similar to: lmer(): specifying i.i.d random slopes for multiple covariates

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "lmer(): specifying i.i.d random slopes for multiple covariates"

2006 Aug 02
lme4 and lmeSplines
I'm trying to use the lmeSplines package together with lme4. Below is (1) an example of lmeSplines together with nlme (2) an attempt to use lmeSplines with lme4 (3) then a comparison of the random effects from the two different methods. (1) require(lmeSplines) data(smSplineEx1) dat <- smSplineEx1 dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat) plot(dat.lo) dat$all <- rep(1,nrow(dat)) times20
2000 Oct 23
More mdct questions
Sorry for starting another topic, this is actually a reply to Segher's post on Sun Oct 22 on the 'mdct question' topic. I wasn't subscribed properly and so I didn't get email confirmation and thus can't add to that thread. So Segher, if the equation is indeed what you say it is, then replacing mdct_backward with this version should work, but it doesn't. Am I applying
2011 Aug 01
formula used by R to compute the t-values in a linear regression
Hello, I was wondering if someone knows the formula used by the function lm to compute the t-values. I am trying to implement a linear regression myself. Assuming that I have K variables, and N observations, the formula I am using is: For the k-th variable, t-value= b_k/sigma_k With b_k is the coefficient for the k-th variable, and sigma_k =(t(x) x )^(-1) _kk is its standard deviation.
2002 May 06
A logit question?
Hello dear r-gurus! I have a question about the logit-model. I think I have misunderstood something and I'm trying to find a bug from my code or even better from my head. Any help is appreciated. The question is shortly: why I'm not having same coefficients from the logit-regression when using a link-function and an explicite transformation of the dependent. Below some details. I'm
2008 Nov 21
Wishlist: fix error in documentation for body<- (PR#13318)
Full_Name: Fabian Scheipl Version: 2.8.0 OS: Windows, Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems to me that the documentation for body<- is wrong. The help file for body(fun, envir = environment(fun)) <- value says that: value can be an expression or a list of R expressions. This produces errors however: ################################ > f <- function(x){} >
2003 Nov 15
Using the rsync checksums for handling large logfiles.
Dear all, I've only just joined this list, but I can't find any mention of this idea anywhere else, so I thought I'd just post here before getting too deep into programming and possibly reinventing the wheel. Here at Aber, we have around 30 unix and linux servers doing core services. Each one is maintaining its own logfiles and, for various reasons, we want to keep these on the
2002 Feb 06
Weighted median
Is there a weighted median function out there similar to weighted.mean() but for medians? If not, I'll try implement or port it myself. The need for a weighted median came from the following optimization problem: x* = arg_x min (a|x| + sum_{k=1}^n |x - b_k|) where a : is a *positive* real scalar x : is a real scalar n : is an integer b_k: are negative and positive scalars
2007 Sep 12
Verifying understanding of backup-dir vs compare-dest
Hello, Say one starts with creating an archive rsync work -> archive and periodically (below, i = 1 to N) does rsync --backup-dir=a_<i> work -> archive and rsync --compare-dest=archive work -> b_<i> Then suppose one wants to recover the work directory as it was at time k. Using the b_<i> directories, one would merely merge
2006 Jul 20
Loss of numerical precision from conversion to list ?
I?m working on an R-implementation of the simulation-based finite-sample null-distribution of (R)LR-Test in Mixed Models (i.e. testing for Var(RandomEffect)=0) derived by C. M. Crainiceanu and D. Ruppert. I'm in the beginning stages of this project and while comparing quick and dirty grid-search-methods and more exact optim()/optimize()-based methods to find the maximum of a part of the
2006 Oct 20
Translating lme code into lmer was: Mixed effect model in R
This question comes up periodically, probably enough to give it a proper thread and maybe point to this thread for reference (similar to the 'conservative anova' thread not too long ago). Moving from lme syntax, which is the function found in the nlme package, to lmer syntax (found in lme4) is not too difficult. It is probably useful to first explain what the differences are between the
2001 Jan 02
mdct explanation promised. This describes the mdct used in my d.m.l patch. I think it is the same as the Lee fast-dct. I typed it in a kind of pseudo-TeX, 'cause the ascii art would kill me. Hope you can read TeX source; if not, ask someone who can to make a .ps/.gif/.whatever of the TeX output, and put it on a webpage or something. I'm to lazy to do it (and besides, I don't have access to TeX,
2004 May 25
(OT) Fourier coefficients.
This posting has nothing to do with R (except maybe that I am using R very heavily in writing the paper to which the question pertains.) I simply wish to draw upon the impressive knowledge and wisdom of the R community. Since this question is way off topic, if anybody has the urge to reply, they should probably email me directly: rolf at rather than via this list. My question
2011 Apr 27
spikeSlabGAM_0.9-6 (initial public release) spikeSlabGAM implements Bayesian variable selection, model choice, and regularized estimation in (geo-)additive mixed models for Gaussian, binomial, and Poisson responses. Its purpose is (1) to choose an appropriate subset of potential covariates and their interactions, (2) to determine whether linear or more flexible functional forms (P-splines,
2011 Apr 27
spikeSlabGAM_0.9-6 (initial public release) spikeSlabGAM implements Bayesian variable selection, model choice, and regularized estimation in (geo-)additive mixed models for Gaussian, binomial, and Poisson responses. Its purpose is (1) to choose an appropriate subset of potential covariates and their interactions, (2) to determine whether linear or more flexible functional forms (P-splines,
2006 Jun 06
Problems using quadprog for solving quadratic programming problem
Hi, I'm using the package quadprog to solve the following quadratic programming problem. I want to minimize the function (b_1-b_2)^2+(b_3-b_4)^2 by the following constraints b_i, i=1,...,4: b_1+b_3=1 b_2+b_4=1 0.1<=b_1<=0.2 0.2<=b_2<=0.4 0.8<=b_3<=0.9 0.6<=b_4<=0.8 In my opinion the solution should be b_1=b_2=0.2 und b_3=b_4=0.8. Unfortunately R doesn't find
2006 Oct 17
Mixed effect model in R
Hi, I am analysing an experiment that has one fixed (6 conditions) and two random factors (11 subjects, 24 images in the conditions). I read somewhere else that you can also see such a design as a nested experiment with the hierarchy: subjects -> condition -> image. For some analysis I have one respond variable and for others I have more. The response variables are non-normally distributed.
2009 Jan 29
Hi I Have a very large dataset that I would like to conduct ANOVA tests on. Im not a very strong programmer so any help would be appreciated. the format is Identifier             A1       A2        B1      B2       C1   C2      Norm1         Norm2 1234                  1        1            NA     NA      4       3        NA               NA 4567                  2        2              4     
2000 Oct 20
mdct question
Hi, Can someone tell me which MDCT and invMDCT equation uses? I implemented the invMDCT one given in file (handed out by Monty way back) and it produces different time domain samples. I tried both the FFT method and the slow way directly from the equation and couldn't reproduce the results from the original code. This leads me to believe that the forward MDCT used in
2004 Jan 30
coupled statistical models
Can someone point me to the appropriate functions for fitting multiple statistical models that are coupled to each other. The data are measurements of salinity s and temperature t at stations id and pressures at p as well as surface elevations h at stations id. The problem is, for any new station, to estimate s at all p, given t at all p and given h. If h is ignored, the for each p, there
2008 Dec 13
(PR#13318) Wishlist: fix error in documentation for
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --27464147-1942928637-1229159653=:5347 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT Content-ID: <alpine.LFD.2.00.0812130938061.6595 at> There are two issues here, what it