similar to: Insert R code in LaTeX document

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Insert R code in LaTeX document"

2007 Jan 15
How to format R code in LaTex documents
Hi, I am planning on putting some R script in an appendix of a LaTex document. Can anyone recommend me a way of how to format it? Is there a way to keep all line breaks without having to insert \\ in every single line? Thank you! Benjamin
2011 Nov 23
R-latex syntax highlighting?
Hello, Can anyone provide or point me to a good setup for the listings latex package that would produce nice R-syntax highlighting? I am using an example I found in internet for setting up listings like this: \lstset{ language=R, basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily, commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{gray}, numbers=left, numberstyle=\ttfamily\color{red}\footnotesize, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt,
2012 Nov 01
How to nicely display R code with the LaTeX package 'listings'?
Dear expeRts, What's a 'good' (nice-looking, easy-to-read) setup for the LaTeX package 'listings' to display R code? The two versions below are partly inspired by the settings of the package SweaveListingUtils and Any suggestions, comments, or improvements are welcome. Cheers, Marius ###
2006 Sep 25
Best use of LaTeX listings package for pretty printing R code
This is what I have been using. Does anyone have a better way? In particular I would like to see letters in comment strings not stretched so much. Thanks -Frank \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings,relsize} \lstloadlanguages{R} \newcommand{\lil}[1]{\lstinline|#1|} \begin{document} \lstset{language=R,basicstyle=\smaller,commentstyle=\rmfamily\smaller, showstringspaces=false,%
2004 Oct 04
Off-Topic: LaTeX package listings
Hola! I ask here since I learnt from this list that the LaTeX package listings should be good for typesetting R code. I encountered one problem: \begin{lstlisting} X %*% V \end{lstlisting} in the output the * in %*% disappears! same with %/%, etc, the / disappears. Any ideas? Kjetil -- Kjetil Halvorsen. Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction. --
2005 Jan 07
Compilation of R code
Hello, I'm a newbie on this list. I have a R code but its execution take a very long time. Is it possible to compile it (in C for example) to decrease the execution time ? -- ---------------- Alexandre DEPIRE INRETS / GARIG
2005 Jan 07
Compilation of R code
Hello, I'm a newbie on this list. I have a R code but its execution take a very long time. Is it possible to compile it (in C for example) to decrease the execution time ? -- ---------------- Alexandre DEPIRE INRETS / GARIG
2005 Feb 04
Compilation of R (linux) package on windows
Hello, I develop some R package on Linux machine with C subroutines. The programs in C are well compiled on Linux machine and so I have some ".so" files. Now, I want to do the same work on windows, so I install R (the last version) on windows, with Active Perl and djgpp, which is, as I know, the gcc version for windows (to compile C program), but unfortunately when I run "R CMD
2005 Feb 01
Hi, list, I am using 'sgeostat' package by Albrecht Gebhardt and I am trying to put a correlation coefficient of some kind on the lagplots. Is there a possiblity to do so? Thanks Mahdi -- ----------------------------------- Mahdi Osman (PhD) E-mail: m_osm at ----------------------------------- GMX im TV ... Die Gedanken sind frei ... Schon gesehen? Jetzt Spot online ansehen:
2006 Feb 28
LaTeX in R graph
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to insert LaTeX typesetting in R output. I want to obtain a graph with LaTeX label in order to incorporate it as postscript or pdf, x<-seq(0,1,length=100) y<-x*x plot(x,y,xlab="$X$",ylab="$X^2$")
2008 Mar 07
R-Logo in \LaTeX (Mag. Ferri Leberl)
Dear Mag. Ferri Leberl, I'm using something like: ----------------------- tex.tex --------------------------- \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \newcommand{\Rlogo}{\protect\includegraphics[height=1.8ex,keepaspectratio]{Rlogo.pdf}} \newcommand{\myinput}[1] {\begin{scriptsize} \VerbatimInput[frame=single,label=#1]{#1} \end{scriptsize}} \title{The R logo,
2008 Mar 07
R-Logo in \LaTeX (Mag. Ferri Leberl)
Dear Mag. Ferri Leberl, I'm using something like: ----------------------- tex.tex --------------------------- \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \newcommand{\Rlogo}{\protect\includegraphics[height=1.8ex,keepaspectratio]{Rlogo.pdf}} \newcommand{\myinput}[1] {\begin{scriptsize} \VerbatimInput[frame=single,label=#1]{#1} \end{scriptsize}} \title{The R logo,
2006 Sep 15
Histogram of data with categorical varialbe
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2008 Sep 12
sink file type and Latex (Lyx)
Does anyone know what file type sink is outputting to? I've been reverting output from R using sink and wanted to add it to my Appendix in LaTex (Lyx) using "Verbatiminput". However, I get an error message as LaTex is expecting an ASCII file. Can I set sink somehow to ASCII or is there another option? Thanks Joanne
2008 Oct 17
R-code in Latex --- $ sign causes error
hi, here's what i have: \lstset{ basicstyle=\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\bfseries, showstringspaces=false, columns = fullflexible, mathescape = true, language=R } \begin{lstlisting} lst$val<-val \end{lstlisting} ./software.tex:16:Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. lst$ the culprit here is the $ sign. thanks. ps: i'm posting here rather than Latex is bec i guess an R user is
2004 Apr 26
need settings for the listings package
Hi, I am typesetting R code in TeX using the listings package. I have experimented with various settings for the text, but all look a bit ugly. This might be because I have no typographic experience ;-) I would really appreciate if people sent me the settings they use for the listings package (eg in the \usepackage line, or \lstset, I am thinking about choices for basicstyle, ... etc). I
2005 Jun 01
Hello there! When I do freq=F on hist, I get on the left a small number, what exactly does that mean? Thanks, Martin
2003 Apr 05
slides in linux R
Hello, In S-Plus Windows you can transform graphics to Powerpoint very easily, in R Windows you can use enhanced metafiles (.emf) and Powerpoint almost as easy. Is there a simular way with R in Linux to transform to the presentation program in StarOffice or OpenOffice or are you stuck with the pdf device? Fredrik Lundgren
2009 Jan 28
OT: Adding verbatim R code text into LaTeX documents: texttt; verb or url?
Hi all I use Sweave extensively to mix R and LaTeX, and often have R code appearing in my LaTeX document. Just a quick question then: What is the best way to add example of R commands into LaTeX in-line? (That is, not using Sweave.) For example, suppose I wish to place in my document this instruction: done in R using the command \verb|lm( y ~ + var.two )| as follows: I
2009 Jan 08
Hi: I am going through some of the xtable examples and I can't make the one below work. I need to create a longtable on the fly keeping the column headers for all the pages and I thought this example could give some ideas on how to do it. I am using Sweave and xtable to create my tables and graphics. I wonder if someone could tell me what's wrong. Thanks ## Not run: \begin{small}