Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "density() with from, to or cut and comparrison of density()"
2006 Sep 06
problem with putting objects in list
I use the following code and it stores the results of density() in the
list dr:
dens <- function(run) { density( positions$X[positions$run==run], bw=3,
cut=-2 ) }
dr <- lapply(1:5, dens)
but the results are stored in dr[[i]] and not dr[i], i.e. plot(dr[[1]])
works, but plot([1]) doesn't.
Is there any way that I can store them in dr[i]?
Thanks a lot,
Rainer M. Krug,
2006 Sep 20
Calculating mean together with split
I have a table called npl containing results of simulations.
It contains about 19000 entries and the structure looks like this:
NoPlants sim run year DensPlants
1 6 lng_cs99_renosterbos 1 4 0.00192
it has 43 different entries for sim and year goes from 1 to 100, and run
from 1 to 5.
I would like to calculate the mean of DensPlants for each
2006 Dec 01
specify point shape for ggplot (equivalent to pch)?
is it possible to specify the shape of the point to be used in ggplot
(as with pch in plot)? I couldn't find anything in the help.
Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation
Biology (UCT)
Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology
University of Stellenbosch
Matieland 7602
South Africa
Tel: +27 - (0)72 808 2975 (w)
Fax: +27 - (0)86 516 2782
2006 Sep 22
Update to Dillo browser question
I asked about if there is any way of opening URLs from the help browser
in the same window of the same dillo browser - here is the answer.
Just to reiterate: dillo is for me the perfect browser for the help of R
when you use ?...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Dillo-dev] Opening new URL in same instance and -s option
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 21:31:57 -0400
2006 Sep 20
Beginners manual for emacs and ess
I heard so much about Emacs and ESS that I decided to try it out - but I
am stuck at the beginning.
Is there anywhere a beginners manual for Emacs & ESS to be used with R?
even M-x S tells me it can't start S-Plus - obviously - but I want it to
start R...
Any help welcome (otherwise I will be stuck with Eclipse and R)
Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc
2006 Sep 21
transforming factor back to numbers
I generate a new dataframe by doing:
npl.agg <- aggregate(npl$DensPlants, list(year=npl$year, sim=npl$sim),
mean, na.rm=TRUE )
Now I want to plot it by using
coplot(npl.agg$x ~ npl.agg$year | npl.agg$sim, type="l")
but, as npl.agg$year is seen as a factor, the order of the points on the
x-axis (time axis) does not follow the numerical sorting 1...100, but
rather the text
2006 Oct 25
simplification of code using stamp?
I have the following code which I would like to simplify. Id does linear
regressions and returns the r-squares, and the coefficients.
It runs slow, as it is doing the regressions for each - is it possible
to get the values in a dataframe which looks as follow:
expert | xx | seeds | r.squared | slope | intercept
Thanks in advance,
rsqs <- as.data.frame(
2006 Nov 01
Compare linear regressios for significant differences of the slopes
I have (8 measures * 96 groups) = 768 datasets for which I did linear
regressions using lm().
Now I want to compare the slopes for each of the 8 measures in each of
the 96 groups. As I understand , I can not use
> anova(lm1, ..., lm8)
as the lm1 ... lm8 are based on different datasets.
I also read in previous discussions in this list, that I can see if the
slope +- stddev(slope)
2005 Oct 26
install.packages under SuSE 10 behind proxy, R 2.2.0 from source
I installed R 2.2.0 from source and want to use install.packages but it
doesn't work.
http_proxy is set to http://proxy.sun.ac.za:3128
but it still can't connect to the repository.
The mirror is available, I can connect to it via the internet.
Any help welcome,
Tel: +27 - (0)72 808 2975 (w)
Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc
2005 Dec 20
Problems installing R 2.1.1. from rpm (R-base-2.2.0-1.i586.rpm) on SuSE 10
I have problems installing R 2.1.1. from rpm (R-base-2.2.0-1.i586.rpm)
on SuSE 10. It installs fine, all dependances are OK (at least Yast does
not complain) but when I try to run R, it gives the following error message:
symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libblas.so.3: undefined symbol:
and R quits.
blas version: 3.0-926
Any help appreciated,
Rainer M.
