Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "horizontal yaxis label"
2006 Jun 29
specify y axis values
Dear All,
I am looking how to specify the values on the y axis and x axis for a curve function.
curve(2*x + 3, 0,10) gives me a range of x axis in (0,2,4,6,8,10) amd for yaxis (5,10,15,20). How to do in order to have the x axis in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) and y axis in (5,6,7,8,......, 10).
Thanks a lot,
2006 Jun 08
panel.abline and xyplot
Dear All,
I am wondering on how to use the abline.xyplot with xyplot such that I will have different vertical lines for each panel. More sepcifically, suppose that the xyplot generates 4 panels defined by the combination of two binary variables: X_1 and X_2. i.e.
xyplot(Y ~ Z | X_1*X_2, data = df)
I want something like:
abline(v = 5) if X_1=0 and X_2 = 0
abline(v =
2006 Jul 07
How to change the type of segments ends?
I am trying to plot odds ratios and the corresponding confidence
intervals in horizontal segments. It would be ideal if the confidence
interval segment can be drawn with little vertical bars at both ends. I
have tried very hard to change the type of ends by using 'lend'
arguments, but cannot make it. I even tried 'arrows()', but still
failed. Following is the code I use:
2007 Oct 09
lattice/xyplot: horizontal y-axis labels with scales(relation="free")
I would like to create an xyplot with varying y-axis limits and horizontal labels at the y-axis tickmarks.
The following does not seem to work, although I think it should, going by the documentation for par.
R version 2.5.1, Windows XP Prof.
Thanks for a clue.
Andreas Krause
# axis labels for y-axis are horizontal
xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris)
2005 Sep 28
boxplot and xlim confusion?
I have some code as shown below. Basically, I would like three
boxplots to be set next to each other with no ylabels on the two
"inner" plots, and I want the same x axis range on all three. However,
it seems like boxplot does not respect the xlim setting. I've tried
the various ways I thought would work (par, boxplot(...xlim=)) but
none of them seem to work. I then tried plot.window,
2005 Sep 21
Identical data frames
Dear All,
Is there any R function to test if two data frames, say df1 and df2, having the same row names and the same column names are identiques?
Thanks in advance,
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2006 Jun 15
xyplot problem
Dear all,
I have created the following data (that you can run) in order to explain my problem:
y <- rep(c(1,2), 8)
id <- rep(1:8,each=2)
x1 <- rep(c("-a","+a"), each = 8)
x2 <- rep(c("-b","+b"), each = 2, times = 4)
x3 <- rep(c("-c", "+c"), each = 4,2)
df <- data.frame(cbind(id,y,x1,x2,x3))
If I do:
2006 Sep 16
how to rescale the limits of yaxis rather than using the data range by default?
Dear Lister,
plot() is using the data range as the default limits of yaxis. Is
there any way I can change the limits? I just look at the help of
plot() and par() and couldn't find answers.
WenSui Liu
Senior Decision Support Analyst
Health Policy and Clinical Effectiveness
Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center
2006 Jan 26
How to make two side-by side trellis plots same size
Dear Latticers,
I want to position two trellis plots of different forms
side-by-side. The plot types are slightly different,
aspect=1 required, but panels should look the same in
both plots. Current workaround uses a guessed factor.
Any way to improve this?
n1 = 20
# I cannot rbind df1 and df2, because the x-dimensions are
# different and must be scaled individually
2012 Jun 29
Data scaled by lattice::stripplot
For the following example,
> library(lattice)
> df<-data.frame(i=1:100,p=runif(100),id=rep(c('a','b'),100))
> summary(df[,'p'])
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.01165 0.33580 0.57520 0.53290 0.74540 0.98610
> stripplot(p~i|id,df)
The plot that is output is as expected with the exception that the values
are scaled by a factor of 100 in
2011 Jul 11
Stacked bar plot of frequency vs time
Hi All,
New to R, but committed. I looked in a number of places but can't figure out
my current problem. I have date of the type:
Time Type1 Type2 Type3
1 .50 .25 .25
4 .55 .25 .20
5 .65 .20 .15
which describe the frequency of types 1, 2 and 3 (adding up to 100%) over
time. I would like to create a stacked bar chart showing these
2009 Jun 02
lattice: horizontal alignment of labels in key
Dear R users
I have problems horizontally aligning labels in keys of lattice plots when the
labels make use of plotmath. Here's a self-contained example:
dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10),
y = rnorm(10),
z = factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 5)))
xyplot(y ~ x, dat, groups = z,
auto.key = list(columns = 2,
text =
2007 Oct 11
strange: yaxis inversion with zoo not possible?
hej there
I want to invert the yaxis as follows:
plot(x^2, type="h", ylim=c(0,10))
plot(x^2, type="h", ylim=c(10,0))
then doing the following it won't work - kind of strange isn't it?
plot(x.zoo, type="h", ylim=c(10,0))
plot(x.zoo, type="h", ylim=c(0,10))
how can I invert the axis with zoo objects?
2009 Nov 06
Adjusting Yaxis (ylim) limits on a plotMeans(DV, IV1, IV2, error.bars="se")
Hello everyone,
I have tried to look for this everywhere and so far have no luck. I have a
plotMeans(DV, IV1, IV2, error.bars="se") graph that plots my data
(DV-continuous, IVs are factors, IV1 - two levels, IV2-four levels). I am
trying to increase a scale of my y-axis (to be consistent with my other
graphs), but unfortunately nothing works with "plotMeans" function, which
2007 Aug 08
Help using gPath
Hi everyone,I'm trying to figure out how to use gPath and the documentation
is not very helpful :(
I have the following plot object:
guide.gTree.355:: (background.rect.345, minor-horizontal.segments.347,
minor-vertical.segments.349, major-horizontal.segments.351,
2005 May 24
How to break an axis?
Dear list,
I need to plot four almost horizontal lines with y-values around
1,3,4, 400. If I plot them directly, the first three lines will be
indiscernible so I am thinking of breaking y-axis into two parts, one
with range (0,5), another (395,400). Is there an easy way to do this?
I can think of two ways:
1. use two plots and draw axes manually. The plot margins, are however
difficult to
2006 Dec 05
Horizontal stripplot
I have a plot similar to the following
stripplot(1:15, rep(1:3, each=5))
In order to save space for a presentation, I would like to have
horizontal strips instead of vertical. The argument 'horiz' turns the
arguments around, but not the plot. The documentation for 'stripplot'
('xyplot'), 'panel.stripplot' and the FAQ do not seem to provide
2005 Nov 15
combination xyplot and barchart?
Dear R community,
I am having trouble determining how to create the graph I want
utilizing my relatively limited knowledge of R. So far I have been
using the lattice library to create most of what I need.
The dataset (enviro) consists of 2 variables (Temp and Precip) for each
Day of a 2-yr period (Year). I wish to display Temp and Precip along
the y axis plotted by Day on the x axis to allow
2004 Jan 20
lattice: adding text between grouped panels?
How one can add a text (e.g. the labels of an axis)
in a space between grouped panels which was created
by using the argument ``between''?
dotplot(variety ~ yield | site * year, data=barley,
between=list(x=c( 0, 0, 6 ))
How to add labels for the y axis in the space in the middle?
2008 Jun 12
adding horizontal lines to a trellis plot
I would like to add two horizontal lines representing acceptible drug levels to a trellis plot.
I tried using abline and I get an error that "plot.new has not been called." See below.
xyplot(FK~WEEK|Event1/MRN, data=FKdat.o1)
Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...) :
plot.new has not been called yet
Any help that can be provided