similar to: why does arima returns "NAN" standard error?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "why does arima returns "NAN" standard error?"

2017 Jun 20
How to write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from R output?
I'm trying to use the following command. arima (x, order = c(p,d,q), seasonal =list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=s) How can I write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from the outputs. To be specifically, which sign to use? I know R uses a different signs from S plus. Is it correct that the model is: (1-ar1*B-ar2*B^2-...)(1-sar1*B^s-sar2*B^2s-....)(1-B)^d(1-B^s)^D
2009 Jan 23
forecasting error?
Hello everybody! I have an ARIMA model for a time series. This model was obtained through an auto.arima function. The resulting model is a ARIMA(2,1,4)(2,0,1)[12] with drift (my time series has monthly data). Then I perform a 12-step ahead forecast to the cited model... so far so good... but when I look the plot of my forecast I see that the result is really far from the behavior of my time
2004 Mar 22
problem with seasonal arima
hallo to all I've to calculate an arima model and I need only the first and 365 th parameter and also the sar1 and the intercept, so I'm traing with: arima(X,order=c(365,0,0),seasonal=list(order=c(1,0,0),..),fixed=c(NA,rep(0,363),NA,NA,NA), but the error answer is: Error in polyroot(z) : polynomial degree too high (49 max) also there are problems in allocating memory
2023 Jan 05
R 'arima' discrepancies
Rob J Hyndman gives great explanation here ( for reasons why results from R's arima may differ from other softwares. @iacobus, to cite one, 'Major discrepancies between R and Stata for ARIMA' (, assign the, sometimes, big diferences from R
2009 Mar 30
Possible bug in summary.survfit - 'scale' argument ignored?
Hi all, Using: R version 2.8.1 Patched (2009-03-07 r48068) on OSX (10.5.6) with survival version: Version: 2.35-3 Date: 2009-02-10 I get the following using the first example in ?summary.survfit: > summary( survfit( Surv(futime, fustat)~1, data=ovarian)) Call: survfit(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian) time n.risk n.event survival
2012 Feb 08
How to have columns lined up?
Hi there, Everytime when I paste My R output in WORD, the columns couldn't line up nicely like they appear in R console. Is there a way to fix this problem? Thanks for any help! time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI 6 21 3 0.857 0.0764 0.707 1.000 7 17 1 0.807 0.0869 0.636 0.977 10 15 1
2004 Jul 01
[gently off topic] arima seasonal question
Hello R People: When using the arima function with the seasonal option, are the seasonal options only good for monthly and quarterly data, please? Also, I believe that weekly and daily data are not appropriate for seasonal parm estimation via arima. Is that correct, please? Thanks, Sincerely, Laura Holt mailto: lauraholt_983 at download!
2007 Apr 17
Extracting approximate Wald test (Chisq) from coxph(..frailty)
Dear List, How do I extract the approximate Wald test for the frailty (in the following example 17.89 value)? What about the P-values, other Chisq, DF, se(coef) and se2? How can they be extracted? ######################################################> kfitm1 Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + disease + frailty(id, dist = "gauss"), data = kidney)
2006 Apr 27
State space AR models in R: some examples
Hi all, Does anyone have an example of an autoregressive (AR) time-series model specified as a state space model in R? That is, I want to go beyond the locally linear (constant) model, and fit the following Gaussian AR state process model: Xt = a + (1+b)*Xt-1 + epsilon ,where the model for the observation process is Yt = Xt + tau I have information of the tau's (observation variance)
2012 Feb 09
Finding all the coefficients for a logit model
Let's say I have a variable, day, which is saved as a factor with 7 levels, and I use it in a logistic regression model. I ran the model using the car package in R and printed out the results. mod1 = glm(factor(status1) ~ factor(day), data=mydat, family=binomial(link="logit")) print(summary(mod1)) The result I get is: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value
2002 Sep 23
arima() in package ts.
