Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "interpolating a lot of data at once"
2013 Mar 14
ggplot2 problem
Hello all!
I have a problem with ggplot2 library. I want to do an heat map and the y
variables are the year months. If I use the following code, he y values are
in alphabetical order, but I want it in month order.
The code is:
p <- ggplot(data.m, aes(variable, Month)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value),
2011 May 05
quick question : interpolating file name in pipe command
Hi Guys
I am trying to read a bunch of files in the loop but pipe function
which I use to cut few columns is somehow unable to interpolate the
file variable.
> file="check.txt"
> data <- read.table(pipe("cut -f 2,3 file"), sep="\t", col.names=c('pos','cov') )
cut: file: No such file or directory
how can I pass variable file to pipe
2010 Jan 11
Dear R-users,
I have a complex line by xy-values (ordered by z).
And I would like to get interpolated y-values on the positions of x = 0:600.
How do I get the correct points?
2001 Dec 19
Interpolating variables into quoted strings
I am new to R and am coming from a Perl background. I have had trouble
figuring out from the documentation how to interpolate a variable into a
quoted string (if it's possible). This seems to be necessary when writing a
script that must print out strings (for example plot legends) whose content
is calculated during the execution of the script.
In perl I could write:
$name =
2009 Jan 14
publication statistics from Web of Science
Dear list,
This is a bit of an off-topic question, but I'm hoping to get some
advice from more experienced people. I've used the website "Web of
Science" to manually collect publication counts responding to several
keywords as a function of date, since the 1960s.
http://apps.isiknowledge.com/RAMore.do?product=UA&search_mode=&SID=P1g9lFJp9 at
2011 Nov 16
Interpolating hourly basis
I have a huge data set in the form of
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
1 201005010000201005010000 1.68291.38 1 0
2 201005010000201005010300 0.93335.10 1 0
3 201005010000201005010600 2.25 57.38 1 0
4 201005010000201005010900 0.43 13.76 1 0
5 201005010000201005011200 0.74101.14 1 0
I am interested in interpolating it on an hour basis(it's for avery
2002 Feb 08
Plotting multiple columns on same graph
I'd like to produce a series of simple line graphs for my methods class
that show the three questions used on a repeated survey to make up a
particular index. The data frame is:
> efficacy.df
year complicated havesay dontcare
1 1952 71 68 63
2 1954 NA NA NA
3 1956 64 71 71
4 1958 NA NA NA
5 1960
2013 Mar 12
extract values
Hello all!
I have a problem to extract values greater that for example 1820.
I try this code: x[x[,1]>1820,]->x1
Please help me!
Thank you!
The data structure is:
structure(c(2.576, 1.728, 3.434, 2.187, 1.928, 1.886, 1.2425,
1.23, 1.075, 1.1785, 1.186, 1.165, 1.732, 1.517, 1.4095, 1.074,
1.618, 1.677, 1.845, 1.594, 1.6655, 1.1605, 1.425, 1.099, 1.007,
1.1795, 1.3855, 1.4065, 1.138, 1.514,
2005 Jun 01
StructTS and arima and missing values
Dear List,
I am thinking about ways in which I might analyse some stratigraphic
data. The nature of the data series I have generates a number of issues:
1) The data I have in mind come from a sediment core sequence taken from
the bottom of a lake. The sequence is sliced into a priori defined
slices, in this case 0.2cm per slice. in this way a sequence of 0.2cm
slices is produced for the
2013 Mar 13
merge datas
Hello all!
