similar to: rJava: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "rJava: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"

2010 Jan 08
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space issue with Windows 2003 xVM domu with Tomcat
Hello All, One of our user is facing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space issue on a Windows 2003 32 bit xVM domU with 4GB RAM. He is able to successfully do these tests on equivalent physical system with Windows 2003 OS and 4GB RAM. Another user is facing issues with Tomcat running out of heap space on a Win2008 64bit xvM domU Our xVM hypervisor server is X4150 server with 64GB RAM
2006 Nov 29
An example of using rJava
I have received a few private emails asking for some simple demonstration of calling Java code from R using the rJava package (which can be installed directly inside R). Here is one example for convolving two vectors (an example in the R manual about linking C with R). First write a Java program public class my_convolve { public static double[] convolve(double[] a, double[] b)
2007 May 25
iplots problem
Hi. I try to load iplots using the following commands > library(rJava) > library(iplots) but then I get the following error: Error in .jinit(cp, parameters = "-Xmx512m", silent = TRUE) : Cannot create Java Virtual Machine Error in library(iplots) : .First.lib failed for 'iplots' What do I have to do to correct this? Thanks -- View this message in context:
2013 Mar 19
Eror : OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space
Hi, i want to create xlsx sheet, all things seems to be perfect until this erro message Erreur : OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space i have xp system, (32bit) I tried the following syntax > options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1000m") > options(java.parameters = "-Xms=3670K") > writeWorksheet(wb, SP, sheet = "SP") alos this one options(java.parameters =
2013 Jun 19
Running RSpec tests, how can I resolve a “Curl::Err::OutOfMemoryError”?
Running an rspec test with ruby bindings for libcurl (with curb<>) like so: it "Should return a certain user in a JSON array" do $var ="") $var.perform response = JSON.parse($var.body_str) response[''user''].should eq(''some user name'') end and sometimes I get this error:
2009 May 13
Segmentation fault in package rJava on CentOS server
Hello, I just installed rJava on [root at UG13 ~]# R --version R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) runing on a [root at UG13 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 5.3 (Final) This is the output of [root at UG13 ~]# R CMD javareconf Java interpreter : /usr/bin/java Java version : 1.4.2_18 Java home path : /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_18/jre Java compiler : /usr/bin/javac Java headers gen.:
2024 Mar 15
write.xlsx error message
I think remember this error from trying to write an Excel file that already existed. If this file already exists, try to delete it and see, if this solves the issue. Besides that you're writing that you are "Using write.xlsx to extract data from an Excel file", write.xlsx() is to write an Excel file, not to read from it. Should be read.xlsx() then iirc. ? ? Gesendet:?Freitag, 15.
2024 Mar 15
write.xlsx error message
? Thu, 14 Mar 2024 14:12:12 +0000 Subia Thomas OI-US-LIV5 <Thomas.Subia at> ?????: > Using write.xlsx to extract data from an Excel file, I get this error > message. > > > Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", > cl, : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded There seems to be a
2009 Jun 18
RWeka memory problem
Hello, i get some memory problems using RWeka and i'm wondering because i have only ~ 400MB in RObjects without a high memory consuming operation when a crash occur. Look into hs_err_pid.log , it seems that the VM max heap size is only 512 mb. VM Arguments: jvm_args: -Xmx512m vfprintf exit java_command: <unknown> Launcher Type: generic I try to change with
2010 Apr 28
rJava (installation?) problem: unable to find the basic String class
Hello, I have experienced the following problem after installing rJava (it being a prerequisite for another package in which I am relly interested). Any helpful thoughts would be appreciated: OS: Windows XP Professional 2002 SP3, have Java 6 Update 20 from Sun, also installed the JDK from (or at least I suspect I installed it as it asked to re-boot
2009 Apr 05
RJava question(class not found with rJava's vm, though found with alternate vm)
Not sure if this the right place, but I can't seem to subscribe to the rJava mailing list. Sorry for the noise. I have a jar file in the CLASSPATH variable. On running .jinit and checking .jclassPath, i can see the jar file containing the class. Yet when trying to instantaite the class, i get a class not found error. Now If if, create my own vm (see below), and then run .jinit (which will
2013 Nov 11
problem using rJava with parallel::mclapply
Dear all, I got an issue trying to parse excel files in parallel using XLConnect, the process hangs forever. Martin Studer, the maintainer of XLConnect kindly investigated the issue, identified rJava as a possible cause of the problem: This does not work (hangs): library(parallel) require(rJava) .jinit() res <- mclapply(1:2, function(i) {
2007 Sep 27
rJava and RJDBC
I am desperate for help. I am trying to get the RJDBC and rJava .5to work on both my windows xp and linux Redhat EL5 Server. On both I get a ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException when calling JDBC(). My example is require(RJDBC) classPath='C:\\libraries\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc-bin.jar' driverClass=c("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") drv <-
2006 Apr 15
cannot load rJava in R
Hi all! I recently tried to install the rJava package on my notebook (Debian Etch / Kernel 2.6.15 / jdk 1.5.0-5 / R 2.2.1 / rJava ?? the repo one, have a look below). I compiled R myself with "--with-readline=no" and "--enable-R-shlib flags". Now, each time loading the library rJava I encouter the same error. I reinstalled several times (as root), always the same problem:
2017 Jun 25
rJava Broken on Linux + R 3.4
Dear All, I think there is something wrong with rJava on any Debian based distribution. I may be wrong, but I experiencing exactly the problems mentioned at and at A couple of packages (RJSDMX and xlsx) are now impossible to install on my debian stretch platform running R 3.4. It seems I am not the only one
2017 Jun 26
rJava Broken on Linux + R 3.4
Dear All, I think there is something wrong with rJava on any Debian based distribution. I may be wrong, but I experiencing exactly the problems mentioned at and at A couple of packages (RJSDMX and xlsx) are now impossible to install on my debian stretch platform running R 3.4. It seems I am not the only one
2008 Feb 19
rJava and matrices
Hi list, I'm wanting to use a matrix as input to some java code, but I seem to be unable to do this (See code below). When searching online for a solution I found that rJava 0.5-2 (the version under development not yet in CRAN) is adding "direct support for raw vectors as method parameters". Is this related? I also tried to use .jarray / .jcast in various combinations to no avail.
2012 Oct 19
Mac and Windows binaries of rJava broken for R-devel?
Hi, Here is a problem we see with the Mac and Windows binaries of rJava (0.9-3) currently available on CRAN for R-devel (i.e. under bin/macosx/leopard/contrib/2.16/ and bin/windows/contrib/2.16/): > library(rJava) > .jinit("gaggle/inst/jars/gaggleRShell.jar") Error in .Call("R_do_new_object", ClassDef, PACKAGE = "base") :
2012 Oct 30
rJava Out of Memory Error
I'm running XLConnect 0.2-1 that depends on rJava 0.9-3. I am only able to work with 2 workbooks before I get this error... > SppRich = wb["SpeciesRichness"] # This command calls an Excel > spreadsheet Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): GC overhead limit exceeded I have tried... > rm(list = ls()) ... to clear the workspace, but it doesn't help. I am using RStudio
2017 Jun 26
rJava Broken on Linux + R 3.4
Hi Dirk, It was unclear to me to which extent it is a kernel/security patch vs (r)Java issue. In any case, this is really problematic for me as it prevents me de facto from running some key R packages for my daily work. I'll post again if I see some solution (other than downgrading the kernel) somewhere. Meanwhile, any suggestions for a fix is welcome. Cheers Lorenzo On Mon, Jun 26, 2017