Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "snow's makeCluster hanging (using Rmpi)"
2004 Mar 23
Status of Rmpi
Rmpi is not currently available on CRAN, and I don't think it has been
for a few months. It is available at
Does anyone know its current status?
A few months ago I corresponded with the author, who noted some build
problems (specifically on Debian) were the hang up, and seemed to be
working on it. I wasn't able to get it to work then (on a
2005 Oct 27
installing Rmpi
I've installed R on my RHEL3 cluster and I am trying to get Rmpi to
work properly.
R is installed using the following
./configure --prefix=/home/apps/R-2.2.0
I installed snow using
R CMD INSTALL /home/apps/snow
And finaly Rmpi
R CMD INSTALL /home/apps/Rmpi --configure-args=--with-mpi=/path/to/lam
There were no errors or warnings upon installation. However when i
perform the test
2007 Feb 12
Width of a plotting point (in inches) in grid package
I'm trying to determine the width of a plotting point (in inches) in the
grid package. I naively thought I could create a pointsGrob with only one
point and get the width (as tried below), but this results in an object with
a size of 0inches (changing cex has no effect). Does anyone have a better
approach? Of course, it would be dependent upon the graphics parameters and
2007 Mar 28
Rmpi and OpenMPI ?
Has anybody tried to use Rmpi with the OpenMPI library instead of LAM/MPI?
LAM appears to be somewhat hardcoded in the Rmpi setup. Before I start to
experiment with changing this, has anybody else tried Rmpi with non-LAM MPI
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
-- Thomas A. Edison
2007 Aug 27
Rmpi and x86
Dear R Gurus:
Is there a problem with Rmpi on x86 with SUSE 10.1, please?
I've tried everything and it still won't load.
Has anyone else dealt with this please?
Edna Bell
2008 Jan 16
Rmpi on Linux x86_64 GNU/Linux
I'm having trouble with R CMD INSTALL Rmpi_0.5-5.tar.gz
lam is is installed locally.
lamboot -d (or lamboot-d and also recon) works. make -k check from the
lamtest suite passes all tests.
Is this is problem with the -fPIC compiler as in the message? Should it
be modified in the Makefile?
Any help or comments are appreciated, thanks.
* Installing to library
2008 Jun 11
Rmpi segfault after install on Ubuntu Hardy Heron
I just installed Rmpi on my 64-bit Ubuntu Hardy Heron OS and using the
following without errors:
"R CMD INSTALL Rmpi_0.5-5.tar.gz --configure-args=--with-mpi=/usr/lib64/openmpi"
Immediately at library(Rmpi) I get the segfault displayed in my
complete output below. My first thought is that perhaps I used the
wrong library for openmpi, but with my 64 bit install it seemed like a
2008 Jul 01
problem with mpiexec and Rmpi
Dear R People:
I'm having some trouble with mpiexec and Rmpi.
I would like to be able to pass in the number of "children" via the
mpiexec command (from the command line).
this is in SUSE10.1, with R-2.7.1
Here are my files:
cat eb.R
mpi.remote.exec(paste("i am",mpi.comm.rank(),"of",mpi.comm.size()))
hodgesse at
2008 Dec 15
newbie question on snow/Rmpi
I have a network of four machines set up. I'm having trouble spawning
my slaves on these machines.
All the examples I have found so far use makeCluster with type="MPI",
and I guess I'm missing some kind of cluster configuration in my
environment variables because all my clusters are formed on the
machine where my initial session is running.
Can anyone refer me to a link that
2009 Dec 23
Help with makeClusters for Snow
Hi Everybody,
I know that R has snow package which can be used for Parallel Computing.
However, every time I try making a cluster, the only type of cluster I'm
able to make is the "SOCK" (that too because I disabled the firewalls). For
the rest (i.e. MPI, NWS, and PVM), I get error every time I try making one.
