Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Quick question about lm()"
2008 Jul 07
A quick question about lm()
I have a simple regression using lm().
If I just want to check the coefficient, I can use summary(lm())$coef; if I
need the standard error, I can use summary(lm())$s, if I need the residuals,
I can use summary(lm())$res. OK. How can I get the R-squares and Adjusted
R-squares using $...?
Is there a function, like objects(), that can show all the references for
Thanks a lot!
View this
2007 Jan 09
A question about R environment
Hi all,
I created environment "mytoolbox" by : mytoolbox <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
Is there anyway I put it in the search path ?
If you need some background :
In a project, I often write some small functions, and load them into my workspace directly, so when I list the objects
with ls(), it looks pretty messy. So I am wondering if it is possible to creat an
2007 Mar 09
understanding print.summary.lm and perhaps print/show in general
I'm trying to understand how R prints summary.lm objects and
trying to change it slightly for a summary function that
calculates standard errors using an alternative method.
I've found that I can modify a summary.lm object and then it
prints the modified way but I want to change a few things in
the print method that I think I might just be able to do. One
is that I want the coefficients
2007 Feb 02
A question about dput
I am trying to output a R data set for use in WinBugs, I used
But I can't get the intended format: list(x=c(.......),N=100), instead, I got
something like this (copied the first two lines):
[00000000]???73?74?72?75??63?74?75?72??65?28?6C?69??73?74?28?78???? structure(list(x
2006 Apr 17
interaction terms in formula of lm or glm
I would like to include pairwise interaction terms for lm(). For example, I
want to include the quadratic term of variable "V3".
> my.formula
y ~ 1 + V1 + V3 + V3:V3
> my.data
y V1 V2 V3
1 31 1 42 140
2 32 0 43 120
3 33 0 57 150
4 34 0 55 132
> foo <- lm(my.formula, data = my.data)
> foo$coefficients
(Intercept) V1 V3
29.47368421 -2.15789474
2006 Sep 27
How to pass expression as an argument
I am writing a function and need to pass a function expression as an argument, for instance,
myfun <- function( express) {
x<- c(1,2,3)
if I call the above function by myfun( x*2 ), I get 2 as the result, instead of 2,4,6 , could someone help me to
fix this problem ?
Furthermore, is that
2007 Jan 14
Questions about paste and assign
I would like to assign a value to a member b of the list a in position 3, by calling:
assign( target, 2.34, 3)
My question is what the "target" should be. I tried target <- paste("a", $, "b") and something else,
but haven't got the right answer yet.
BTW, if I attached a list named
2007 Mar 28
multi-level modeling & R?
A colleague was asking me if R does multi-level
modelling as opposed to multiple regression. Since I
have no knowledge of multi-level modelling (except 5
minutes googling ) I thought that I would as here.
Does are offer any multi-level modeling packages? It
looked like arm might be one but I was not sure.
2009 Oct 21
linear regression: Is there a way to get the results of lm as variables
Hi R users
I used R to get the results of a linear regression
here are the results:
# Call:
# lm(formula = donnees$txi7098 ~ donnees$txs7098)
# Residuals:
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
2005 Jul 21
Question about 'text' (add lm summary to a plot)
I would like to annotate my plot with a little box containing the slope,
intercept and R^2 of a lm on the data.
I would like it to look like...
| Slope : 3.45 +- 0.34 |
| Intercept : -10.43 +- 1.42 |
| R^2 : 0.78 |
However I can't make anything this neat, and I can't find out how to
combine this
2009 Feb 28
Extract statistics from lm()
Hi, perhaps this question was answered previously however I could not find
them. My problem is how how to extract a particular statistic from the
result given by lm(). For e.g.
ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14)
trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
group <- gl(2,10,20, labels=c("Ctl","Trt"))
weight <- c(ctl, trt)
2005 Dec 09
retrieving p-values in lm
Dear list,
I want to retrieve the p-value of a two-polynomial regression. For a
one-polynomial lm I can easily do this with:
summary(lm(b~a, data=c)[[4]][[8]].
But how do I find the final p-value in the two-polynomial regression? Under
$coefficients I don't find it
Any suggestions?
alt <-(2260,2183,2189,1930,2435,
2009 Apr 05
extract the p value of F statistics from the lm class
Dear R users
I have run an regression and want to extract the p value of the F
statistics, but I can find a way to do that.
lm(formula = log(RV2) ~ log(IV.m), data = b[[11]])
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.26511 -0.09718 -0.01326 0.11095 0.29777
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
2005 Jun 28
How to import data as numeric array?
Did some search but couldn't find useful result.
I am trying to read a n*m dimension data with read.table, what i need is a numeric array,
is there any efficient way to allow me get this array directly instead of a list?
I tried to use as.array() to change the mode, but seems it doesn't work and i got this error message:
"Error in "dimnames<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`,
2008 Oct 31
getting the p-value from lm as a list object
I'm trying to get the p-value from the 'lm' regression function as a list
object. For example, I can get r^2 from the following code by entering
summary(fm)$r.squared. Is there a way to get the p-value? If not, is there
a function where I can enter the f-value and degrees of freedom to get the
p-value? Thanks.
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
y <- c(1,2,3,4,4,5,6,8,1,9)
2011 Sep 28
apply lm function to dataset split by two variables
Dear all,
I am not fluent in R and am struggling to 1) apply a lm to a weight-size
dataset, thus the model has to run separately for each species, each
year; 2) extract coefs, r-squared, n, etc. The data look like this:
year sps cm w
2009 50 16 22
2009 50 17 42
2009 50 18 45
2009 51 15 45
2009 51 16 53
2009 51 17 73
2010 50 15 22
2010 50 16 41
2010 50 16 21
2011 Aug 21
how to improve summary.lm
I need a shorter summary.lm, instead of
lm(formula = E$t ~ E$cfs)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.239674 -0.007694 0.006430 0.014330 2.496551
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.994e-02 1.419e-04 -140.5 <2e-16 ***
E$cfs 1.675e-05
2007 Apr 01
Keep R packages in the R installation
I just got a quick question here, when I install a new version of R , is there an easy to keep the installed R packages ?
Thanks a lot for any help.
2013 Feb 19
Small quirks in summary.(g)lm docs
In R 3.0.0 from current SVN, ?summary.lm says:
> Value [...]
> df degrees of freedom, a 3-vector (p, n-p, p*), the last
> being the number of non-aliased coefficients.
?summary.glm says:
> df a 3-vector of the rank of the model and the number of residual
> degrees of freedom, plus number of non-aliased coefficients.
It seems to me that the description is reversed: p is
2020 Jan 23
[cfe-dev] Phabricator -> GitHub PRs?
On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 11:37 AM David Greene <greened at obbligato.org> wrote:
> Hubert Tong <hubert.reinterpretcast at gmail.com> writes:
> >> I read this as the refresh being an entirely new GitHub PR. Is that
> >> right? Normally I would expect the same PR to be used but the rebase
> >> would cause a force-push of the branch which would update