Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "multivariate splines"
2011 Sep 20
Multivariate spline regression and predicted values
I am trying to estimate a multivariate regression of Y on X with
regression splines. Y is (nx1), and X is (nxd), with d>1. I assume the
data is generated by some unknown regression function f(X), as in Y =
f(X) + u, where u is some well-behaved regression error. I want to
estimate f(X) via regression splines (tensor product splines). Then, I
want to get the predicted values for some new
2008 Jul 17
I like what smooth.spline does but I am unclear on the output. I can see from the documentation that there are fit.coef but I am unclear what those coeficients are applied to.With spline I understand the "noraml" coefficients applied to a cubic polynomial. But these coefficients I am not sure how to interpret. If I had a description of the algorithm maybe I could figure it out but as it
2006 Apr 28
I've written a series of functions that evaluates an integral from -inf to a or b to +inf using equally spaced quadrature points along a normal distribution from -10 to +10 moving in increments of .01. These functions are working and give very good approximations, but I think they are computationally wasteful as I am evaluating the function at *many* points.
Instead, I would prefer to use
2005 Jan 13
multivariate diagnostics
Hi, there.
I have two questions about the diagnostics in multivarite statistics.
1. Is there any diagnostics tool to check if a multivariate sample is from
multivariate normal distribution? If there is one, is there any function
doing it in R?
2. Is there any function of testing if two multivariate distribution are
same, i.e. the multivariate extension of Kolomogrov-Smirnov test?
Thanks for
2006 Nov 15
splineDesign and not-a-knot conditions
I would like to fit an (interpolating) spline to data where the
derivatives at the endpoints of the interval are nonzero, thus the
natural spline endpoint-specification does not make sense. Books (de
Boor, etc) suggest that in this case I use not-a-knot splines.
I know what not-a-knot splines are (so if I were solving for the
coefficients directly I knew how to do this), but I don't
2009 Jan 17
DierckxSpline segfault
I've just encountered a segfault when using DierckxSpline::percur
function. Below is the minimal example which triggers the error:
x <- 1:10
y <- rep(0, 10)
pspline <- percur(x, y)
*** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .Fortran("percur", iopt = as.integer(iopt), m = as.integer(m),
x =
2006 Dec 13
caching frequently used values
I am trying to find an elegant way to compute and store some
frequently used matrices "on demand". The Matrix package already uses
something like this for storing decompositions, but I don't know how
to do it.
The actual context is the following:
A list has information about a basis of a B-spline space (nodes,
order) and gridpoints at which the basis functions would be
2005 Sep 22
multidimensional (smoothing) splines
I am approximation a value function (in dynamic programming) V:
R^n->R. In different versions of the problem, n is between 2 and 5.
I would like to use splines to use this, I checked the mailing list
and CRAN but couldn't find anything that would help me (Tps in fields
is too slow, cobs would be really nice but seems to be
one-dimensional). Is there any package that would at least
2008 Jul 29
tensor product of equi-spaced B-splines in the unit square
Dear all,
I need to compute tensor product of B-spline defined over equi-spaced
I wrote my own program (it works in a 2-dimensional setting)
# set the break-points
Knots = seq(-1,1,length=10)
# number of splines
M = (length(Knots)-4)^2
# short cut to splineDesign function
bspline = function(x) splineDesign(Knots,x,outer.ok = T)
# bivariate tensor product of
2008 Jun 26
constructing arbitrary (positive definite) covariance matrix
Dear list,
I am trying to use the 'mvrnorm' function from the MASS package for
simulating multivariate Gaussian data with given covariance matrix.
The diagonal elements of my covariance matrix should be the same,
i.e., all variables have the same marginal variance. Also all
correlations between all pair of variables should be identical, but
could be any value in [-1,1]. The problem I am
2006 Feb 27
how to use the basis matrix of "ns" in R? really confused by multi-dim spline filtering?
Hi all,
Could anybody recommend some easy-to-understand and example based
notes/tutorials on how to use cubic splines to do filtering on
multi-dimension data?
I am confused by the 1-dimensional case, and more confused by
multi-dimensional case.
I found all the books suddenly become very abstract when it comes to this
They don't provide examples in R or Splus at all.
2009 Apr 03
DierckxSpline fitting with different sets of y-values in one time
Dear "R" users,
I have a question about the Package DierckxSpline. I have tried to find the answer by myself but it didn't worked out.
I wondered if Dierckxspline can use different sets of y values in one time to fit a line with knot. I have different sets of Y values representing the same thing for different voxels (in an fmri image). I have already fitted the data in different
2003 Apr 07
spline with multiple predictor vars?
Hi, is there a way in R to generate a polynomial spline with multiple predictor
variables? I have one response and two predictors and I'm trying to fit a
spline model for this...
Please cc me on the reply..
2006 Jun 24
smoothing splines and degrees of freedom
If I set df=2 in my smooth.spline function, is that equivalent to running
a linear regression through my data? It appears that df=# of data points
gives the interpolating spline and that df = 2 gives the linear
regression, but I just want to confirm this.
Thank you,
2011 Sep 27
M-Splines design matrix
Can any one inform me an r package used to fit Cubic M-splines or r functions used to have design and penalty matrices in fitting cubic M-splines please?
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2017 May 03
Cálculo de splines racionales no uniformes o NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline)
Hola a todos,
Llevo unos días buscando en Internet alguna librería de R que me permita el cálculo de NURBS a partir de ficheros de texto con coordenadas X Y Z de puntos. No he encontrado nada que me convenza y finalmente, hoy, he empezado a trabajar este asunto en MATLAB (la última vez que había usado este programa fue en 1999).
¿Alguno de vosotros ha trabajado en R? ¿Podríais hacerme alguna
2009 Mar 31
How to generate natural cubic spline in R?
Suppose I have two var x and y,now I want to fits a natural cubic
spline in x to y,at the same time create new var containing the
smoothed values of y. How can I get it?
2024 Jul 09
Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
How can I do automatic knot selection while fitting piecewise linear
splines to two variables x and y? Which package to use to do it simply? I
also want to visualize the splines (and the scatter plot) with a graph.
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2008 Dec 16
Application b-spline basis for polynomial splines
Hai everbody, Is there anyone have simple application b-spline in r language? I need it for make me understanding about b-spline for polynomial spline.
thank u
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2009 Jul 05
integrar resultado de splines cubicos
hola soy nuevo usuario de R y necesito crear un objeto p tal que,
p=lambda*integral[f´´(x)^2 dx ]
donde "lambda" es uno de los parametros que resultan de la funcion
"smooth.spline()" y la integral es sobre la derivada 2 de esa misma
dos cuestiones:
1) como extraigo lambda de los resultados de smooth.spline() para usarlo
como objeto cuando lo requiera y
2) como