Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "coefficient constraints"
2005 Apr 15
Pearson corelation and p-value for matrix
I was trying to evaluate the pearson correlation and the p-values for an nxm matrix, where each row represents a vector. One way to do it would be to iterate through each row, and find its correlation value( and the p-value) with respect to the other rows. Is there some function by which I can use the matrix as input? Ideally, the output would be an nxn matrix, containing the p-values
2006 Nov 15
how to create this design matrix?
Hi all,
I have a multiple-linear regression problem.
There are 13 columns of data, the whole data matrix is: n x 13, where n is
the number of samples.
Now I want to regress EACH of the first 12 columns onto the 13th column,
with 2-parameter linear model y_i = b0 + b1 * x_i, where i goes from 1 to
n, and b0 is the intercept.
How do I create a design matrix to do the 12-column regression
2007 Sep 19
SEM - standardized path coefficients?
Dear list members,
In sem, std.coef() will give me standardized coefficients from a sem model.
But is there a trick so that path.diagram can use these coefficients rather
than unstandardized ones?
Steve Powell
From: John Fox <jfox_at_mcmaster.ca>
Date: Wed 28 Feb 2007 - 14:37:22 GMT
Dear Tim,
See ?standardized.coefficients (after loading the sem package).
2007 Mar 23
Effect display of proportional odds model
Dear useRs,
I very much like the effect display of the proportional odds model on
page 29 (Figure 8) of the following paper by John Fox:
It really gives a very concise overview of the model. I would like to
use it to illustrate the proportional odds mixed models we fit here for
a project on Diabetes but I can't seem to reproduce
2003 Apr 08
Multilevel Analyses in R
I am new to R and would like to get some practice analyzing multilevel data. I wonder if anyone can point me to a sample data set and command lines that I might replicate for a sample session. I would then compare my output with HLM output.
Any help is appreciated.
Harold C. Doran
Director of Research and Evaluation
New American Schools
675 N. Washington Street, Suite 220
2008 Jan 18
Wishlist- Windows Gui (PR#10589)
Full_Name: Robert Baer
Version: 2.6.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
It would be wonderful if the CRAN mirror had an easy way to set a "default CRAN
Current behavior is to have to choose a CRAN mirror the first time a package is
installed in a session. The closest mirror site is always the same for me, and
I wouldn't wish to change it unless it
2005 Sep 15
Rcommander and simple chisquare
In this years biostat teaching I will include Rcommander (it indeed
simplifies syntax problems that makes students frequently miss the
core statistical problems). But I could not find how to make a simple
chisquare comparison between observed frequencies and expected
frequencies (eg in genetics where you expect phenotypic frequencies
corresponding to 3:1 in standard dominant/recessif
2008 Feb 16
Weird SEs with effect()
Hi all,
Im a little bit confused concerning the effect() command, effects package.
I have done several glm models with family=quasipoisson:
model <-glm(Y~X+Q+Z,family=quasipoisson)
and then used
results.effects <-effect("X",model,se=TRUE)
to get the "adjusted means". I am aware about the debate concerning
adjusted means, but you guys just have to trust me - it
2006 Apr 13
Questions on formula in princomp
I hope this time I'm using the "iris" dataset correctly:
ir <- rbind(iris3[,,1], iris3[,,2], iris3[,,3])
lir <- data.frame(log(ir))
names(lir) <- c("a","b","c","d")
I'm trying to understand the meaning of expressions like "~ a+b+c+d",
used with princomp, e.g.
princomp(~ a+b+c+d, data=lir, cor=T)
By inspection, it
2004 Nov 02
Problems with Durbin Watson and Partial Residual Plots
I am trying to evaluate a model by using the commands durbin.watson and cr.plot.
However, I keep getting errors that I can't figure out. A description follows. Does anyone have a hint as to what may be wrong?
1)The Durbin Watson Test. In running the command I kept getting the
message "residuals include missing values" when actually this was NOT the
2002 Aug 13
Ex ante forecasting from structural equation models (SEM package)
Dear Helplist,
I want to produce forecasts from a structural equation model. With the SEM
package the model setup and its estimation is possible. However, I have not
figured out how to obtain ex ante forecasts, i.e. applying the Gauss-Seidel
algorithm to the estimated structural equations for provided values of the
exogenous variables (i.e.: y_t = -inv(A)*B*x_t).
Does anyone know if the there is
2004 Oct 13
one more Rcmdr problem
I'm using R 2.0.0 with the latest Rcmdr package installed from CRAN, on
Windows XP Professional.
When trying to copy some commands or results, either from the upper or lower
text window, this causes Rcmdr to crash:
"R for Windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close"
Did anyone have the same problem? I don't think it's my system, as it
2004 Oct 13
one more Rcmdr problem
I'm using R 2.0.0 with the latest Rcmdr package installed from CRAN, on
Windows XP Professional.
When trying to copy some commands or results, either from the upper or lower
text window, this causes Rcmdr to crash:
"R for Windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close"
Did anyone have the same problem? I don't think it's my system, as it
2005 Feb 28
3d scatterplots of more than 1 data set
i am need to plot two or more sets of data in a 3d scatterplot,
each set with different color.
i tried Rcmdr, and the 3d scatterplot facility, based on rgl. that
is what i need. but i cannot seem to code different sets of data
differently. any help will be very helpful.
i tried scatterplot3d, but it is difficult to get the right angle in
it. i need to be able to rotate the axes, and
2005 Nov 06
OLS variables
Dear all,
Is there any simple way in R that can I put the all the interactions of the variables in the OLS model?
I have a bunch of variables, x1,x2,.... x20... I expect then to have interaction (e.g. x1*x2, x3*x4*x5... ) with some combinations(2 way or higher dimensions).
Is there any way that I can write the model simpler?
2007 Dec 18
Scatterplot3d model reporting question
I've used the scatterplot3d function to graph some data and had it
graph a "smooth" fit. Is there a way to actualy find out the function
of the surface? I've looked through the help and figured out how to get
it to report the following:
Family: gaussian
Link function: identity
y ~ s(x, z)
Parametric coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
2005 Jan 07
help with polytomous logistic regression
I'm trying to do some ploytomous logistic regression using multinom() in the nnet package, but am a bit confused about interpretation of the results
Is it possible to get the following quantities:
I: maximum likelihood estimates to test for fit of model and significance of each predictor
(I would like to produce a table of the following type)
Analysis of Variance: MLE (values are
2005 Aug 12
Manually Calculating Odds from POLR Model
I am using polr(...) to generate a model. The summary shows the
coefficients and the intercepts.
For example:
coefficient for x1 = c1
coefficient for x2 = c2
intercept A|B = i1
intercept B|C = i2
I can then run predict(..., type="p") with the model and see the odds for
each factor.
For example:
1 0.3 0.5 0.2
2 0.4
2005 Dec 18
GLM Logit and coefficient testing (linear combination)
I am running glm logit regressions with R and I would like to test a
linear combination of coefficients (H0: beta1=beta2 against H1:
beta1<>beta2). Is there a package for such a test or how can I perform
it otherwise (perhaps with logLik() ???)?
Additionally I was wondering if there was no routine to calculate pseudo
R2s for logit regressions. Currently I am calculating the pseudo R2
2004 Jan 16
individual likelihoods
Dear all,
is there a way to extract individual likelihoods from a glm/lrm object?
By individual likelihoods, I mean the likelihoods whose product give the
overall likelihood of the model.
I guess the code in the base package, used to compute the Akaike Information
Criterion may help me.
However, I couldn't figure it out, probably because I'm rather new to
likelihood theory and ML