similar to: hist() and bar spacing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "hist() and bar spacing"

2006 Apr 20
Missing p-values using lmer()
Hello, I’m trying to perform a REML analysis using the lmer() function (lme4 package). Well, it seems to work well, except that I’m not getting any p-value (see example below). Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks for your help, Amélie > library(gdata) > dive <- read.xls("C:/Documents and Settings/Amelie/My Documents/Postdoc/CE 2005-2006/divebydive.xls",
2006 Apr 20
lmer{lme4}, poisson family and residuals
Hello, I’m trying to fit the following model: Dependent variable: MAXDEPTH (the maximum depth reached by a penguin during a given dive) Fixed effects: SUCCESSMN (an index of the “individual quality” of a bird), STUDYDAY (the day of the study, from -5 to 20, with 0=Dec 20), and the interaction SUCCESSMN*STUDYDAY Random effect: BIRD (the bird id, as each bird is performing several dives)
2008 Aug 11
Unexpected parameter problem using rsaga.geoprocessor() {RSAGA}
Hello, I discovered SAGA, an interesting free GIS, a few days ago and now, I would like to use it from within R 2.6.2 using the RSAGA package. I read the documentation for this package and thought that I understood it correctly for trying to call some of the SAGA modules. For getting the information on the usage of and arguments required by the SAGA command line "Import Binary Raw
2007 May 15
Problem with lme4
Hi - I'm having a problem trying to use the function GLMM() from lme4. Here is what happens: > library(lme4) Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: lattice > f1 <- GLMM(success~yearF, data=quality, random=~1|bandnumb, family=binomial, method=PQL) Error: couldn't find function "GLMM" I remember having used lme4 before, without any problem.
2018 Feb 17
readLines interaction with gsub different in R-dev
| Confirmed for R-devel (current) on Ubuntu 17.10. But ... isn't the regexp | you use wrong, ie isn't R-devel giving the correct answer? No, I don't think R-devel is correct (or at least consistent with the documentation). My interpretation of gsub("(\\w)", "\\U\\1", entry, perl = TRUE) is "Take every word character and replace it with itself, converted to
2018 Feb 17
readLines interaction with gsub different in R-dev
I was told to re-raise this issue with R-dev: In the documentation of R-dev and R-3.4.3, under ?gsub > replacement > ... For perl = TRUE only, it can also contain "\U" or "\L" to convert the rest of the replacement to upper or lower case and "\E" to end case conversion. However, the following code runs differently: tempf <- tempfile()
2009 May 11
Removing any text beginning with...
Hi ! >From an Ensembl annotation like ENSGxxxx /// ENSGyyyyy /// ENSGzzzz, I am trying to keep only the first part: ENSGxxxx. I wasn't able to find any helpful information about how to do it. Could you help me with that please ? Is the use of the equivalent to the Excel * (any text) a good way of doing it and how ? Your help will be very much appreciated. Amelie [[alternative
2009 Apr 23
Accessing all the first sub-elements of a list of list
2008 Oct 02
Multiple hist(ograms) - One plot
Hello, I am trying to plot multiple histograms with the same scales, etc into one plot. The commands below produce a 3 page PDF with each histogram occupying the upper right quadrant. And use slightly different scales on the X and Y axes. > s21 <- dat[dat$sc_recov=="21",] > s21.ED <- subset(s21, select=(bbED)) > s31 <- all[all$sc_recov=="31",] > s31.ED
2007 Mar 13
hierarchical partitioning
Dear all, I am trying to model variation of distribution of species assemblages according to environmental variables. For that I use a log linear multinomial regression. In order to select variables that mostly discriminate the assemblages, I tried to apply a hierarchical partitioning protocol to my data set. For that I have adapted the all.regs() for multinomial model. The problem is that I
2013 Feb 17
nested random factor using lme produces errors
Hi, I am running a mixed-effect model with a nested-random effect. I am interested in gut parasites in moose. I has three different type of treatment that I applied to moose which are from different "families". My response variable is gut parasites and the factors are moose families which is nested within treatment. My data is balanced. To answer this question, I used the lme function
2005 Dec 11
(PR#8376 inconsistency between plot(hist(...)) and hist(...)
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 clausen at wrote: > Full_Name: Andrew Clausen > Version: 2.1.0 > OS: Debian GNU/Linux > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > Hi, > > When I type > > hist(x, freq=F) > > I get a density function, as I expect. However, if I type > > plot(hist(x, freq=F)) > > then I get the same output as if I had
2018 Feb 17
readLines interaction with gsub different in R-dev
I think the problem in R-devel happens when there are non-ASCII characters in any of the strings passed to gsub. txt <- vapply(list(as.raw(c(0x41, 0x6d, 0xc3, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x65)), as.raw(c(0x41, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x61))), rawToChar, "") txt #[1] "Am?lie" "Amelia" Encoding(txt) #[1] "unknown" "unknown" gsub(perl=TRUE,
2012 Sep 14
How to specify minimum and maximum x-axis value in logi.hist.plot?
Hi guys, How could I specify minimum and maximum x-axis values in logi.hist.plot? My code is something like this: plot(mydata$Temperature,mydata$Mortality, ,xlab="Temperature",ylab="Probability of mortality") curve(predict(temp.glm,data.frame(Temperature=x),type="resp"),add=TRUE, col="red") points(mydata$Temperature,fitted(temp.glm),pch=20)
2008 Jan 30
"hist" combines two lowest categories -- is there a workaround?
When preparing a series of histograms I found that hist was combining the two lowest categories or bins, 1 and 2. Specifying breaks, as illustrated below, resulted in the correct histogram: values <- sample(10,500,replace=TRUE) hist(values) hist(values,breaks = 0:10) Apparently, the number of values strictly less than 1 is shown in the first bin (and since none is less than 1,
2003 Jun 17
hist density...
Hi! Do not understand following behavior. > summary(test$dif) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.7389 0.9713 0.9850 0.9818 1.0000 1.0000 length(test$dif) [1] 85879 tmp <- hist(test$dif,breaks=100,freq=FALSE) The density on the Y axis in the plot are in the range 0-200. Thought that the density should be in the range 0-1 (something like
2010 Jan 28
hist - unevenly spaced bars
I am sure this is trivial, but I cannot solve it. I make a histogram. There are 5 categories "1",...,"5" and 80 values and the histogram does not evenly space the bars. Bars "1" and "2" have no space between them and the rest are evenly spaced. How can I get all bars evenly spaced? The code: > Q5 [1] "4" "4" "4"
2006 May 06
'col'-parameter in 'hist.POSIXt'
Hi guys. The 'col'-parameter in the 'hist'-method for the classes 'POSIXt' and 'date' does not perform as it does in the default 'hist'-method. Unfortunately, it does not only change the filling color of the boxes, but also the color of the axislines. [Using 'graphics'-package version 2.2.0] Examples: # with POSIXct-object hist(.leap.seconds,
2012 Dec 02
superimpose density line over hist
>>>>> "Romain" == Romain Francois <[hidden email]> >>>>> on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:40:59 +0100 writes: ........ Romain> A few comments : Romain> - your code should be reproductible, otherwise it is useless. (that Romain> recommandation is on the posting guide) Romain> - that question is a top ten question
2007 Oct 15
oanda and yahoo get.hist.quote
Hello Alexander I doubt that such an analyis is very useful as the data is not sampled synchronously (equity close in the US for ^gspc and even that is not always at the same time, some average price from Oanda data). Also fx data from others sources as suggested in another mail on this list would not really help with this unless it is really sampled at exactly the same times as the equity