Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Syntax of Levene's test"
2010 Mar 21
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance
Hi, All!
To calculate Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance I use R Commander,
and this is the output:
> levene.test(Dataset$age, Dataset$sex)
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance
Df F value Pr(>F)
group 1 0.8739 0.3567
I am not sure what means "Pr(>F)"? Can anyone explain/translate this?
Iurie Malai
Department of Psychology and
2007 Feb 20
bootstrapping Levene's test
Hello all,
I am low down on the learning curve of R but so far I have had little
trouble using most of the packages. However, recently I have run into
a wall when it comes to bootstrapping a Levene's test (from the car
package) and thought you might be able to help. I have not been able
to find R examples for the "boot" package where the test statistic
specifically uses a
2012 Oct 07
Why do I get different results for type III anova using the drop1 or Anova command?
Dear experts,
I just noticed that I get different results conducting type III anova
using drop1 or the Anova command from the car package. I suppose I made
a mistake and hope you can offer me some help. I have no idea where I
got wrong and would be very grateful for explaination as R is new
terrain for me.
If I run the commands in line, they produce the same results. But if I
run them in
2000 Sep 01
Levene's test
> From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk>
> Date: 01 Sep 2000 09:54:59 +0200
> Prof Brian D Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
Important omission: specification from Murray Jorgensen
The test that I was thinking of basically does an anova on a modified
response variable that is the absolute value of the difference between an
2007 Nov 29
Anova(car) SS digits
When I use Anova(car) to produce type III SS, 'Sum Sq' is reported in
> Anova(bot.lm3, type ="III")
Anova Table (Type III tests)
Response: bottemp
Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
(Intercept) 45295 1 29436.4440 < 2e-16
fungroup 3 2 0.8259 0.44006
numsp.fun 11 2
2010 Jul 14
I am trying to use Levene's test (of package car), but I do
not understand quite well how to use it. '?levene.test' does
not unfortunately provide any example. My data are in a data
frame and correspond to 1 factor plus response. Could
someone please give me an example about how to use the command
levene.test(y, group)
Thanks in advance,
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2003 Aug 13
Levene test of homogeneity of variance
Has the Levene test of homogeneity of variance been implemented in any
library in R?
Maurice Haynes
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Child and Family Research Section
6705 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892
Voice: 301-496-8180
Fax: 301-496-2766
E-Mail: mh192j at nih.gov
2008 Feb 14
Levene's test for homogeneity of variances (befor using ANOVA)
En innebygd og tegnsett-uspesifisert tekst ble skilt ut...
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2010 Feb 15
Difference in Levene's test between R and SPSS
I notice that when I do Levene's test to test equality of variances across
levels of a factor, I get different answers in R and SPSS 16.
e.g.: For the chickwts data, in R, levene.test(weight, feed) gives
F=0.7493, p=0.5896.
SPSS 16 gives F=0.987, p=0.432
Why this difference? Which one should I believe? (I would like to believe
R :)
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2012 May 28
simulation of levene's test
I try to run simulation of levene's test to find the p-value but the error
of replacement has length zero occur, could anyone help me to fix this
asim <- 1000
for(i in 1:asim)
g1 <- rnorm(20,0,2)
g2 <- rnorm(20,0,2)
g3 <- rnorm(20,0,2)
x <- c(g1,g2,g3)
2007 Jul 05
Levene Test with R
Hi All,
is there Levene' test in R ? If not ,Could you give me some
advice about Levene test with R?
Thanks a lot! I am waiting for yours.
2000 Mar 07
update fails after specific sequence of steps (PR#474)
# Your mailer is set to "none" (default on Windows),
# hence we cannot send the bug report directly from R.
# Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to
# your favorite email program and send it to
# r-bugs@biostat.ku.dk
I stumbled on this error while doing a classroom demonstration. The error is reproducible,
2006 Jul 21
seeking robust test for equality of variances w/ observation weights
Hello R community,
I am looking for a robust test for equality of variances that can take
observation weights.
I realize I can do the F-test with weighted variances, but I've read that
this test is not very robust.
So I thought about maybe adding a "weights" argument to John Fox's code for
the Levene Test (in the "car" library, "levene.test"),
2006 Jun 27
Mauchly and Levene
I just started working with R to do the statistical analyses for my diploma thesis.
I got two sets of data.
Both contain repeated measures.
One has only one within-subject factor with four levels.
The other has one within-subject factor with two levels and one between-factor with two levels.
I want to compute a Mauchly test for both sets and a Levene test for the second set.
2006 Aug 03
Looking for transformation to overcome heterogeneity of variances
Dear All
My data consists in 96 groups, each one with 10 observations. Levene's
test suggests that the variances are not equal, and therefore I have
tried to apply the classical transformations to have homocedasticity
in order to be able to use ANOVA. Unfortunately, no transformation
that I have used transforms my data into data with homocedasticity.
The histogram of variances is at
2006 Oct 17
ANOVA and Levene's test in nested model
Dear All,
I sent already before a message concerning Levene's test in nested model,
but I didn't get any answer. Optimistically I hope to get an answer this
time. I also point a new question related to the whole model, because I
haven't find any sure answer if I am analysing it in a suitable way or
not. I really have tried to do my homework.
I have response variable (y) and four
2006 Oct 11
Details related to Levene's test
Dear All,
I am willing to test homogenity of variances using Levene's test. I know
how to do it with simple model, but I am lost when dealing with a
little bit more complex model.
I have response variable (y) and four factors (a, b, c, d). One of
these four factors (d) is nested within another factor (c). In addition,
I would like to take into account only 2nd degree interactions in my
2003 Nov 29
Classic Levene Test of variances
I am searching for the classic Levene test of variances in R but I don't find the function. Is there any command or do I have to programm the test by myself? Does anybody know? Help would be fine because R is very new to me.
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2018 Jan 15
About levene.test
What package(s) must I install so that I can apply the Levene' test in my
I tried 'lawstat' but dependency ?VGAM? is not available for this package.
I am using Rstudio Version 1.1.383
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2004 Dec 19
Homogeneity of variance tests between more than 2 samples (long)
Dear all
a couple of months ago i've found threads regard test that verify AnOVa
assumption on homogeneity of variances. Prof. Ripley advice LDA / QDA
procedures, many books (and many proprietary programs) advice Hartley's F_max,
Cochran's minimum/maximum variance ratio (only balanced experiments), K^2
Bartlett's test, Levene's test.
Morton B. Brown and Alan B. Forsythe in a