I have a problem with R. I try to merge data like this:
structure(c(2.1785, 1.868, 2.1855, 2.5175, 2.025, 2.435, 1.809,
1.628, 1.327, 1.3485, 1.4335, 2.052, 2.2465, 2.151, 1.7945, 1.79,
1.6055, 1.616, 1.633, 1.665, 2.002, 2.152, 1.736, 1.7985, 1.9155,
1.7135, 1.548, 1.568, 1.713, 2.079, 1.875, 2.12, 2.072, 1.906,
1.4645, 1.3025, 1.407, 1.5445, 1.437, 1.463, 1.5235, 1.609, 1.738,
2008 Jul 28
Interpolating a line and then summing there values for a diurnal oxygen curve (zoo object)
#I would like to interpolate a straight line between 06/08/06 04:16:00 -
06/08/06 20:31:00 with values and then sum them. This is an estimate of
ecosystem #respiration and I will be using this in a larger context(48 days
of these diurnal curves), but for right now I am just trying to figure out
how to do it for this one #day example. I have some other code for
Ecosystem (stream) Metabolism that
2013 Apr 07
group data in classes
Hello all!
I have a problem to group my data (years) in 10 years classes. For example
for year
year decade
1598 1590-1600
1599 1590-1600
1600 1590-1600
1601 1600-1610
my is like this>
[1] 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611
[16] 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626
[31] 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633
2023 Oct 26
Plot for 10 years extrapolation
Dear R-Experts,
Here below my R code working but I don't know how to complete/finish my R code to get the final plot with the extrapolation for the10 more years.
Indeed, I try to extrapolate my data with a linear fit over the next 10 years. So I create a date sequence for the next 10 years and store as a dataframe to make the prediction possible.
Now, I am trying to get the plot with the
2007 Oct 01
merging, interpolating two simulataneous time series
I have a time series for two variables measured simultaneously, but at
different intervals. The variables are not independent, so the patterns
in the times series are very similar (one variable goes up when the
other goes up, etc).
For example, let's pretend my data look something like this (but with
more noise)...
var1_times<-c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
2009 Jan 27
Data Frame Manipulation: Time Series
Dear R Helpers:
I have a data set where the unit of observation is country-year. I would like to generate a new data set based on some inclusionary (exclusionary) criteria. Here is an example of the type of data that I have.
df<-data.frame(cbind("country"=c(rep("Angola", 9), rep("Burundi", 7), rep("Chad", 13)), "year"=c(1975:1983, 1989:1995,
2017 Jul 05
Help with reshape/reshape2 needed
Hi all:
I'm struggling with getting my data re-formatted using functions in
reshape/reshape2 to get from:
1957 0.862500000
1958 0.750000000
1959 0.300000000
1960 0.287500000
1963 0.675000000
1964 0.937500000
1965 0.025000000
1966 0.387500000
1969 0.087500000
1970 0.275000000
1973 0.500000000
1974 0.362500000
1976 0.925000000
1978 0.712500000
1979 0.337500000
1980 0.700000000
1981 0.425000000
2013 Mar 29
problem with data
Hello all!
I have a problem with my data in R. When I want to plot the following data,
I have a problem with y scale. The maximum value is cc. 10 degrees and in R
is about 100.
I use this code:
# here are the years:
x <- as.numeric(rownames(fasy))
# extract a series that you want to plot:
2011 Dec 12
Colours for sunflowerplot
Dear fellow R users,
I would like to draw a "sunflowerplot" because I have data (decade by
month) that plots multiple times on the same x-y co-ordinates. Further I
would like to colour each of the points/sunflower leaves on the plot
according to the group they belong to (i.e. which type of event each
represents within that decade and month). I thought that this would be
2002 May 31
error in seq.POSIXt?
I am trying to extract only the winters (defined to be 01-Dec through
28-Feb) of daily data from 1948-2002. There are 90 days in each winter
season. I wrote the following code to gather the winter dates into a
single vector:
for(year in 1949:1999) {
temp.begin <- strptime(paste("01/12", year-1, sep="/"), "%d/%m/%Y")
temp.end <-
2003 Jan 30
nearest neighbour interpolation
Dear Help List,
My name is Matt Oliver. I have been using R for about a year and find it very
helpful. However, I have a need for a function that I cannot find. I am not very
good at programming so I thought I would ask the group.
I have an irregular grid of data (x = Longitude, y = Latitude). Each pair of my x,y
has a categorical value. Obviously linear or any other numerically based