similar to: tick.number for date in xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "tick.number for date in xyplot"

2006 Jun 14
positioning of separate y-axis labels in xyplot
I like the functionality provided by outer=TRUE, but when it comes time to place separate xlabs or ylabs, I always end up 'eyeballing' it on a case-by-case basis. For example, ##begin example require(lattice) cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars) print(xyplot(cars.lo$residuals+cars.lo$fitted~cars.lo$x, strip=FALSE, outer=TRUE, layout=c(1,2),
2007 Jan 08
finer control of scales in xyplot
When plotting over multiple pages in lattice, I'd like to be able to have "same" scales within a page, but "free" scales between pages. In other words, something like: z<-data.frame(x=1:100, y=runif(100), d=rep(1:2,50), p=rep(1:2,each=50)) plot<-xyplot(y~x|d*p, data=z,
2006 Mar 30
custom strip in lattice ignoring plotmath expressions for all but style = 1 (PR#8733)
Full_Name: Ben Tyner Version: 2.2.0 OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( My appologies if this has already been fixed, but I didn't see it in the tracking system yet so I thought I'd report it. Demonstration: xyplot(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width | Species, iris, strip = strip.custom(style = 1, = expression(beta),
2008 Oct 30
xyplot, the first tick mark starts from 2 rather than 1, and also there is a NA as the final tick mark.
I am trying to plot some data, but have got some difficulties with labels on the tick marks on the x-axes. There are 20 data points. All I want to do is to plot the Loss versus Lines. When I use xyplot, the first tick mark starts from 2 rather than 1, and also there is a NA as the final tick mark. Here is the R code you code give it a try: Would any body be able to fix this, please?
2007 Jan 29
lattice: two grouping variables, one controls 'col', the other 'pch'
Say I have library(lattice) x<-runif(256) y<-runif(256) f<-gl(16,16) g1<-rep(1:4,each=64) g2<-rep(1:4,times=64) plot<-xyplot(y~x|f, groups=g1, pch=as.character(1:4), panel=function(x,y,subscripts,groups,...){ panel.superpose(x,y,subscripts,groups,...) }) print(plot) Currently, both
2010 Jan 10
How to control spaces between axis, tick and label in xyplot or xYplot?
Dear R users, I encounter a problem regarding space control in xyplot. Basically, I want to control spaces between label, tick and axis. I remember there is a function called mgp in general plot. Is there a similar function for xyplot or xYplot? Below is my basic code: myplotkid<-xyplot(expected_offspringnumber~afr|decade,groups=SES,data1,
2004 Jun 23
Tick marks in xyplot
Dear R group I am making multiple xyplot, and would like to have tick marks on bottom and left in EACH panel, but only tick labels at the bottom and left of the whole graph. I have browsed the internet, as well as the help page without success. If anyone could help me find the path to the solution I would appreciate. Here is an example, this is the best I could do: lset(col.whitebg())
2013 Feb 14
Alternate tick labels in xyplot
Dear Rhelp, I would like to get alternate tick labels for the xyplot: library(lattice) library(grid) xy <-xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, ??? main= "Some plot", ??????? groups = rowpos, type = "a", ??? ??????????? page???? = function(n){ ???????????????????????? grid.text(LETTERS[j], ???????????????????????? y = 0.95, ???????????????????????? x = 0.15,
2007 Aug 30
Additions to xyplot (lattice)? - legend, ticks, axis label size, text
I have created an xyplot of a time series with the following code... win.graph(width = 10, height = 7) panel1 = function(x, y) { panel.loess(x, y, lwd=2.5, span=0.5, col="gray") panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=19, col="blue", cex=1.25) } xyplot(oneplusdensity ~ year, data=figdata, aspect="fill", cex=1.5, xlab=NULL, ylab=expression("Crabs per
2006 Aug 24
xyplot tick marks and line thickness