2005 Oct 10
Vectorizing loop
I have the following loop and would like to vectorize it. Any ideas if
it is possible?
Tha Loop:
for (i in 2:Result$NoSims)
ppp <- runifpoint(Result$NoPlants)
K <- Kest(ppp)
Result$LSim[i,] <- sqrt(K$iso / pi) - K$r
CM <- (Result$LSim[i,] * Result$LSim[i,]) / abs(K$r[2] - K$r[1])
Result$SigCM[i] <- sum(CM, na.rm=TRUE)
2006 Apr 28
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext message - what should I do?
When I run a program I've written with Delphi7, I get several of the
following messages:
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x10020, 0x403b9e80): stub
The program works - but is there anything I can do to avoid these messages?
Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation
Biology (UCT)
Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology
University of Stellenbosch
2006 Mar 23
Create graphs from text console
I am using R 2.2.1 under Linux (SuSE 10) and would like to know if it is
possible to create graphs, i.e.
try( coplot( mor$I_Morisita ~ mor$Year | mor$RunStr, show.given=FALSE) )
from a text console?
It gives me an error message on the jpeg() command:
Error in X11(..snip..) unable to start device jpeg
In addition: warning message:
unable to open connection to
2006 Dec 13
exporting a table to latex
I am using the latex() command from the Hmisc package to export table
to latex. For formating of the values, I use the format() function. But
I don't manage to get the format of the values right: I don't want
scientific notation, but if I say scientific=FALSE, I get many digits
after the decimal point which I can not control with digits=... and
nsmall=... in the format command.
2006 Jan 09
Problem with WineTools - unexpected identifier
I try to run WineTools, It starts fine, but when I click any button
(e.g. Basic Setup), it gives me the following message and returns to the
main menu:
ckrug@consecol-ckrug:~> wt
detecting Wine version... done.
Drive C: is /home/ckrug/.wine/drive_c
Wine 0.9.3
wine is executed as wine
Parameters are --noexit
Browser is /usr/bin/firefox.
2006 Mar 10
How to get the intercept from lm?
I am using R 2.2.0 under SuSE 10
I want to use lm() to get the slope and intercept for several daatasets
and store them in a database. So far so good - but how do I extract the
slope and the intercept from the result from lm()?
my code looks like this:
lmNNDens <- lm(log(DensNN$MeanNN) ~ log(DensNN$MeanDensity))
anovaLM <- anova(lmNNDens)
Results$slope[No] <- ???lmNNDens???
2005 Dec 15
Why is bubbles() creating empty png graphs?
This code below produces empty XXX.png files - if I use plot(), it works
and if I enter the commands
bubble(positions, do.sqrt=FALSE, main=q)
manually, it works as well.
I am lost - any help appreciated.
The weird thing is that it worked before I made some changes... (I don't
have a copy of the working version...).
R version:
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
2006 May 23
SmartInspect Personal crashes kwin under Wine 0.9.13
SuSE 10.0
KDE Release 3.5.2 Level "a"
Wine 0.9.13
SmartInspect Personal
I installed SmartInspect Personal under Wine 0.9.13 and it
works perfect. There is only on problem, but it doesn't influence the
usage - but when it happens, I have to logout (if still possible) and
logon again:
If I click on Help - About, the About window shows (it seems to be
2006 Nov 10
Combining factors
I know this is a basic question and I know I have done it before but I
can't find the answer any more.
I have a data set, say:
F1, F2, Value
F1 and F2 are Factors.
I would like to plot
plot(TheCombinationOf(F1, F2), Value)
I remember there was a function for TheCombinationOf() but I don't
remember the name.
I could create a new factor based on F1 and F2, but I would prefer the
2006 Sep 15
execution of source() command
Linux SuSE 10
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch i686
os linux-gnu
system i686, linux-gnu
major 2
minor 3.1
year 2006
month 06
day 01
svn rev 38247
language R
version.string Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
I have two questions concerning the source("test.R") command.
1) Is there any