernel functions are running and working. my problem is the following is not working: par(mfrow=c(3,3)) for(i in 1:length(bw)) { for(j in 1:length(kernels)) {
2008 Sep 18
propensity score adjustment using R
Hi all, i am looking to built a simple example of a very basic propensity score adjustment, just using the estimated propensity scores as inverse probability weights (respectively 1-estimated weights for the non-treated). As far as i understood, MLE predictions of a logit model can directly be used as to estimates of the propensity score. I already considered the twang package and the
2009 Jan 13
indexing question
Hi all, i have a pretty easy indexing question, at least i believe so. The main reason i post it here, is that brackets and $ are hard to google. How do I index correctly, if i just want to display the whole dataset conditioned on the fact that some particular column equals one. I know i can do something like: data$somecolumn[data$particularcol ==1] . That will show all "some
2008 Nov 28
editor for MacOS X
Hi all, just wondered again, if there is some R editor for Mac OS X comparable to TINN-R on windows. thx in advance..
2009 Aug 31
how to add data to some ts
Dear all, Finally, I made it, my RPostgreSQL works. After working through some tutorials, i was able to plot, get and replace several timeseries. Still I miss the opportunity (syntax) to add data. Most tutorials are about: "Download some S&P data from Yahoo and play around a little". What I want to do is, add data to an existing timeseries. Is there a possibility to add data
2008 Oct 09
adjusted t-test with unequal variance
Hi all, right now i am simply comparing means. obviously this can be done by the simple t.test respectively the welch test, if var.equal is set to FALSE. just like this t.test( Y ~ group) t.test( Y ~ group, var.equal = FALSE) now that i need to compare weighted means i am using the lm function as an adjusted t-test: like lmtest <- ( Y ~ group ) anova(lmtest)
2010 Jul 22
Sweave special characters problem
Dear all, I use Sweave to create my reports. Unfortunately my script crashes whenever I my R code contains special characters like umlauts. Is there a way to to escape special characters in Sweave... This is the line that crashes Sweave: gl_bybranch = ddply(new_wans,.(period,Branchen), function(X) data.frame(Gesch?ftslage=mean(X$sentiment))) Unfortunately I can't just rename it, because I
2010 May 06
how to get components / factors in factanal / princomp not loadings
Dear all, i wonder if there?s a command to obtain the actual values of a principal component or a factor (not as.factor, but factanal) . test=princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE) summary(test) just outputs, standard deviation, Prop of Variance and cumulative proportion of variance. test$loadings offers yet another proportion of variance scheme. why is that? Apart from that: Is there a
2009 Dec 14
lapply , mapply questions
Dear all, i have a programming problem that should be simple, though i am stuck with it. Please note that this is not a specific geonames problem, though i use it as an example - it´s just a basic problem with lapply. I use the geonames webservices with the R geonames packages which works almost smoothly. I have a vector of Zipcodes and i want to do a geonames lookup for all of them, which