Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Accessing lme source code"
2001 Nov 29
Reset trellis plot backgroud color
I run R on Windows 2000. When I load lattice library and plot some lme class
objects, the graphic window displays a dark-green color. Graphics look ok on
the screen, but lines and points become invisible whem I send the plot to a
printer because of the background color. Are there ways to reset the
background color? Both par(bg=) and windows() do not work. Any ideas?
2005 Jan 18
Randoms interactions in lme
In lme, what's the difference between "random = ~ 1 | x / y" and "random = ~
y | x" ?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 27
Help with response CIs for lme
Can someone please offer a procedure for going from CIs produced by
intervals.lme() to fixed-effects response CIs.
Here's a simple example:
hsb.lme <- lme(mAch ~ minrty * sector, random = ~ 1 | cses, Hsb82)
(hsb.new <- data.frame
minrty = rep(c('No', 'Yes'), 2),
sector = rep(c('Public',
2006 Sep 14
plotting all subgroups with augPred
I have a question RE plotting the prediction lines of a random effects
model via augPred. I'll illustrate via the Pixel dataset within the
nlme package:
fm1Pixel = lme(pixel ~ day + I(day^2), data = Pixel, random = list(Dog =
~ 1))
plot(augPred(fm1Pixel)) ### 10 fitted lines since there are 10 dogs
fm2Pixel = update(fm1Pixel, . ~ . + Side)
2005 Oct 18
Finding code for R functions
I am trying to figure out how to find the source code for R functions. I
am specifically interested in finding the code for the "prcomp"
function. I know that typing the function name without parenthesis will
lead to the code (or to a .Internal or .FORTRAN or .C call). However, I
don't really understand what is going on. For example, typing "mean"
gives a
2011 Aug 26
methods() not listing some S3 plot methods...?
Dear List,
This may be related to this email thread initiated by Ben Bolker last
month: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-July/061630.html
In answering this Question on StackOverflow
http://stackoverflow.com/q/7195628/429846 I noticed that `methods()` was
not listing some S3 methods for `plot()` provided by the mgcv package.
At the time I wanted to check the development version of R as
2012 Aug 29
spatial correlation in lme and huge correlation matrix (memory limit)
I'm trying to introduce a (spatial) exponential correlation
structure (with range=200 and nugget.effet of 0.3) in a lme model of
this form: lme(ARBUS~YEAR, random=~1|IDSOUS).
The structure of the data is "IDSOUS" "XMIN" "YMAX" "YEAR" "ARBUS"
with 2 years of data and 5600 points for each year.
I do:
2013 Jan 13
getting TukeyHSD code
Hello R People:
Here's the Saturday night goofy question. I would like to see the
code for TukeyHSD function and I tried the following:
> getAnywhere("TukeyHSD")
A single object matching ?TukeyHSD? was found
It was found in the following places
with value
function (x, which, ordered = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...)
2004 Dec 13
R: functions problem
hi all
how can i see the code inside a particular function? i know one can
simply type the function, eg ls, but sometimes when this is done one
will get "UseMethod("some function name"). (One could also use "body"
but i have the same problem in this case. )How does one see the code in
this case?
2006 Mar 15
Log Cholesky parametrization in lme
Dear R-Users
I used the nlme library to fit a linear mixed model (lme). The random effect standard errors and correlation reported are based on a Log-Cholesky parametrization. Can anyone tell me how to get the Covariance matrix of the random effects, given the above mentioned parameters based on the Log-Cholesky parametrization??
Thanks in advance
2023 Mar 19
ver el código de randomForest
Buenos días:
Otra opción es escribir directamente el nombre de la función en la
consola de R:
> randomForest
function (x, ...)
En este caso, la función randomForest() llama a UseMethod() para
seleccionar el método adecuado.
Podemos ver los métodos para randomForest con la función methods():
> methods(randomForest)
[1] randomForest.default*
2006 May 17
Fix for augPred/gsummary problem (nlme library)
Dear R-users,
I am a newbie to this site and a relative new-comer to S/R, so please tread lightly, for you tread...
There have been several posting relating to problems with augPred() from the nlme library. Here is a "fix" for one of these problems which may lie at the root of others.
In my case the problem with augPred() lay in gsummary(), which augPred() uses, causing it to fail.
2005 Jan 14
empirical (sandwich) SE estimate in lme ()?
Is it possible to get the empirical (sandwich) S.E. estimates for the
fixed effects in lme () (thus allowing possibly correlated errors within
the group)? In SAS you can get it by the 'empirical' option to PROC MIXED.
Na (Michael) Li, Ph.D.
Division of Biostatistics A443 Mayo Building, MMC 303
School of Public Health 420 Delaware
2008 Sep 09
probably easy methods question
Dear R Gurus:
I want to look at the code for the t.test function. I did the following:
> t.test
function (x, ...)
<environment: namespace:stats>
> getAnywhere("t.test")
A single object matching 't.test' was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for t from namespace stats
2006 Apr 05
page() (Was: Re: predict.smooth.spline.fit and Recall() (Was: Re: Return function from function and Recall()))
Here I think S3 dispatch is very natural. Try the following:
page <- function(x, method = c("dput", "print"), ...) UseMethod("page")
page.getAnywhere <- function(x, ..., idx=NULL) {
name <- x$name;
objects <- x$obj;
if (length(objects) == 0)
stop("no object named '", name, "' was found");
if (is.null(idx)) {
2006 Apr 23
lme: null deviance, deviance due to the random effects, residual deviance
A maybe trivial and stupid question:
In the case of a lm or glm fit, it is quite informative (to me) to have
a look to the null deviance and the residual deviance of a model. This
is generally provided in the print method or the summary, eg:
Null Deviance: 658.8
Residual Deviance: 507.3
and (a bit simpled minded) I like to think that the proportion of
deviance 'explained' by the
2004 Jan 16
Another wishlist for R
First, a big thanks to all of the developers and users that have worked to
make R such useful software. It is only because I find the software so useful
that I have the following opinions.
A recent post to R-devel listed the 'Top 10 Features' for one person. I found
it to be quite an interesting read. Over the past couple of years I have
assembled my own lists.
Retrospective. Some of
2024 Sep 21
model.matrix() may be misleading for "lme" models
Dear list members,
After further testing, I found that the following simplified version of
model.matrix.lme(), which omits passing xlev to the default method, is
more robust. The previous version generated spurious warnings in some
model.matrix.lme <- function(object, ...){
data <- object$data
if (is.null(data)){
2005 Jan 26
Specification of factorial random-effects model
I want to specify two factors and their interaction as random effects using
the function lme(). This works okay when I specify these terms using the
function Error() within the function aov(), but I can't get the same model
fitted using lme(). The code below illustrates the problem.
a <- factor(rep(c(1:3), each = 27))
b <- factor(rep(rep(c(1:3), each = 9), times = 3))
c <-
2006 Jan 18
Help with mixed effects models
Dear R-users
I have problems using lme
The model i want to fit can be viewed as a two-level bivariate model
Two-level bivariate: bivariate (S coded as -1,T coded as 1) endpoint within trial
It can equivalently be considered as a three-level model.Three-level: endpoint within patient, patient within trial.
My code tries to model the levels through a RANDOM statement and a