I've been trying to get comfy with arima() and associated functions in the ts() package. I'm thinking seriously about using this package, and R generally, in a 4th year intro time series course that I'm teaching this autumn. I have a couple of questions about arima: (1) The help file says that residuals component of the value returned by arima() consists of the
2011 Sep 26
horizontal labels for a dendrogram
Dear R-help list, I'd like to create visualize the clustering of a dataset with a dendrogram. I'm using the following script: data = read.table("data.csv", header=T, sep=";") require(cluster) res = as.dendrogram(agnes(data)) chlab <- function(n) { if(is.leaf(n)) { att <- attributes(n) labx <- data$category1[att$label] lab_color <- ifelse(labx ==
2011 Dec 17
auto.arima from the Forecast package
Hi, I've got a little problem using auto.arima. I run the following command auto.arima(drivers,ic="aic",d=1,D=1,max.order=10,max.p=5,max.q=5,max.P=5,max.Q=5,stepwise=FALSE,allowdrift=FALSE) and I get the following output : Series: drivers ARIMA(0,1,1)(5,1,1)[12] Coefficients: ma1 sar1 sar2 sar3 sar4 sar5 sma1 -0.6421
2008 Nov 20
Reformatting a table
Hi !            I am new to R. Can somebody help me in reformatting huge output files ,i.e, rearranging sets of columns in specific order. For example: I have data for three compunds 1, 2 and 3 file1: ID CA1 CA3 CA2 MA2 MA1 MA3 1 14 15 13 7 12 3 2 19 7 12 10 14 5 3 21 12 19 6 8 9   to File 2:   ID CA1 CA2 CA3 MA1 MA2 MA3 1 14 13 15 12 7 3 2 19 12 7 14 10 5 3 21 19 12 8 6 9   or File3: ID
2010 Jul 15
I can't figure out my plm model. Any ideas?
Dear R users, I am using plm packege in R to build my model, but from the result I can't quite figure out what it is... Can anyone tell me why? Am I missing something? R Results: *> ar1<-plm(formula=ADOP~lag(ADOP,1)+PE+WOR, + data=well, effect="time",model="within") > summary(ar1)* Oneway (time) effect Within Model Call: plm(formula = ADOP ~ lag(ADOP, 1) + PE
2000 Nov 07
coercion of LHS to a list
I'm using R to manipulate some data for testing nebulisers. I have a data frame as follows: Volt ABal 0.4208 A1 0.3982 AF 0.4353 B1 0.3954 BF 0.4355 C1 0.3975 CF 0.4345 I also have a calibration curve loaded Voltage NaF LogNaF 1 0.3588 20 1.30103 2 0.3990 100 2.00000 3 0.4391 500 2.69897 If I try to
2011 Sep 09
Different results with arima in R 2.12.2 and R 2.11.1
Hello , I have estimated the following model, a sarima: p=9 d=1 q=2 P=0 D=1 Q=1 S=12 In R 2.12.2 Call: arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = S), optim.control = list(reltol = tol)) Coefficients: ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 ar5 ar6 ar7 ar8 ar9 0.3152 0.8762 -0.4413 0.0152 0.1500 0.0001 -0.0413 -0.1811
2010 Jul 15
scope of an argument in a function
Hi I am trying to define a function fu() in the following way but when I try to run I get the error that ma1 is not found. I am not sure where I am going wrong? Does the scope of ma1 not extend to an expr.frame object? expr.frame() is under library tradesys. function (y,ma1,ma2) { x <- y[, c("Open","Close")] d <- expr.frame(x, list(MAf=quote(SMA(Close, ma1)),
2011 Nov 14
string to list()
I can get an array of strings for the data that I want using 'paste()' as follows: paste('ma', 1:am$arma[2], '=', coef(am)[1:am$arma[2] + am$arma[1]], sep='') This results in a vector of strings like: [1] "ma1=1.17760133668255" "ma2=0.649795570407939" "ma3=0.329456750858276" What I would like is <-
2008 Jul 06
lattice question
I'm creating a lattice barchart based off a pretty complicated data structure. The barchart comes out quite nice ( thanks to lattice ) but the problem is that the horizontal axis comes out all scrunched because the barchart doesn't know that the intervals of Var.1 are really "associated" with the conditioning variable Var.2. Therefore, all the intervals of Var.1 are put on