Hello, A made a xyplot using the lattice library in R (latest version). The publisher of our paper has requested: 1. all tick marks should point inwards instead of outwards. 2. All lines should be thicker (lines, axes, boxes, etc. Everything). Lines is easy...I used: lwd=1.5 but what about the lines of the axes, and the lines that build up the plot itself?....? Any
2006 Jan 27
xyplot: making strip function aware of panel.number
In xyplot(), I'd like to supress the printing of the strip on certain panels. I thought I'd do this inside the strip function, but it seems that panel.number doesn't get passed to that. Any ideas? Thanks, Ben
2012 Jul 13
alternate tick labels and tick marks with lattice xyplot
Hi, I would like to use xyplot to create a figure. Unfortunately, I cannot find documentation in xyplot to specify alternating the x-axis tick labels with the x-axis tick marks. I can do this with the regular R plot function as follows. #A small version of my data looks like this data<-data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=12)) data[,1]<-rep(c(1,2,3),c(4,4,4)) data[,2]<-rep(c(1,2,3,4),3)
2010 Jan 06
xyplot: adjusting the scale (min, max & tick)
Hi, I'm terribly sorry but it seems it cannot figure this one out by myself so, please, if somebody could help I would be very grateful. So, when I plot with xyplot() I get an y-axis that is very ugly... starting from a random number and having so many ticks that it becomes unreadable. How do I tell xyplot how to draw the axis? E.g., start from 100, end at 200 with 25 units between
2003 Jun 05
scales in xyplot doesn't seem to work for x axis
Hi I'm doing a xyplot and I wand to reduce the number of tick marks in the x axis. My x axis are month and I want to reduce the 12 tick marks to 4. I used the scales argument but it doesn't seem to work, althougth it works on y axis if I use scales=list(tick.number=4).
2012 Nov 22
[lattice] Increase distance between tick labels and ticks in wireframe plot ("pad")
Hello, I try to increase the distance between tick labels and ticks in a lattice wireframe plot. Here's a minimal example: ## Minimal example x <- y <- z <- c(1,2,3) df <- data.frame(x, y, z) wireframe(z ~ x*y, df, scales = list(arrows = FALSE, col = "black", font = 1, tck=0.6)) I tried the axis.components option
2004 Sep 01
Tick marks in cloud (lattice)
Hi! Probably a simple question, but I can't get any tick marks in the 3d scatterplot I created using the cloud function. The following works to display the three groups using different symbols: data(iris) cloud(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Petal.Width, data = iris, cex = 1.2, groups = Species, pch = c(16,1,1), col = c("black","black","red"), subpanel =
2006 Oct 30
correlation structure in lme without random effect
I was hoping to fit along the lines of g<-gl(20,5) y<-runif(100) fit<-lme(fixed=y~g,correlation=corAR1(0,~1|g)) But I get the error "Incompatible formulas for groups in "random" and "correlation"" Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ben
2005 Jun 14
lattice, panel.grid, and scales=list(tick.number=XXX)
I have a Lattice plot in which I want to adjust the number of tick marks used, and I want to have the drawn grid reflect that change. Here is what I'm doing: bwplot(var1 ~ var2, data=df, scales=list(tick.number=10), panel=function(...) { panel.grid(h=0,v=-1,...); panel.stripplot(col="gray40", pch="|", cex=2, ...); panel.bwplot(...); })
2008 Jun 26
xyplot: tick marks inside panel
Hello all, Working with a typical xyplot figure (for example the first from example(lattice) ) I would like to place the tick marks inside the panels instead of outside. I believe working with the axis argument might be the way to do it, but do not see how? Could anyone help me out in doing this? In advance thank you. David Gouache ARVALIS - Institut du v?g?tal Station de La Mini?re 78280
2007 Nov 20
Adding points on top of lines in xyplot
All, I'm trying to make a basic plot: data points superimposed upon the a line connecting the points w/ a different color. Example below doesn't work as the first xyplot call doesn't remain. Suggestions? David Hour = c(NA,1,2,3,4) y = c(2,2,3,2,1.5) xyplot(y ~ Hour, xlab = list("Hour", font=2, cex=2), ylab= list("U_x * V", font=2, cex=2), type = 'l',