similar to: belongs_to with has_and_belongs_to_many

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "belongs_to with has_and_belongs_to_many"

2006 Jan 09
has_and_belongs_to_many :self
Hi all I got the following class: class Member < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :buddies, :class_name => ''Member'', :join_table => ''members_have_buddies'', :foreign_key => ''member_id'', :association_foreign_key =>
2008 Mar 07
Boolean circles..
Hi, This is just kindof a RoR question, but since you all potentially do the same things as I do, I thought I''ll ask here.. Im trying to use the boolean type in the database. Migrations is no problem, it even converts the 0/1 values from my import CSV to false and true. However, I cannot make the :conditions part of a find work: Loading development environment (Rails 2.0.2) >> c
2006 Aug 10
Convert datetime_select to Time object?
-------------------------- Question 1 -------------------------- I am dealing with a database that holds products and it has a datetime field called "active_at". so I have the following for active_at: <%= f.datetime_select :active_at %> It gives me 5 different params: params[:product][:active_at(1i)] params[:product][:active_at(2i)] params[:product][:active_at(3i)]
2006 Sep 09
why doesn't this work (setting attribute in "before_create")
Hi, Can anyone spot why the below doesn''t work? * I have a "created_by" column in my create table in the dB * I have a "before_create" line, which definitely gets called * I tried a few different ways to set the "created_by" attribute in the model but it doesn''t seem to work, i.e. doesn''t appear in the database
2006 Mar 01
How to retrieve attributes from HABTM?
We have tables Users and Communities linked by has_an_belongs_to_many. The join table Communities_Users has additional fields [ is_active, is_blocked, join_date] etc. These are populated using @user.push_with_attributes(:is_active => true,...). Later on how do we update or retrieve the attributes in the link table for a given user or a community with doing it explicitly using SQL? Thanks,
2006 Dec 06
validates_uniqueness_of where scope euqals created_by "magic" field
I have the following ActiveRecord objects: class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :ratings, :dependent => true . . . end class Rating < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :created_by, :scope => :recipe_id belongs_to :recipe, :counter_cache => true . . . end The created_by field on Rating is implemented as a "magic" field similar to this:
2006 Jul 24
Mongrel + BackgrounDRb + File Column = Upload Progress Bar?
Hi there, I''ve been digging around trying to find some information (mostly examples) on how one would handle a progress bar upload using BackgrounDRb and File Column. I did read and Ezra''s blog of course, but I still have a few questions. I made a simple upload form (as a test) that is submitted to the "upload_song" action. def
2007 Nov 05
Authentication: is a guest a user or an "exception"?
Hi all I''m currently implementing authentication/authorization in my app. Now I''m wondering what''s the common way to handle a guest... In fact, many of the visitors of my app will be anonymous users that just want to read articles etc., but one can register as a member to have some further possibilities. So far one can login as a member and from this point on one has
2005 Nov 22
Building a conditions clause (for find) of multiple optional params?
I want to be able to find items according to various params - category_id, member_id, type_id, rating, etc. What I have now is something like: if(@params[''category_id'']) @items=Item.find(:all, :conditions=>["category_id=?", @params[''category_id'']) elsif(@params[''category_id''] and @params[''member_id''])
2007 Aug 03
acts_as_paranoid and Association Extensions (has_one troubles)
Hi... Isn''t there a proper way or hack/workaround for the following? * For the example with unfortunate disabilities.. look below,,, Usage of has_* (associationmethods) do {def with_deleted AccociatedModel#with_scope} {Paranoid''s#find_with_deleted}... The has_one associations give me a nil object when invoking it with Model.association_OBJECT.with_deleted. Has_many does like
2006 Apr 03
Retrieving a record using created_by
Hello, Thank you all in advance for your help with this. Environment: Windows XP Pro (Development only) Ruby 1.84 Rails 1.1.0 SaltedHashLoginGenerator Plugins: file_column, userstamp I have a user table per the salted_hash_login generator. I have an orders table that has a column named created_by that is updated by the userstamp plugin. I am trying to retrieve all of the orders for a single
2005 Feb 07
Trying to Seed Maybe Bug?
Hi, trying to get rubytorrent to act as a seeder. I''m instantiation the RubyTorrent::Bittorrent with a pre-created MetaInfo object... bt = bt.on_event(self, :tracker_connected) { |s, url| puts "[tracker] connected to tracker #{url}" } I will attack the test file (just some random strings in a file) and the torrent that was
2006 Feb 17
validate uniqueness of two fields
I have Proposals and Members and Members can vote for a proposal only once. So, I have "Vote belongs_to :member, :proposal", but to make sure a member only votes once, I want to make sure that there isn''t a vote in the db with that member_id and proposal_id. I can just put the appropriate find in a vote.valid? but I wanted to make sure I wasn''t missing a nice rails
2006 Jan 03
help me understand association attributes
I have a model with a belongs_to association. The first model is called Thing and the associated model is User. I''m attempting to assign the user to the thing. To accomplish this I used a before_save method, like this: class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "created_by_user_id" def before_create
2009 Jun 20
Am getting the following error: Modul(#36555780) expected, got String(#21132310) After doing a lot of research on the net, i found that i need to pass on the id field somehow, but i dont really know how to do it. Following is the model: --------------------------------- class Modul < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :modulable, :polymorphic => true end class Chapter < ActiveRecord::Base
2007 May 11
Hey all, i''m rather new to rails and was curious if ActiveRecord implemented anything like is_active where the delete functions would just mark records as inactive, vs deleting rows. (similar to created_at, etc). I need a history of transactions, and this is how I would code in other languages. Any advice? Is there are smarter way to implement this? Thanks in advance! -- Posted via
2006 Jun 15
AJAX form inside table - error
Hello, I need to put an AJAX, form such that it is inside a table, and spans across few rows. But, what I am noticing is that, while submitting the form, the data in the fields is not submitted. If I move the form outside the table or inside a cell, things work OK, but not when the form is inside the table and spans few rows. This problem is only with AJAX forms, regular forms work perfect. I
2006 Jan 29
Specify options with habtm
Hi all I have the following models: class member has_and_belongs_to_many :disc_jockeys end class disc_jockey has_and_belongs_to_many :members end The relation table is called disc_jockeys_members and has the following fields: disc_jockeys_members(disc_jockey_id, member_id, status) So far, the field status can have values like valid, invalid, locked etc., but it is not regarded yet by
2007 May 20
beating a dead horse - proper association selection
okay... i have two models employee - id - username order - id - number - created_by - approved_by now created_by and approved_by are both id''s of employees. in most cases, two different employees. currently i do something like //controller @open_orders = Order.open_orders //model def self.open_orders find(:all, :conditions => [''is_open = ?'', true],
2006 Sep 25
Subclasses - help required
Hello all and hoping for some insight a project manger type of application, staff are assigned to projects, but each staff has varied roles for different projects... STI does not seem to be applicable here Imagine a table staffs... id int name varchar blah.... is_manager int 1 is_engineer int 1 is_producer int 1 and projects... id name manager_id engineer_id producer_id how is the best way