similar to: Variance Components in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Variance Components in R"

2006 Sep 20
Statitics Textbook - any recommendation?
I would like to buy a basic statistics book (experimental design, sampling, ANOVA, regression, etc.) with examples in R. Or download it in PDF or html format. I went to the CRAN contributed documentation, but there were only R textbooks, that is, textbooks where R is the focus, not the statistics. And I would like to find the opposite. Other text I am trying to find is multivariate data
2010 Jun 18
Non-procedural access to columns of a matrix
Hi, I would like to have an index for a column in a matrix encoded in a cell of the same matrix. For example: x = matrix(c(11,12,13,1, 21,22,23,3, 31,32,33,2),byrow=T,ncol=4) In this case, column 4 is the index. I then access the column specified in the index by: > for (i in 1:3) print(x[i,x[i,4]]) [1] 11 [1] 23 [1] 32 > > for (i in 1:3) {x[i,x[i,4]] <- x[i,x[i,4]] + 5} > x
2012 Jan 21
Function for multiple t tests
Hi, I want to run t.test() for several variables among two groups, and I would like to skip the tedious process of collecting information to assemble a table, but I am not sure if the function I want already exists. Any suggestion would be appreciated. I have a working example, as required by the posting guide: my_swiss = swiss[-1,] my_swiss$facto = rep(1:2,nrow(my_swiss)/2)
2009 Feb 16
Help with rgl
Hi, I don't know much about the RGL package, and I have read the documentation and tried some parameters, with no luck... I would like to generate a movie from a 3D object (code below), where the vortex A is closer to the observer, and then the object rotates and the B vortex gets closer. I would like to capture this movie to a file. By the way, I am not being able to insert unicode text
2018 Feb 26
Precision in R
Hi, Why sum() on a 10-item vector produces a different value than its counterpart on a 2-item vector? I understand the problems related to the arithmetic precision in storing decimal numbers in binary format, but shouldn't the errors be equal regardless of the method used? See my example: > options(digits=22) > x=rep(.1,10) > x [1] 0.10000000000000001 0.10000000000000001
2011 Jun 08
Autocorrelation in R
Hi, I am trying to learn time series, and I am attending a colleague's course on Econometrics. However, he uses e-views, and I use R. I am trying to reproduce his examples in R, but I am having problems specifying a AR(1) model. Would anyone help me with my code? Thanks in advance! Reproducible code follows: download.file("
2009 Apr 09
CFA in R/sem package
Hi, I am not sure if R-help is the right forum for my question. If not, please let me know. I have to do some discriminant validity tests with some constructs. I am using the method of doing a CFA constraining the correlation of a pair of the constructs to 1 and comparing the chi-square of this constrained model to the unconstrained model. If the chi-square difference is not significant, then I
2009 Nov 08
Models for Discrete Choice in R
Hi, I would like to fit Logit models for ordered data, such as those suggested by Greene (2003), p. 736. Does anyone suggests any package in R for that? By the way, my dependent variable is ordinal and my independent variables are ratio/intervalar. Thanks, Iuri. Greene, W. H. Econometric Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003
2010 Apr 05
Using pch with the RGL library
Hi, I am trying to compare two 3D plots. For that, I am trying to use the "pch" parameter in the "points3d" function, but it is not working. Is it implemented? Any suggestion? Here goes a reproducible code. I wanted the second plot having different symbols for the points. x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3),
2011 Apr 11
Meta-analysis of a correlation matrix
Sorry for the cross-posting, but I would like to know if anyone is aware of a package in R for this. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: John Antonakis Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 3:26 PM To: RMNET Subject: Meta-analysis of a correlation matrix (correct thread title) Hi: Does anyone know of good program that can do a meta-analytic multiple regression (with multiple correlated
2009 Oct 31
Plots with k-means
Hi, I'm doing a k-means cluster with 6 clusters and 15 variables. Any suggestions on how to plot the results? I've tried the standard xy plot, but couldn't get much of it. Thansk in advance, Iuri.
2012 Jun 08
Fwd: How to best analyze dataset with zero-inflated loglinear dependent variable?
Dear netters, Sorry for cross-posting this question. I am sure R-Help is not a research methods discussion list, but we have many statisticians in the list and I would like to hear from them. Any function/package in R would be able to deal with the problem from this researcher? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Heidi Bertels Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:31 PM Subject: How to best
2003 Jan 03
factor analysis (pca): how to get the 'communalities'?
Dear expe-R-ts, I try some test data for a factorAnalysis (resp. pca) in the sense of Prof. Ripley's MASS ? 11.1, p. 330 ff., just to prepare myself for an analysis of my own empirical data using R (instead of SPSS). 1. the data. ## The test data is (from the book of Backhaus et al.: Multivariate ## Analysemethoden. Springer 2000 [9th ed.], p. 300 ff):
2003 Nov 27
lme v. aov?
I am trying to understand better an analysis mean RT in various conditions in a within subjects design with the overall mean RT / subject as one of the factors. LME seems to be the right way to do this. using something like m<- lme(rt~ a *b *subjectRT, random= ~1|subject) and then anova(m,type = "marginal"). My understanding is that lme is an easy interface for dummy coding
2010 Jul 08
mimic SPSS contingency table results
Dear all Seems that puzzles always come in packs. I was asked to help with some statistics in blood analysis. (You can not refuse your wife's asks :-). She has contingency table for values IgVH mutation and ZAP expression. I can do chi-square test (in R) and get a results, and with some literature I can try explain them. However she found an article in which they use SPSS and use
2012 May 14
Extract Variance Components
Hi, I'm still having problems putting the variance components of my model in to a data frame, it is a continuation of this discussion,, but now focussed on the problem of extracting variance components. I have got my mixed effects model now /narrow$line<-as.factor(narrow$line) rg.lmer <- lapply(split(narrow,
2024 Feb 23
help - Package: stats - function ar.ols
Hello, Thanks for the reply Rui and for pointing out that I forgot to attach my code. Please find attached in this email my code and data. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Pedro Gerhardt Gavronski. On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 5:50?AM Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas at> wrote: > > ?s 16:34 de 22/02/2024, Pedro Gavronski. escreveu: > > Hello, > > > > My name is Pedro
2017 Aug 08
how to extract individual values from varcomp?
Hello, I am trying to use varcomp to decompose the variance across multiple nested levels on a lme object. I am able to successfully do this and when I view the varcomp object I can see the individual values / estimates for the variance at different levels. However, I want to be able to extract each of them separately, as I need to build a confidence interval using bootstrapping on the sample
2020 May 04
error in message printed by L-BFGS-B
Hi I have a FORTRAN version of the L-BFGS-B algorithm and I was comparing it to the code in the lbfgsb.c file available at R-4.0.0.tar.gz Everithing looks the same, except for those two lines that must be printed by the prn3lb function in case of an error (lines 3559 and 3561 in lbfgsb.c): case -5: Rprintf("l(%d) > u(%d). No feasible solution", k, k); break; case -7:
2012 Jan 30
Linear Mixed Model set-up
Hello, I have some data covering contaminant concentrations in fish over a time period of ~35 years. Each year, multiple samples of fish were taken (with varying sample sizes each year). Ultimately, I want an estimation of the variance between years, and the variance within years + random effects. I used a linear mixed model to estimate these variances, but after reading a number of different