similar to: Connecting to R using Perl?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Connecting to R using Perl?"

2007 Jan 16
plot portion of a line
Dear HelpeRs, Given: x <- rnorm(50) y <- rnorm(50) plot(x,y) abline(lm(x ~ y)) Is there a way to plot just a portion of the line? Say for values of x > 2.0 or x > -2.0 and x < 4.0. (Still fitting all the points.) Thank you, jab -- John Bollinger, CFA, CMT If you advance far enough, you arrive at the beginning.
2006 Dec 27
stacked plots
Dear helpeRs, Is there a better method of producing stacked charts than par(mfrow(3,1)), plot(x), plot(y), plot(z)? What I would like to do is produce a chart of several panes stacked vertically with no space between them so they appeared to be a single figure. I've attached a small example, though it is not clear that it will make it, as the posting guide doesn't say which sort of images
2006 Sep 28
a decimal aligned column
Hello, For numbers in the range 100 to 100,000,000 I'd like to decimal align a right-justified comma-delineated column of numbers, but I haven't been able to work out the proper format statement. format(num, justify=right, width=15, big.mark=",") gets me close, but numbers larger than 1,000,000 project a digit beyond the right edge of the column, which I really don't
2006 Aug 29
passing namees
R 2.3.1 I wrote a little script to do some cross correlations. The symbols are in a text file like so: symbols.txt ibm dd csco """ require(tseries) symbols <- scan("symbols.txt", what = 'character') for(line in 1:(length(symbols)-1)) { assign(symbols[line], get.hist.quote(instrument = symbols[line], start = "2005-09-01", quote =
2006 Sep 17
currency or stock trading strategy
Hi, are there any good charting and analysis tools for use with currencies, stocks, etc. in R? I have some tools to download currency data from the NYFRB using python and XML. Can we get and parse an XML download using R? Can we have interaction in R plots? Does anyone use R for back-testing trading strategies? Are there any forums for discussion of using R for this specific purpose (apart
2006 Aug 30
.Rprofile under Windoze.
I am (for my sins) having to do some work using R under Windoze. I wanted to set up a .Rprofile to control my set-up. The docs on .Rprofile say that it can/should be placed in ``the user's home directory''. ``An Introduction to R'' observes lucidly that this concept needs to be clarified under Windoze. Following the suggestions in An Introduction to R, I tried putting a
2006 Sep 21
Command area in SciViews 0.8.9 - second try
Dear all I am writing again with a question I posted a few weeks ago (to no avail). I have a problem with SciViews for R. It's probably a slightly stupid question but I cannot find a solution to a very elementary problem. I am using SciViews 0.8.9 on with R 2.3.1pat on a Windows XP Home machine. R is set to SDI mode, I start R, enter "library(svGUI)", SciViews starts properly, I can
2006 Dec 13
Install R in Linux
Hi, Is it possible to install R in a linux box (Debian) without being a root. I know I can compile the R source code, but there is no F77 compiler on the box. So is it possible to install binary R without being a root? Send instant messages to your online friends [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jan 29
Database Connection Problem with RMySQL package
Folks, I failed to create a connection to the database under MySQL DBMS in the R system via RMySQL's method dbConnection(...). My setup is as follows: Microsoft Windows XP 5.1.2600 MySQL 4.1.9 R 2.0.1 DBI 0.1-8 RMySQL 0.5-5 Both of DBI and RMySQL packages were downloaded from bell lab: My case in R is as follows: > library(DBI)
2006 Oct 17
cluster in R
hi, is there some good summary on clustering methods in R? It seems there are many packages involving it. And I have two questions on clustering here: 1. Is there a way of evaluate the effecitives (or seperation) of clustering (rather than by visualization)? 2. Is there a search method (like genetic search) which can help find the best subset of attributes which gives best seperation? Thanks,
2006 Sep 08
Connecting to a SQLBASE database with R
Hi, I am trying to extract data from a database with R in order to produce monthly statistics. I found in the R Website, the package RODBC, RSQLite and others ones which permit this kind of extraction. The database I want to be connected with is a SQLBASE 7.0 database. So, I would like to know if, using one of these package or another one, I could be able to connect with this type of database.
2006 Dec 27
how to suppress a "loading required package: ..." message
Hi, how to suppress a "loading required package:... " message? Kind regards Jaci --
2006 Dec 23
OT: any recommendation for scripting language
Right now, I am using SAS and S+/R. As a new year resolution, I am planning to learn a scripting language. from statisticians' point of view, which scripting language is worth to learn, perl, python, or any other recommendation? (Most likely, I will be learning it in windows.) Since I am not in research, I will prefer one widely used in industry and related to statistical work. if you
2006 Oct 17
Book recommendation for newbie to stats and R?
I'm trying to learn statistics and R at the same time. I have an undergraduate science degree and one year of calculus (30 years ago), but never took a stats course. I hope to take some stats courses in the next year, but thought I would start to see how much I could teach myself. I work for an organization that analyses behavior change communication programs regarding HIV/AIDS and
2006 Dec 31
Does SQL group by have a heavy duty equivalent in R
I have hundreds of humans who have undergone SNP genotyping at hundreds of loci. Some have even undergone the procedure twice or thrice (kind of an internal control). So obviously I need to find those replications, and confirm that the results are the same. If there is discordance then I need to address it. I tried to use the aggregate function nr.attempts
2006 Sep 01
repeating the same procedure with a number of files within a directory
Hi there I am very new to R so dont know much about the programming side of thing yet. I've worked out how to input a data matrix, create distance matrices and print them to an external file but only for one data matrix at a time. I actually have a batch of data matrices for which I want to create distance matrices for each in turn and then print these distance matrices to their respective
2006 Aug 07
kmeans and incom,plete distance matrix concern
Hi there I have been using R to perform kmeans on a dataset. The data is fed in using read.table and then a matrix (x) is created i.e: [ mat <- matrix(0, nlevels(DF$V1), nlevels(DF$V2), dimnames = list(levels(DF$V1), levels(DF$V2))) mat[cbind(DF$V1, DF$V2)] <- DF$V3 This matrix is then taken and a distance matrix (y) created using dist() before performing the kmeans clustering. My query
2006 Sep 04
opening files in directory
Hi there I want to be able to take all the files in a given directory, read them in one at a time, calculate a distance matrix for them (the files are data matrices) and then print them out to separate files. This is the code I thought I would be able to use (all files are in directory data_files) for(i in 1:length(files)) + { + x<-read.table("data_files/files[[i]]") +
2006 Aug 05
formating for dist function
Hi there I have a list that looks like this object1 object1 78 object1 object2 45 object1 object3 34 object1 object4 45 object2 object2 89 object2 object3 32 object2 object4 13 but i want to create a matrix like this in order to use the dist function of R object1 object2 object3 object4 object1 78 45 34 45 object2 45
2006 Oct 05
Block comments in R?
Hello list, Is there any way to perform a block comment in R? In C++, anything in between a /* and */ is considered a comment, and it allows programmers to comment out chunks of code for testing and debugging. Is there such a feature in R? Cheers, Wee-Jin