similar to: Simplifying Sweave graphics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Simplifying Sweave graphics"

2008 Feb 25
How to include the documentation of a function in a Sweave document?
Dear R-help, I would like to include the documentation of an R function in an *.rnw document processed by Sweave. Because I'm sharing my *.rnw files with colleagues under Linux and Windows (I'm on Mac OS X), I would like a pure R solution. The naive approach doesn't work, because Sweaving this *.rnw file: -------- tmp.rnw -------- \documentclass{article} \begin{document}
2007 Nov 02
Sweave, and long lasting scripts
Dear R user, I am using Sweave to write my reports with R code. Unlucly my code take a lot of time to run, and I don't want to run it multiple time, if possible, as I am still developping the tools. It seems that a sweave run does not save the enviroment at the end of the process, is there a way to avoid to lunch multiple time the same commands? maybe it could be possible to store chunck of
2008 Apr 01
superimpose histogram on biplot
Hi all, I've been trying to figure out how to superimpose a histogram on a biplot that shows the relative contribution of each axis. I have been using the NIPALS function ( files/softwares/nipals.R) to run principal component analyses. Here is a toy example. source("")
2007 Nov 23
PCA with NA
Dear all, (Mac OS X 10.4.11, R 2.6.0) I have a quantitative dataset with a lot of Na?s in it. So many, that it is not possible to delete all rows with NA?s and also not possible, to delete all variables with NA?s. Is there a function for a principal component analysis, that can deal with so many NA?s. Thanks in advance Birgit Birgit Lemcke Institut f?r Systematische Botanik
2007 Nov 21
shrink a dataframe for plotting
I get tables with millions of rows. For plotting to a screen-size jpg, obviously just about 1000 points are enough. Instead of feeding plot() the original millions of rows, I'd rather shrink the original dataframe, using some kind of the following interpolation: -- split dataframe into chunks of N rows each, e.g. 1000 rows each -- compute average for each column -- issue one new row
2004 Oct 22
Evaluate a function for various value of parameters
Hello list, I have a problem ... and do not know how to solve it. I would like create a function that estimate the quality of the fit of different functions with different values of parameters. This problem is related to the following one: I would like to create a function "evaluatemyfunction" which evaluate a function f for different values of parameters. For instance, if
2005 Nov 11
A 'sweave' strange problem !!!
Hello list, I have found a problem (bug?) with Sweave. I hope that someone could help me. Try this little example : \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \title{toto} \author{toto} \begin{document} \maketitle <<ni1, fig=T, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, debug=TRUE, results=verbatim, include =FALSE, width=7, height=7>>= a<-rnorm(1)+1 a plot(1:10) @ patati <<ni2, fig=F, eval=TRUE,
2007 Nov 16
Efficient way to compute power of a sparse matrix
Dear all, I would like to compute power of a square non symmetric matrix. This is a part of a simulation study. Matrices are quite large (e.g., 900 by 900), and contains many 0 (more than 99 %). I have try the function mtx.exp of the Biodem package: library(Biodem) m <- matrix(0, 900, 900) i <- sample(1:900, 3000, replace = T) j <- sample(1:900, 3000, replace = T) for(x in 1:3000)
2001 Nov 06
Canonical Correspondence analysis-CoCoAn package
Hi R-users, I am new to R environment.I want to carry out a correspondence analysis on a contigency table with 64 columns and 298 observation of Environmental data.In many cells of the contigency table the frequency is just the value '1'. I got the following error. > CAIV(Eplankton) Error in if (L[i, j] < 0) return("Table L must contain non-negative numbers") :
2001 May 29
geary statistics
Hello, i' m looking for a function to compute geary statistic for spatial correlation. Thanks. -- St?phane DRAY --------------------------------------------------------------- Biom?trie et Biologie ?volutive - Equipe "?cologie Statistique" Universite Lyon 1 - Bat 711 - 69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX - France Tel : 04 72 43 27 56 Fax : 04 78 89 27 19 04 72 43 27 57 E-mail
2002 Jul 18
RODBC and Excel Files
Hello, I am trying to play with RODBC library and Excel Files. In my file (doubs.xls) there are 2 spreadsheets: > library(RODBC) > connection<-odbcConnect("Excel Files") > sqlTables(connection) TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS 1 F:\\Th?se\\R\\Doubs NA Faune$ SYSTEM TABLE NA 2 F:\\Th?se\\R\\Doubs NA Milieu$
2006 Jul 01
Installation, permissions of /usr/local/lib/R (PR#9054)
Full_Name: Jori M?ntysalo Version: 2.3.1 OS: Linux, GNU/Debian stable Submission from: (NULL) ( I said ./configure --with-readline=no --with-x=no make make install and everything works except that /usr/local/lib/R/etc/ldpaths was not readable as normal user.
2007 Mar 28
Standardization Range
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2006 Dec 05
Cummulative Variance in Correspondence Analysis (ADE4)
Hi all: How can I calculate the cumulative variance (or variance for each component) in correspondence analysis? If were possible in ADE4 package Thank you -- Antonio Punzón Merino O__---- Instituto Español de Oceanografía c/ /'_ --- Centro Oceanográfico de Santander (*) \(*) -- Promontorio de San Martín S/N ~~~~~~~~~~ 39004-Santander; Spain PO BOX: 240 Tlf: +34 942 29 10 60 Fax: +34
2008 Apr 22
Modeling presence only data in R
Dear All, I have a set of environental maps and presence-only points for some species. How can I generate distributions models on R using these presence-only data? What packages and functions can I use to do so? Kind regards, Miltinho Brazil [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 21
problem with nb2listw
Hi, I am a new student to R and I was hoping someone could help me with the error message I keep getting when I try to use the nb2listw() function. I have 45 sites and I want to get an autocorrelation value for sites within 1000m of each other. coords<-cbind(EAST,NORTH) coords<-as.matrix(coords) nb1000<-dnearneigh(coords,0,1000,longlat=TRUE) then when I try to run the
2007 Oct 22
grouping rows into bin ranges
Hi everyone, I have a matrix that contains 1000 replicates of a sample of a list of values. I want to group each row (row=replicate) into my defined bin ranges and then calculate the mean and stdev for each of the bin ranges (so I will have 1000 rows but ncol=number of bin ranges). I don't know how to group rows in a matrix matrix according to another vector (which is what I think I need to
2008 Feb 23
Standard method for S4 object
Hi the list, I am defining a new class MyClass. Shortly, I will submit a package with it. Before, I would like to know if there is a kind of "non official list" of what method a new S4 object have. More precisely, personnaly, I use 'print', 'summary' and 'plot' a lot. So for my new class, I define these 3 methods. Is there some other method that a R user can
2009 Apr 03
Weighted principal components analysis?
Hello R-ers, I'm trying to do a weighted principal components analysis. I couldn't find any such option with princomp or prcomp. Does anyone know of a package or way to do this? More specifically, the observations I'm working with are averages from populations of varying sizes. I thus need to weight the observations by sample size. Ideally I could apply these weights at the cell
2008 Feb 26
R package to perform Horn's parallel analysis
I am seeking information on whether anyone has written code to perform Horn's parallel analysis (a procedure that informs the selection of the proper number of components in PCA) in R. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. Please respond off-list at the email address below. Karen Douglas ******************************************************************* Karen Douglas,