Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "superimposing histograms con't [Broadcast]"
2006 Jun 28
superimposing histograms con't
Earlier, I posted the following question:
I want to superimpose histograms from three populations onto the same graph,
changing the shading of the bars for each population. After consulting the
help files and the archives I cannot find out how to do this (seemly)
simple graph. To be clear, I want
- a single x axis (from -3 to 18)
- three groups of bars forming the histograms of each population
2006 Jun 28
superimposing histograms
I want to superimpose histograms from three populations onto the same graph,
changing the shading of the bars for each population. After consulting the
help files and the archives I cannot find out how to do this (seemly) simple
graph. To be clear, I want
- a single x axis (from -3 to 18)
- three groups of bars forming the histograms of each population (they will
not overlap much, but this is
2003 Apr 18
superimposing graphs
Dear People,
I have a data set of data x from a probability distribution, and I have a
function, mydensity, of the pdf of that distribution.
I'm asking for help in superimposing the histogram of x and the plot of
In the function below, I call truehist and curve, but these are plotted in
different figures.
I'd like them to be plotted on the same figure, and to use common
2010 Dec 03
mgcv package plot superimposing smoothers
Dear R help list,
I'm fitting a 'variable coefficient model' in the MGCV package and I want to
plot the different smoothers I get for each factor level in one graph.
So, I do something like this to fit the gam:
Mtest <- gam(outcome ~ s(age, by=as.numeric(gender==0)) +
Then I can plot the smoother for gender=0:
2010 Aug 13
Lattice: Superimposing histograms with different colors and transparency effects
Dear users,
I would like to plot several histograms superimposed on the same panel
with different colors, with superimposed polygons appearing with
transparency effects. I also want estimated densities to appear on the
same plot. For several reasons, including that I like it, I want to use
the lattice package.
I have several questions regarding the use of the 'histogram' function
with a
2005 Apr 19
Strange behavior in Lattice when superimposing
I am trying to do a simple superimposing of two density plots and am
seeing strange behavior (I haven't seen this reported elsewhere). This
little snipit will make it apparent...
a = rnorm(10)
b = rnorm(100, mean=-2, sd=0.5)
densityplot( ~ a + b)
This is supposed to superimpose the two distributions on the plot, as
if they were in different "groups". But the resulting
2008 Nov 14
Superimposing y-variables in Lattice formulas
Given a data frame of a categorical variable and two continuous
variables, I would like to display one continuous variable against the
other for each value of the categorical variable, all superimposed on
the same plot. For example:
data(Indometh); str(Indometh)
Classes 'nfnGroupedData', 'nfGroupedData', 'groupedData' and
'data.frame': 66 obs. of 3
2011 Jul 04
superimposing different plot types in lattice panel.superpose
I would like to plot 3 best-fit models in a single panel of a lattice plot,
superimposed on 3 corresponding datasets in the same panel. My goal is to
show the models as lines of 3 different colors, and the data as points whose
colors correspond to the model colors. In essence, I have two levels of
grouping: 1) model vs. data, and 2) model number. Since there is only one
?groups? variable, I
2004 Sep 30
histograms with more than one variable
Hello. I want to plot the distribution of a continuous variable (y) in
each of two groups on the same graph as histograms. I suppose one could
call this a 2-d histogram? Can this be done in R? Here is a typical
y group
1.2 1
3.3 1
2.4 2
5.7 1
0.2 2
Bill Shipley
Subject Matter Editor, Ecology
North American Editor, Annals of
2006 Jul 18
using split.screen? [Broadcast]
This means that the margins for 10 screens would take up more room than you
have - essentially the plot area is being squeezed to nothing. You can try
reducing your margins using par.
Also, it looks like you're trying to split into 20 screens there.
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On
2000 Jul 26
Browsing woes (con't)
As I posted a few days ago,
>> When I try to browse from, say, my Win2K desktop, I get
>> Windows is not accessible
>> The Network Name cannot be found.
>> But it _is_ accessible. SAMBA can still _see_ everything just fine - all
>> the shares show up; all the printers work. It's just that nobody can
>> browse.
I've since gone
2011 Jul 06
superimposing network graphs
Dear all,
I have a undirected network (g), representing all the sexual relationships that ever existed in a model community.
I also have a directed edgelist (e) which is a subset of the edgelist of g. e represents the transmission pathway of HIV.
Now I would like to superimpose the picture of the sexual relationships with arrows in a different colour, to indicate where in the network HIV was
2009 Sep 24
superimposing xyplots on same scale
I have two xyplots that i want to superimpose (code below). By default they
are displayed on slightly different y scales (one runs from 10 to 25, the
other from 10 to 30). I would like to force them both onto the same scale
(10 to 30) so the relation between the two is clear. Is there a way to do
thanks much
pct_compl_chart <- xyplot(pct_compl ~ date,
2007 Sep 20
Superimposing vector polygons over raster grid in a plot
I would like to superimpose vector polygons (state outlines) from a
Shape file on top of a satellite image,
imported into a SpatialGridDataFrame from GEOTIFF via gdal_translate and
When I plot polygon and point shape files in R, into
SpatialPointDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame,
the two feature sets line up geographically, so it seems logical that a
2006 Jan 11
dataframes with only one variable
Subsetting from a dataframe with only one variable
returns a vector, not a dataframe.
This seems somewhat inconsistent.
Wouldn't it be better if subsetting would respect
the structure completely?
> df1[sel1,]
[1] 1 2 3 4
> df2[sel1,]
v1 v2
1 1 4
2 2 3
3 3 2
4 4 1
2008 May 28
superposing barplots having different scales
Hello. I know how to make a bar plot in which a numeric y variable is
plotted against some grouping variable X (say, groups A, B, C) when this
grouping variable is subdivided into each of two subgroups; so the bars
would be: (group A subgroup 1) beside (group A subgroup 2), then (group B
subgroup 1) beside (group B subgroup 2), and so on. This is done using the
beside=TRUE argument in the
2008 Mar 20
[RFC/PATCH 04/15] preparation: split sysinfo defintions for kvm use
From: Christian Borntraeger <borntraeger at de.ibm.com>
drivers/s390/sysinfo.c uses the store system information intruction to query
the system about information of the machine, the LPAR and additional
hypervisors. KVM has to implement the host part for this instruction.
To avoid code duplication, this patch splits the common definitions from
sysinfo.c into a separate header file
2008 Mar 20
[RFC/PATCH 04/15] preparation: split sysinfo defintions for kvm use
From: Christian Borntraeger <borntraeger at de.ibm.com>
drivers/s390/sysinfo.c uses the store system information intruction to query
the system about information of the machine, the LPAR and additional
hypervisors. KVM has to implement the host part for this instruction.
To avoid code duplication, this patch splits the common definitions from
sysinfo.c into a separate header file
2004 Oct 01
controlling colour in Trellis histogram
Hello. I am sorry for posting a (seemingly) simple question, but I have
just spent 2 hours trying to find the answer, without success. I want
to make a histogram with conditioning on a factor, using Trellis
graphics. However, I do not want any colours (only black and white)
either in the histograms or in the strip. There must be some simple
argument but I can’t find it. Here is my code so
2005 Nov 29
Superimpose Histograms
Hi all,
I have data which is represented as a histogram and want to add more
data / another histogram to this plot using another color. That is I
need to superimpose multiple histograms.
But have no idea how to do this.
Can anybody please give me a hint?
Andreas Wilm
Institut fuer Physikalische Biologie
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf