similar to: My own correlation structure with nlme

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "My own correlation structure with nlme"

2012 May 02
Consulta gráfica
  Hola,   Por favor, ¿podríais indicarme qué recursos (librerías o ideas) pueden resultar de utilidad para crear un gráfico del estilo del de la figura 3.8 del siguiente link?   Actualmente estoy utilizando funciones muy básicas y la verdad es que no me encuentro muy satisfecha con el resultado.   Muchas gracias.   Eva [[alternative HTML
2010 Apr 14
creating a new corClass for lme()
Hi, I have been using the function lme() of the package nlme to model grouped data that is auto-correlated in time and in space (the data was collected on different days via a moving monitor). I am aware that I can use the correlation classes corCAR1 and corExp (among other options) to model the temporal and spatial components of the auto-correlation. However, as far as I can tell, I can only
2005 Oct 31
nlme error message
Dear Friends, I am seeking for any help on an error message in lme functions. I use mixed model to analyze a data with compound symmetric correlation structure. But I get an error message: "Error in corMatrix.corCompSymm(object) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)". If I change the correlation structure to corAR1, then no error. I have no clue how to solve this problem.
2007 Oct 10
corMatrix crashes with corARMA structure (PR#9952)
Full_Name: Benjamin Tyner Version: 2.6.0 RC 2007-10-01 r43043 OS: WinXP Submission from: (NULL) ( platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status RC major
2004 Apr 05
2 lme questions
Greetings, 1) Is there a nice way of extracting the variance estimates from an lme fit? They don't seem to be part of the lme object. 2) In a series of simulations, I am finding that with ML fitting one of my random effect variances is sometimes being estimated as essentially zero with massive CI instead of the finite value it should have, whilst using REML I get the expected value. I guess
2013 May 17
peering inside functions in a package?
Let's say I would like to look inside the function corBrownian in library (ape). When I type in the function name I get the following, which is not nearly the detail that goes into this function. I am wondering how to begin cracking this function open (and others) so I can learn more about it and perhaps code my own corClass one day. Thanks. > corBrownian function (value = 1, phy, form
2005 Mar 22
LME correlation structures: user defined
Let me modify my question about user-defined covariance structures for LME models: Can somebody tell me how I can see the code for the definition of the correlation structures that come with the NLME package. Specifically I like to see the code for the functions coef, corMatrix, and intialize for any of the pre-defined correlation structures, and use this as a template to define a new correlation
2005 Jun 28
How to extract the within group correlation structure matrix in "lme"
Dear R users, I fitted a repeated measure model without random effects by using lme. I will use the estimates from that model as an initial estimates to do multiple imputation for missing values of the response variable in the model. I am trying to extract the within group correlation matrix or covariance matrix. here is my code: f = lme(y ~x0+x1+trt+tim+x1:tim +tim:trt,random=~-1|subj,
2007 Apr 23
how to convert the lower triangle of a matrix to a symmetricmatrix
Sorry if this answer was already given, or if I miss the point, but did you have a look to "lowerTriangle" and "upperTriangle" functions in the "gdata" package ? # example # A<-matrix(rnorm(9),3,3) # B<-B<-matrix(NA,dim(A)[1],dim(A)[2]) # lowerTriangle(B)<-lowerTriangle(A) # upperTriangle(B)<-lowerTriangle(A) # diag(B)<-diag(A) Hope this helps,
2006 Feb 06
question about corStruct
dear list, I am wondering if one can find examples and/or more detailed descriptions of modifications needed when going beyond standard corStruct classes (i.e. those already provided for use in lme/nlme)? When I looked at pages 238-239 of Pinheiro/Bates (2000): Mixed-effects models in S and S-plus, I found that I would need a bit more explicit guidance what to do for implementing a new
2011 Nov 18
[R-sig-ME] account for temporal correlation
[cc'ing back to r-help] On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:39 PM, matteo dossena <matteo.dossena at> wrote: > Thanks a lot, > > just to make sure i got it right, > > if (using the real dataset) from the LogLikelihood ratio test model1 isn't "better" than model, > means that temporal auto correlation isn't seriously affecting the model? yes. (or
2006 Jan 06
panel data unit root tests
When finally got some time to do some coding, I started and stopped right after. The stationary test is a good starting point because it demonstrates how we should be able to move the very basic R matrices. I have a real- world small N data set with rows: id(n=1)---t1---variable1 ... id=(N=20)---T=21---variable1 Thus, a good test case. For first id I was considering something like this: lag
2006 Jul 13
Extracting Phi from gls/lme
I am trying to extract into a scalar the value of Phi from the printed output of gls or lme using corAR1 correlation. ie I want the estimate of the autocorrelation. I can't see how to do this and haven't seen it anywhere in str(model.lme). I can get all the other information - fixed and random effects etc. Is there an obvious way so that I can save the brick wall some damage? TIA
2005 Dec 02
covariance structures in lmer
Hi, I usually use lme from the nlme library. Now I have read an article about lmer in Rnews and lmer seemed to me more comfortable to use. Unfortunately, I didn't find out how to use covariance structures (e. g. corSymm(), corAR1()). Is there a way to use them similarly as in lme ? Is it implemented ? If somebody knows, please let me know. Thank you very much in advance, Stephan
2009 May 01
computationally singular and lack of variance parameters in SEM
Hi all, I am trying to set up a simple path analysis in the SEM package, but I am having some trouble. I keep getting the following error message or something similar with my model, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong: Error in solve.default(C) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 2.2449e-20 In addition: Warning message: In sem.default(ram = ram, S = S,
2011 Feb 28
Measuring correlations in repeated measures data
R-helpers: I would like to measure the correlation coefficient between the repeated measures of a single variable that is measured over time and is unbalanced. As an example, consider the Orthodont dataset from package nlme, where the model is: fit <- lmer(distance ~ age + (1 | Subject), data=Orthodont) I would like to measure the correlation b/t the variable "distance" at
2004 Dec 14
correlation in lme4
Dear all, I have tried to consider a correlation structure in lme (package lme4), but without success. I have used something like: > risul<-lme(y~x+ z , data=mydata, random=~ x | g, correlation = corAR1()) but the result is the same as: > risul<-lme(y~x+ z , data=mydata, random=~ x | g). Can anybody help me? Antonella ************************************************** Prof.
2011 Aug 08
mixed model fitting between R and SAS
Hi al, I have a dataset (see attached), which basically involves 4 treatments for a chemotherapy drug. Samples were taken from 2 biopsy locations, and biopsy were taken at 2 time points. So each subject has 4 data points (from 2 biopsy locations and 2 time points). The objective is to study treatment difference.? I used lme to fit a mixed model that uses " nested within pid"
2007 Oct 01
corMatrix crashes R 2.5.1 (windows XP) with corARMA structure
R-helpers, n <- 100 arcoefs <- c(0.8) macoefs <- c(-0.6) p <- length(arcoefs) q <- length(macoefs) require(nlme) tmp <- corARMA(value=c(arcoefs,macoefs), form=~1, p=p, q=q) Sigma <- corMatrix(tmp, covariate = 1:n) # results in segfault Have I used these commands in an improper way? Thanks Ben
2006 May 15
what's wrong with my "gls"? it does not allocate memory... even for the simplest AR1 model...
> myfit1 <- gls(col1 ~ col2+col3+col4+col5+col6-1, data=data2, corr=corAR1( 0.3202), method='ML') Error: cannot allocate vector of size 199712 Kb if I get rid of the "corr=corAR1(0.3202)" option, it works okay... can anybody help me? thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]