similar to: FW: How to create a new package?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "FW: How to create a new package?"

2006 Dec 12
Hi everyone, I have different listboxes in the same toplevel window. The problem is, if I select (by left clicking) one of those listbox elements, the current selection in the other listboxes is cleared! Anybody knows how I can prevent this? Thanks, --------------------------------------------------- Rita Sousa DME - ME: Departamento de Metodologia Estatística - Métodos Estatísticos INE -
2007 Sep 20
Package Survey
Hello, How I use the function as.svrepdesign without memory.size problems? desenho_npc_JK <- as.svrepdesign(desenho_npc,type="JKn") Error: cannot allocate vector of size 161.3 Mb In addition: Warning messages: 1: Reached total allocation of 1022Mb: see help(memory.size) 2: Reached total allocation of 1022Mb: see help(memory.size) 3: Reached total allocation of 1022Mb:
2008 Oct 22
Package survey
Hi, I’m using the svyby for total statistics, for example: svyby(~p_igov,~div_a,desenho_nps,svytotal,drop.empty.groups=TRUE,vartype =c("se","var","cvpct")) In the numerical variable p_igov (and others) I have many non responses but if I maintain the NA it doesn’t work. summary(base_nps$p_igov) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
2006 Mar 10
Linux editor like WinEdt?
Hi to all, I initiate in R - Linux and I've some problems to find an editor with R interface as like RWinEdt for WinEdt. Anyone know one? Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Best regards Atenciosamente Ana Patricia Martins ------------------------------------------- Serviço Métodos Estatísticos Departamento de Metodologia Estatística Telef: 218 426 100 - Ext: 3210
2006 Aug 18
Boxplot Help
Hello R-users and developers, Once again, I'm asking for your help. I can identify outliers in boxplot with this instruction result <- boxplot( Income ~ Sex, col = "lightgray", data=dados) if (length(result$out)) text(result$group, result$out, result$out, pos = 4, col = "red") But I can not identify the outlier's id (variable names) in the boxplot.
2006 Feb 01
problem with cbind
Hello, I think this is Sill question but it's happens...... am$e_isell <- factor( with( am, ifelse( e_iacc == 1 & C5 == 1, 1, 0))) summary (am$e_isell) 0 1 3966 296 (Ok) am$e_isell [4256] [1] 1 Levels: 0 1 (OK) cbind( am$e_isell[4256], am$C6[4256]) [,1] [,2] [1,] "2" "1" (??) cbind( am$e_isell[4256]) [,1]
2007 Jun 25
simultaneous actions of grep ???
Hello R-users and developers, Once again, I'm asking for your help. There is other way to do the same more easily for applied simultaneous grep??? c<-subset(c,!rownames(c) %in% grep(".1",rownames(c),value=T)) c<-subset(c,!rownames(c) %in% grep(".5",rownames(c),value=T)) c<-subset(c,!rownames(c) %in% grep(".6",rownames(c),value=T))
2007 Jun 19
: create a PDF file (text (print list) and grafics)
Dear helpers, I need help to create a PDF file like the example ----------------------------------- | Title | ----------------------------------- | | | Text (print a list) | | | ----------------------------------- | | | | | | | image | image | | | | | | | -----------------------------------
2007 May 04
decimal values
hello, how can I do to drop decimal after the comma please for example for tthis line > print(P) [1] 62.000000 1.000000 7.661290 5.200000 17.100000 2.318801 how canI do to keep only 62 1 7.66 5.2 17.1 2.32 thanks __________________________________________________ ble contre les messages non sollicités [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 17
Function for computing the difference between 2 dates in months
Folks: With the help of David L. Reiner, I've developed a function that computes the number of months between 2 dates, x and y. num.months <- function ( x , y ) { x <- as.Date( x ) y <- as.Date( y ) seeq <- seq(from=x , to=y , by="months") ans <- length( seeq ) - 1 if ( max( seeq) > y ) ans <- ans -1 ans } To ease your reading this function, I've
2007 Feb 21
file path
Hello, It is possible to return the path of the current working R-file (in execution)? Thanks, Rita Sousa. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Apr 10
means in tables
Hi. I have 2 tables, with same dimensions (8000 x 5). Something like: tab1: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 14.23 1.71 2.43 15.6 127 13.20 1.78 2.14 11.2 100 13.16 2.36 2.67 18.6 101 14.37 1.95 2.50 16.8 113 13.24 2.59 2.87 21.0 118 tab2: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 1.23 1.1 2.3 1.6 17 1.20 1.8 2.4 1.2 10 1.16 2.6 2.7 1.6 11 1.37 1.5 2.0 1.8 13 1.24 2.9 2.7 2.0 18 I need generate a table of averages, the
2010 May 05
Latex and Stangle()
Hi, I'm using the Sweave and I would like include codes of the R in my LaTeX file. I extracts the R code with Stangle (), whose name is Relatorio.R but I can't include it in the Latex file as an appendix. Suggests? Thanks, -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2020 May 04
error in message printed by L-BFGS-B
Hi I have a FORTRAN version of the L-BFGS-B algorithm and I was comparing it to the code in the lbfgsb.c file available at R-4.0.0.tar.gz Everithing looks the same, except for those two lines that must be printed by the prn3lb function in case of an error (lines 3559 and 3561 in lbfgsb.c): case -5: Rprintf("l(%d) > u(%d). No feasible solution", k, k); break; case -7:
2005 May 06
Change class factor to numeric
I am attempting to develop a multiple regression model using selected model variables that should all be treated as numeric (mostly real) values. However, R considers one specific variable "mass" automatically to be of class "factor", probably because "mass" consists of integer values that are repeated. I now want to force R to treat "mass" as a numeric
2005 Oct 31
Applying a function to a vector
I have defined a function to compute the value of a beta distribution of the second kind (the existing beta distribution of th stats package is the beta distribution of the first kind). It works perfectly for a single value, but I want to apply it to a vector of 22 000 values. I can use a loop for the calculation of each value but it runs very very slowly. So, what can I change ? Hers's the
2009 Dec 14
Logit Estimation with Panel Data
Hi all! Do you know if there is any R function/package that can be used to estimate "logit" models with panel data and forecasting? Thanks, Moysés. -- Moysés Nascimento Bacharel em Estatística/UFES Mestre em Estatística Aplicada e Biometria/UFV Doutorando em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária/UFLA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 13
Hi, I want to build the table of a football league with 11 teams. All play together. So will 55 games. Since there are an odd number of teams in each round a team will not play. The games will be: games = urnsamples(1:11, x = c('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K'), size=2, replace=F,
2012 Nov 08
Extracting columns
Hi, I have 22 files (A1, A2, ..., A22) with different number of columns, totaling 10,000 columns: c1, c2, c3, ..., c10000 I have another file with a list of 100 columns that I need to extract. These 100 columns are distributed in 22 files. How to extract the 100 columns of the 22 files? I have done it "manually" with the following commands, for example: cromo1 = read.table ("~
2010 Mar 24
Hi, I have this data set: obitoss = c( 5.8,17.4,5.9,17.6,5.8,17.5,4.7,15.8, 3.8,13.4,3.8,13.5,3.7,13.4,3.4,13.6, 4.4,17.3,4.3,17.4,4.2,17.5,4.3,17.0, 4.4,13.6,5.1,14.6,5.7,13.5,3.6,13.3, 6.5,19.6,6.4,19.4,6.3,19.5,6.0,19.7) (dados = data.frame( regiao = factor(rep(c('Norte', 'Nordeste', 'Sudeste', 'Sul', 'Centro-Oeste'), each=8)), ano =