I get the following errors
2007 Feb 14
Snow vs Rmpi
I have few high-level questions about the Snow and Rmpi packages . I understand that Snow uses Rmpi as one of possible transport layers, yet my questions about user experience, not technical details:
1. Does Snow install and work well in Windows?
2. Interruptibility. I understand that currently it is impossible to interrupt a running top-level command in Snow ( Ctl-c or the likes), the
2012 Jan 04
rmpi vs snow - which one is better from communication overhead point of view
I need to understand when is it best to use /rmpi/ and when is it best to
use /snow/ for parallel programming in R? I understand snow can be used for
a group of non-clustered work stations also. But I wish to understand from
the point of view of using both on clusters for a problem which has few
chunks of straightforward data-parallelism interleaved with some
communication. Since both are
2008 Mar 05
rsprng, snow, rmpi interactions
The proper use of SPRNG is a little unclear to me in each of these
packages, even more so when I put them all together.
My immediate question: in snow I did clusterSetupSRNG. If a later want
to (re) set the system to a known seed, how do I do it? That is, I want
each distributed process to recreate exactly the same random numbers
that it did before; I assume SPRNG assures the streams are
2007 May 25
trouble with snow and Rmpi
Dear R People:
I am having some trouble with the snow package.
It requires MPICH2 and Rmpi.
Rmpi is fine. However, I downloaded the MPICH2 package, and installed.
There is no mpicc, mpirun, etc.
Does anyone have any suggestions, please?
Thanks in advance!
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
2008 May 08
rmpi/snow grabs all available CPU
I'm testing affyPara on Debian lenny with
R 2.7 from unstable, and the corresponding bioconductor packages from
bioconductor.org downloaded using biocLite as per usual.
The command
cl = makeMPIcluster(k)
succeeds, but spawns k R slaves which promptly soak up all available CPU, which
is odd since they are not doing anything yet. This looks like a bug to me.
Similar behaviour is shown
2005 Nov 11
Snow parLapply
Dear R-user,
I am trying to use the function 'parLapply' from the 'snow' package
which is supposed to work the same wys as 'lapply' but for a
parallelized cluster of computers. The function I am trying to call in
parallel is 'dudi.pca' (from the 'ade4' package) which performs
principal component analyses. When I call this function on a list of
2008 Oct 03
snow/rmpi using deinompi question
Dear R Users,
I have set-up:
- R 2.7.2
- rmpi using deinoMPI, and
- snpw
on two Windows XP machines. I would like to use the
makeCluster(...,"MPI") command to create a cluster. Assume the machines
are A and B. I would like the master to be on A and the nodes to be on B.
How do I achieve this outcome ?
I can see both machines using the DeinoMPI GUI.
Thanks in advance,
2007 Sep 03
Snow on Windows Cluster
the package snow is not working on a windows cluster with MPICH2 and
Rmpi. There is an error in makeCluster:
launch failed: CreateProcess(/usr/bin/env
"RPROG="C:\Programme\R\R-2.5.1\bin\R" "OUT=/dev/null" "R_LIBS="
C:/Programme/R/R-2.5.1/library/snow/RMPInode.sh) on 'cl1' failed, error
3 - Das System kann den angegbenen Pfad nicht finden.
2007 Feb 19
Installing Rmpi on FC5 with lam
After several trial and error attempts, I managed to install the Rmpi
package without error on my Linux machine, running Fedora 5.
I installed lam-7.1.2, lam-devel-7.1.2 and R-2.4.1, R-devel-2.4.1
The Package Rmpi_5.0-3.tar.gz, I installed once from within R and once
from the command line to make sure, I link the right libraries:
R CMD INSTALL Rmpi_5.0-3.tar.gz
2012 Jan 23
Rmpi loading error
I am running R 2.14.1 on a Windows XP (32 bit) system, and am trying to
install the package 'Rmpi' to allow me to parallel process on all cores of a
quad-core PC (and if that works well, I want to add extra slaves from a
dual-core laptop). Rmpi appears to install OK (see below), but I am
encountering the following error when I try and load the package:
> utils:::menuInstallLocal()